BlackBerry Storm VS iPhone 3G: Will RIM's First Touch Screen BlackBerry be an iPhone Killer?

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imageBlackBerry Storm VS iPhone 3G: Will RIM's First Touch Screen BlackBerry be an iPhone Killer?

Recently I had published a side-by-side comparison of the iPhone 3G and T-Mobile G1 which evoked an interesting debate. Here comes another side-by-side comparison of Apple's iPhone 3G with RIM's BlackBerry Storm, which is considered as another iPhone Killer. BlackBerry Storm is expected to be released some time in November...

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  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
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    First off, the "clickable-touch" tech is HARDLY new. It's a fancy name for haptic feedback, which is total bull. It feels like you have a small seizure every time you touch the damn thing.

    The camera in the iphone may have less pixels, but the image sensor is of a higher quality, and has an easier method of zooming in on specific areas. Granted, autofocus would be nice, but since the Storm's is digital, that means no bueno quality. Both phones have physically locked lenses due to the small nature, and therefore an iphone could have autofocus as well.

    Tethering? ON A SITE CALLED IPHONEHACKS?! You're seriously complaining?! Besides, it isn't a problem with Apple, it's a problem with AT&T. They just want to charge more money for you to tether. You CAN tether, it's just an extra fifty bucks a month. Or you can jailbreak and do it for free.

    The enterprise features are great and all, but if a business is giving out iphones it CLEARLY doesn't care about controlling digital camera use, or bluetooth use. Not that those things are particularly useful anyways, since I can't think of any situations in which control of that would be necessary. AND STILL, IT'S A SOFTWARE ISSUE. And since Apple is the only phone manufacturer that CONSTANTLY updates its firmware, I fail to see the problem.

  • KingRichard
    KingRichard Posts: 4
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    C'mon people... Nothing new on all this gadget. However each have its own advantage and disadvantage and its win here due to this is an iphone blogs. And surely Storm will win on the BB blogs.

    I'm not sure why no one compare Nokia HH to iPhone because surely iPhone is behind its technologies by far.

    Sooo... just my 2cents

  • Jared
    Jared Posts: 67
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    I don't know why we are doing silly comparisons on phones that continually try to imitate the iphone, but continually fail to do so. This is however more of an indicator that this website is going downhill...shame...I was a fan.

  • thedevilsjester
    thedevilsjester Posts: 25
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    Yeah I agree that the phone comparisons are not really useful, since this is an iPhone specific site, any article will always have a biased towards the iPhone.

    You fail to mention things like CPU and speed, RAM, and how powerful the graphics chip is. All these matter in a multimedia smart phone. You cannot really do a valid comparison based on surface facts.

    Also there will be no iPhone killer. There may be phones that are equal or better than the current model, but Apple will simply respond with a new model that continues the innovation that they are know for, and companies will continue to copy that.

    Sure a new fancy phone, like the BB and G1 might take the spot light for a little while, but that doesnt make them an iPhone killer.

    As for the video...that video was horrible. I was actually a bit interested in the BB at first (probably not enough to buy it), but that video was a major turn off.

  • realizePhiladelphia
    via Wordpress

    No matter how hard they try they are not going to beat the iPhone, because the minute other companies make something that is better than the original iPhone technically, they always fall short somehow and plus Apple comes out with an upgrade that kills the competition. Check some more iPhone comparisons at

  • mish
    mish Posts: 2
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    seriously, the iphone is great and all, i even have one myself, but this device has so many flaws that i cant wait to get rid of it, no video recording?no mms? no copy and paste? no qwerty? come on all these features are so basic that 4-5 year old phones have them maybe even older, so how could you compare the g1 or storm to a phone which lacks so much and still declare it a winner?

  • rpalermo
    rpalermo Posts: 2
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    Love or hate the Apple, you can at least give them credit for their products stimulating innovation in the markets they participate in. Do you really think we would be seeing a product like the Storm if the iPhone wasn't being a trailblazer? Yes, iPhone has both strengths and weaknesses, and the basis of new product development is for the competition to try to emulate the strengths and improve on weaknesses. Any phone that tries to compete for iPhones market share can be spun to be a superior phone. It is all a big marketing game. For me, I like the iPhone because it was developed by an innovator, not an imitator. I know I can look forward to many more cool things down that road while the other companies are playing catch up.

