How to Fix iPhone Application crashing issue

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How to Fix iPhone Application crashing issue

If you are having trouble with an iPhone application downloaded from the App Store where it opens up and immediately exits (crashes) every time you try to launch it then here are some solutions that you might want to try out to resolve the problem. It appears that the reason...

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  • eurodipity
    eurodipity Posts: 1
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    I want to get an iPhone!! but is too expensive in my country jet. :(

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    Kind of ironic that all the reasons people told us to stay away from jailbreaking phones are now playing out with Apple sanctioned firmare 2.0.

  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    I had this problem when I first got the new iPhone. I think it had something to do with me restoring my old restore from my old iPhone which was jailbroken because when I started fresh the issue went away. Not sure if it was a coincidence or not.

  • byronchurch
    byronchurch Posts: 8
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    I find I have to reboot after playing with a lot of new software . Probably will have to wait for the jailbreak to get a reset button .

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    This worked! The erase and re:boot but now if I am writing a text or surfing the web the phone will go into sleep mode and crash.

    Same happens when on a call. The screen will take some time to come out of sleep mode no matter home many times you hit the home button. its not the phone I see it happening with two other folks in my office who have the old iphone and want 1.1.4 back on their phones pronto....

  • Érico
    Érico Posts: 1
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    Using WinSCP I erase all the folders and files of my iphone. The iphone is completely stucked and itunes does not recognize it. Wright know I can not put my iphone in Recovery Mode for restore. Can you help me?

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I know what you mean, I used a jailbroken iphone 2G and never had a problem, I had about 30 apps/games on there.
    I experienced crashing apps after 3 or 4 days of using apps/games sanctioned by apple on my 3G iphone. Ironic hey, should we all just wait for the v2.0 jailbreak, it seems the hacking community can do the job better :)

    To fix crashes, I just re-installed the apps that were affected, problem is, all game saves are lost too as all app data is removed when a program is removed :p Cheers apple, your advertising is slick, but you have stopped backing it up these days with the 'hassle free' osx.

  • papaboombox
    papaboombox Posts: 1
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    I just had the same problem today. I bought an iphone and unlocked it for my tmobile sim, and everything worked grand. then the apps randomly stopped working. i panicked, but i found by deleting, then re-installing one app, it fixed the problem for the other apps as well. i cant afford to restore that **** every time this happends.

  • Janice
    Janice Posts: 2
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    After using a handful of apps for several days... *ALL* of them stopped work at the same time. (They now just run/exit immediately.)

    So that's not "just delete the app" to fix it.

    Which app? All apps?

  • Mary
    Mary Posts: 6
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    I had the same problem:

    After using a handful of apps for several days... *ALL* of them stopped work at the same time. (They now just run/exit immediately.)

    I'm running iPhone v2.0.1.

    Shutdown does NOT fix anything.

    This problem happens after I try to copy
    something to the iPhone using iTunes.

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    My iphone does the same thing, apps quit upon launch and in the ipod section it says no music content (yet I put a bunch of g's on it and it says I did in itunes on the computer). One thing important I have learned (after days and days of trying everything) is not to have Classic OS9 running!!!!

  • John Bowers
    John Bowers Posts: 1
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    This also fixes problems of applications randomly crashing (not just at startup). My users were experience problems where the app would run for 45 seconds and then crash and I recommended they reinstall because of the App store DRM issues and it has fixed the problem.

  • Rusil Patel
    Rusil Patel Posts: 1
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    If you've jail broken your phone and installed KATE from the Installer, that could be causing your Phone App to crash. I read that on a post here:
    it seemed to fix my problem =).

    I am happy again!

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    This post was GREAT.... Helped out my DataCase app problem!!!

  • Michael Olivero
    Michael Olivero Posts: 1
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    The solution is quite simple. iTunes 7.7.1 has issues with digital rights management. For details on how to resolve and downgrade see my post here:

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    I have been restoring my phone every 2 days... because any one application can crash the phone.. screen just to blank

  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    Uninstalling Kate worked for me...Thx!!

  • J.P Munoz
    J.P Munoz Posts: 1
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    Michael Olivero, i have been having to restore my phone about every 24 hours i went to the apple store sat with a genius and they gave me a new phone. i came home hoping, the problem is fixed. I installed all apps and music, about three hours later opened an app and crash. have you figured anything out? i am downgrading to itunes 7.7 and hoping to go it works before i throw my phone at the wall.

  • jp munoz
    jp munoz Posts: 1
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    please someone email me if you figure something out i am desperate.

  • wayne
    wayne Posts: 13
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    does anyone know how to stop the phone in the phone side from freezing,the voice mail and keypads freeze and wont let me do anything,please help.thanks

  • wayne
    wayne Posts: 13
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    i meant to say the phone side in the iphone 3g,from freezing and the keypads or any icons dont work,it exits you after 5 seconds

  • chuck
    chuck Posts: 15
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    I have the same problem. My apps keep crashing. I am waiting for the update. I can't beleive we spend so much money on this phone and have all this problems. Apple better fix this issue!

  • Kiplin
    Kiplin Posts: 1
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    The deleting/re-syncing works fine for me. Only had the phone 2 days, all default, only have 5 apps, but the hard reboot didn't work, but deleting and re-synincing with iTunes works (lets see for how long). Thanks!

  • RebelOz69
    RebelOz69 Posts: 1
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    The only long-term fix I've found, is to Open iTunes, deauthorize, then re-authorize my iTunes account, then re-sync.

  • Shelbie
    Shelbie Posts: 2
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    The crash-freeze-return-to-home-screen problem is related to itunes permissions. Usually happens if your Internet died during a sync. Simple soultion: go to the app stow on your iPhone. Download a free app (any free app will do.) iTunes/app store will likely ask you for your username & password. Let the app download. Launch it. Then go back to one of your crashing apps, and it should be all fixed. Just a permissions glitch with iTunes and app store, whichcan be easily fixed without restoring your whole phone...

  • hamid
    hamid Posts: 6
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    i have a problem with my iphone v2.1 every time i try to instore application it give me an error how can you help with that?

  • hamid
    hamid Posts: 6
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    i have a problem with my iphone v2.1 every time i try to instore application it give me an error how can you help with that?

  • hamid
    hamid Posts: 6
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    how do you deal with a problem like this when you in store something its say your URL using
    bad/illegal format or missing URL?

  • alaqs
    alaqs Posts: 1
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    Ok I have Iphone V 2.2 Jailbroken phone. Well the problem started today I dont know why but I install other tweaks from cydia and installer but now my Phone application wont open it would jus open an close back immediately so I cant make any calls or dial or even check recent calls. I already remove the tewaks I installed with cydia and installer but the phone app still isnt working, I really dont want to hard restore my phone any can help me fix this problem please, thanks in advanced.

  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    Delete and reinstall one app and it fixes all. This seems to be the easiest fix. Prayerfully apple will put their money where their mouth is and fix this frustration soon.