PdaNet Turns your iPhone into a Wi-Fi Router



  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    How much data transfer would make ATT suspicious? It works great but I don't want to get spanked with a big bill from ATT.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
    via Wordpress

    How much data transfer would make ATT suspicious? It works great but I don't want to get spanked with a big bill from ATT.

  • Sripathi
    Sripathi Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    I have IBM thinkpad and it comes with Thinkvantage Access connections to handle the setting up of wired & wireless networks. Its not allowing me to setup an adhoc network with DHCP, asking me to enter static ip. I gave as ip address, Subnet mass and Default gateway of Both iphone and PC are recognizing each other and iphone is taking an ip address of entirely different range. PDAnet able to detect my Edge connection, but keep saying to disconnect and reconnect to PC and relaunch the program and I am unble to connect to the net so far.

  • Chuck5150
    Chuck5150 Posts: 1
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    How much data can you use before ATT will notice and possibly cause some trouble?

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Pdanet was working perfectly fine for me for a while. Now all of a sudden when i connect my iphone to the ad-hoc my laptop shows it is connected and so does pdanet but my laptop says there is no internet connection. I have tried everything and it still wont work. Also, the pdanet says I have 0/0 bytes 0 connections and 0 DNS. Am i missing or doing something wrong?

  • Darrell
    Darrell Posts: 7
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    I just downloaded this to my iPhone 2.2 3G and it works great, connects exactly as the instructions say it does

  • ericq
    ericq Posts: 1
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    Does anyone know how much web traffic/downloads you can use before AT&T knows you are tethering?

  • Glen
    Glen Posts: 12
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    PDAnet is outstanding... Can use the iPhone for games etc etc...However version revisons state that PDAnet supports VPN connections .... not so unless im doing something wrong... I use a work laptop and we use Cisco VPN .. it will not connect --- error 412 the remote host has timed out.. plug in a normal modem and bang connects first time.... anyone else got this issue ?? Is it a trial limitation ?


  • Tomas
    Tomas Posts: 3
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    Is it possible to connect multiple computers to a PDA Net enabled iPhone like a real wifi router?

    Does anybody have experience using this with Claro in Argentina?


  • Aiden M.
    Aiden M. Posts: 1
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    I was tethering just fine, with Vista. This is a wonderful program. All of a sudden though, my ad-hoc networks on Vista (that I set up to use for tethering) are no longer broadcasting any signal. Thus my iphone can not see the networks to join them. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

  • bennett
    bennett Posts: 0
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  • fujitivo1do
    fujitivo1do Posts: 3
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    Is there any way to connect a ps3 to the internet using pdanet and iphone

  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    Confirmed working on V2.2

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    I am having major problems. Iphone is o2 UK, iphone 3g, 2.2.1 (5H11).

    1) In USB mode, I am able to get the desktop client to connect for about 3 minutes. I can browse the web at good speeds. Then for no reason, and without displaying a notification of any kind, the connection drops. If I hover over the desktop client icon in system tray, it will then say "Ready to connect". When I go to reconnect, I get "pairing error err=0xE8000001" and no connection. If I completely exit the client software, reconnect the iphone and restart the client, then I am able to achieve connection for another 3 minutes, but then the problem reoccurs.

    This happens when the iphone has connectivity on both a wifi and 3g network.

    2) When using wifi router mode, the ad-hoc network is created successfully and the iphone joins it without a problem. But I am rarely able to get internet connection on my laptop after the connection. I don't receive any specific error codes (everything looks like it is working, but in IE and Firefox all I get is 404s).

    Can anyone suggest any ideas? Thanks.

  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    I was talking to a att rep and eventually she figured out i jailbroke my iphone and i admited it she said that att doesnt care about that because the phone is mine and i paid for it i can do whatever i want to it, so i asked her about data usage and how much of the unlimited i could use and she used some program on her computer and typed in 100 gigs to see if there would be a restriction on that much but she made a typo and put 1 terabyte and it still can back as ok. she said unlimited internet means unlimited internet. she did say maybe if i used alot of data att they might notice but she doubted it. still, i might be cautious. Ive been on the internet for a while already and im using pdanet right now.

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    Thanks so much!

    This is well explained and very simple to follow. I'm using this setup on a Droidx with a home brew WinXP computer, along with 3 WinXP Laptops, works perfectfor me.....

    Thanks again

  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
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    Do I have to have a Wifi connection on my Iphone for this to work?

  • raullando
    raullando Posts: 1
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    work very very very fine. It's better that mywi.
    My iphone not work with mywi but now is perfect and more quick.
    Very Thanks!!!

  • james moore
    james moore Posts: 1
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    ko. i had it for the htc droid eri and it wsa alright. got my new iphone 4 and it stunk. it cept cuttin off and losin service. but i downloaded something called mywi and i never get cut off or anything. i get 10 to 11 mb's a sec which is pretty good. just as good as cable or sat internet. i download movies and music and havent been charged nothing extra on my verizon line. yall should give it a try
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    Has anyone on this forum ever had a PDANET error 31 (state 5)on windows 7 while attempting USB tethering before? If so, is there a fix?
  • Device Gadget
    Device Gadget Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    For information about the full article "iOS 4.3 lets iPhone 4 host wifi over 3G"http://devicegadget.com/apple/ios-4-3-lets-iphone-4-host-wifi-3g/1320/Thx.. ;)
  • HNL
    HNL Posts: 1
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    All this hassle makes me think I should just get a Droid. What's so much better about the iphone anyway?
  • Claire
    Claire Posts: 6
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    How do I stop my network realising I'm tethering? I'm on Three.
  • Gligorio
    Sripathi said:

    I have IBM thinkpad and it comes with Thinkvantage Access connections to handle the setting up of wired & wireless networks. Its not allowing me to setup an adhoc network with DHCP, asking me to enter static ip. I gave as ip address, Subnet mass and Default gateway of Both iphone and PC are recognizing each other and iphone is taking an ip address of entirely different range. PDAnet able to detect my Edge connection, but keep saying to disconnect and reconnect to PC and relaunch the program and I am unble to connect to the net so far.

    Although many wireless routers use as the default wireless router address, not every wireless router does this.

    If your router has DHCP capability, then a connected personal computer must be able to obtain an Default IP address through the router completely on its own. Just be certain the default router IP address and the Default gateway are definitely the very same.

    In most circumstances, that Default IP will be

    You can find more information here :