  • Scott C
    Scott C Posts: 2
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    I find the new BB insteresting. Being relatively new to the iphone I notice who has iphones and who has BBs.
    iphones seem to attract people who want to have fun with their digital life where BB are for the people who feel compelled to stay in contact with their job 24x7.
    there are over 50 iphoners where I work and less than 10 BB (outside of management) Its interesting to see the information exchange with the iphoners and the lack there of between the BB'ers.
    I beleive the iphone will continue to dominate because of the overall experience, availability of apps, itunes, overall experience. BB will continue to survive because the suit that is compelled to check their email every 30 seconds in meetings will want the ability to reassure their contribution to their society while the rest of us have fun.
    As far as lack of functionality of the iphone, what phone has really challenged iphones market share. When there is a competitor I am sure apple will address some of the short comings. How else are they gonna get all of us to buy new iphones?
    When BB touts their phone in Steve Jobs face, his ego will be poked at and he will react.

  • KingRichard
    KingRichard Posts: 4
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    People.. if you examine outside the state then you wont see iphone a break through device. It only sold like peanuts in the states because its the most advance there. So again nothing to bash on iPhone but its glory only hit home. For the rest of the world iPhone is just another iPod with a phone feature. This is my opinions...

  • sebastian
    sebastian Posts: 24
    via Wordpress all need to calm down... It's a phone... I just wanted to point out that there is no diference in the resolution comparison. And I was wondering what was meant to be written

  • sebastian
    sebastian Posts: 24
    via Wordpress all need to calm down... It's a phone... I just wanted to point out that there is no diference in the resolution comparison. And I was wondering what was meant to be written

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    the original iphone's success was purely based of off foreign sales...people buying it on ebay or the like, and then unlocking the phone. only a small percent of americans had it because of the hefty price tag. The only reason the 3g is selling is because of the marketing. americans cant resist buying what they think is a "deal" and by advertising it as half off so they gobbled it up.

  • Dev
    Dev Posts: 63
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  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    I used the blackberry thunder (verizon storm edition) recently for work and got to play around with it for several days. I can say this much: the touch screen interface is VERY frustrating to use, especially when browsing the web or doing detail tasks.

    The cool feature that it does have is the ability to edit word, excel, and powerpoint documents on the phone. One can even shoot video.

    The landscape mode is well implemented, although the phone's ability to switch between landscape and portrait mode feels frustrating. The Storm often gets 'stuck' in one mode or another.

    Touch screen 'tap & click' feels more like a gimmick than a feature. clicking on the screen often repositions the cursor and forces you to click on something you don't want. That paired with the frustratingly unintuitive UI, makes a deadly combination that will leave a user cursing.

  • me gusta
    me gusta Posts: 1
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    i like it...
    its very informative
    thank you
    fuk yo'll haters

  • Josh H
    Josh H Posts: 3
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    Well, besides the fact that you have a version that is beta (prior to release) & think that everything would work smoothly is just ignorant. You complain about using a phone that isn't even out yet because it is glitchy. Why do you think that it isn't out yet??? Because they want to make everybody anticipate it longer first? Damn, some people do not think before voicing they're illogical opinions.

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    Holding opinion till launch. Then we'll compare, how about that?

  • Dm
    Dm Posts: 11
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    Oh dear, some real Apple geeks here.

    Haptic Feedback, ummm do your research son.

    Bluetooth only being a software difference makes it even worse. There is no reason for is not to be better than it is!

  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    The Blackberry Storm destroys eeryphone out today, its amazing and it fucking owns in every single possble way, Iphone with its shitty camera and cheap sensor, Storm is unbleivably better.

  • stormed assasin
    stormed assasin Posts: 1
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    can you get xm satellite radio on the iphone, can you get pdfs, spreadsheets, power point slide shows and word documents on the iphone, can you get facebook on the iphone. i rest my case.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Other than xm satellite radio, its a yes for others.

  • Hybrid00923
    Hybrid00923 Posts: 1
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    to stormed assasin :

    i do agree on all that and to add the Blackberry messenger..beat that iphone..! Amen bro!

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    You obviously haven't used a Storm, or you wouldn't have made the novice mistake of saying "it's a fancy name for haptic feedback, which is total bull. It feels like you have a small seizure every time you touch the damn thing." The screen features a button underneath it, and has nothing to do with small vibrations, etc. The button IS revolutionary, and does in fact offer an incredible more expandable interface than simply multi-touch (which, by the way, the Storm does have).

    As for the camera, only the new iPhone's camera is ALMOST as good. With the Storm, you simply slide your finger across the screen to zoom, no inconvenient pinching gestures (it's difficult to pinch if you have fingernails at all). Apple's CCD chip is made in CHINA. It's not of "higher quality" by any means, not to mention, the Storm features a lense that focuses (it literally goes in and out inside the phone, which you can see). The focus is fully analogue, NOT digital. Again, use one before you act like you know it.

    Tethering: if it was an at&t problem, then why do all the Windows Mobile and BlackBerry and Palm phones let you tether? You just have to upgrade the plan (I can actually tether without the upgraded plan for some reason). Also, it's an extra $30 for tethering. And jailbroken tethering is against the terms of use when you use at&t service.

    Enterprise is not just a phone-side thing. With an iPhone, you get the regular at&t internet service. With a BlackBerry, you go through BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service). For enterprise, you go through an enterprise server with BlackBerry enterprise software installed on it, which is an amazing technology that simply shoots the iPhone through the heart in terms of email.

    BlackBerry, or RIM, have only constantly "leaked" new updates for the Storm. Now, however, it's stable. Constantly updating firmware is a FLAW not an ADVANTAGE. The only company that makes it an advantage is Sony, since the majority of changes in their constantly changing update repository are added features. FREE updates, I might add. By the way, Sony makes phones.

    Are you still all gung-ho about your precious iPhone? Since this isn't a forum, go ahead anyone who would like to prove me wrong, and email me at iggyluver (at] gmail daht com. Especially you, TJ. For the last time, try using a phone before you decide what it does and does not have. Or, at least do a bit of Googling.

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    Be careful not to think that the iPhone is the best. Apple doesn't have the experience or the size to go head to head with a company like BlackBerry or Nokia. Google, yeah the G1 was an experiment. It's cool, but not that powerful. The Storm is not the best BlackBerry, and the iPhone isn't the best in anything except their App Store, but they lack the compatibility that BlackBerry devices have by using Java. You can literally put any mobile phone app on them and play/use it. And Apple just barely came out with video support. Their "new features" are things BlackBerry's already done, and Sony's been doing. Take geotagging for example. Since BB came out with GPS phones, you get geotagging on vid and pics.

    My point here is, the BB nor the iPhone are the best.

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    The Storm was just BlackBerry's next step into the PDA world. A touch screen? Palm won that market long ago. Everyone thinks the Storm is the "iPhone rival" just because it's a touch screen. It's so different, hardware-wise. Blackberry created practical business email mobility, not to mention, the Storm is much more durable. It's metal across the whole back! A metal that doesn't scratch, as we all know Apple is notorious for finding cheap metals that scratch worse than limestone.

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    Please post useful information, don't simply say something is better, and why is it all in caps?

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    The UI is intuitive... Have you honestly owned one? "Thunder" was a rumor name. It was never officially called the "Verizon Thunder". That name was because the policies on developing these devices requires that the production name and the creation names are different. Thunder was just a facade so RIM could keep the name "Storm" instead.

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    I have to agree. They posted several key points, although it could have gone with less bias. Not much to ask for there, since this IS an iPhone site, but that makes it not as valid anyways.

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    Or even try the devices...

    Or even research the devices...

    Verizon pushed the release. No other BlackBerry has been as glitchy, and it's not like they don't have the experience to make it better. VZW got too anxious for Christmas.

  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    Well the BT radio is also a problem, they need to be more powerful to support things like a Media Remote and Stereo Audio Transmission without issues. However, it could still have been done even with less audio quality.

    High fives on the haptic feedback response.