Categories App Helps Organize iPhone Apps on your iPhone's Home Screen

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imageCategories App Helps Organize iPhone Apps on your iPhone's Home Screen

Though I had published an easier method to rearrange the iPhone Apps across multiple screens, 5 or more screens of iPhone apps is still quite unmanageable. That's where Categories iPhone app developed by Big Boss for the jailbroken iPhone comes in very handy. As the name suggests it allows you...

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  • Dereck
    Dereck Posts: 16
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    This app looks very god, one question: What happens when you update the app inside the category? For example, if I put a game inside a category, when a update for that game is available, do I just update, or I have to move it outside the category? Thanks

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Just update the app. I've been using it since it was released for 2.x and I know from testing it that you can update the apps while they're in the folders. (Both appstore apps and Cydia apps.)

  • ahsan
    ahsan Posts: 14
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    A very great application, Simple and organizes much of the home screens. Makes iPhone simple to use.

    iPhone has lot of capabilities, thats why i love jailbreak

  • honza
    honza Posts: 1
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    well, great app even it caused my ip to stuck in boot screen. It seems to me, that this app has some problems to add more than 12 apps in one category. I had Games category with 12 or so apps and tried to add another 5. Than my ip froze during respring, and after reset it stuck in boot logo screen. I had to use DFU and iTunes to get my ip working again.

  • Blaine
    Blaine Posts: 11
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    I've had similar problems when using categories. Every time I had to reboot my phone, it would hang on the boot screen for 15-20 mins, or until I would force the phone into DFU in iTunes. A great app but I have since uninstalled it and probably wont be using it until there is an update fixing this problem.

  • Nukie
    Nukie Posts: 28
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    I've been using this app since it first came out. It's quite incredible and I have not experienced any of the above problems mentioned. I have 77 games in my Games folder and it works just fine. If you are having trouble, it's possible you are having a conflict with another application. It does update apps while they are folders just fine. It's also nice for getting default Apple apps off your spring board that you never ever use.

  • Flame Red
    Flame Red Posts: 42
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    I have been using this app for a while now and it is indeed great.

    I have noticed recently that some of the ICONS for Cydia apps are empty after an update to an app. Tried deleting it and readding it to the the category and still is blank. The name does show.

  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 47
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    Great little thing. But on creating the "news" folder i could not find the icons for a number of apps - all web apps, including CNN and BBC. Hence I had to delete the folder "news". I discovered that not all apps appear on the screen for selection to folder. Anybody knows how to fix this?

  • JimmyOneSmith
    JimmyOneSmith Posts: 1
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    I can't tell, but i think this app creates a lag with my phone. Everything seems to respond slower since i installed the app.

    Anyone else notice that?

  • dynomity
    dynomity Posts: 1
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    I have two apps called PhotoFrame which I downloaded from the App Store. I have one inside a Categories folder.

    The second one is not visible by Categories and therefore can't be moved from the springboard screen to a Categories folder.

    I suspect it's because they have the same name.

    Anyone encounter this and is there a fix?

  • Jesh
    Jesh Posts: 1
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    I know exactly what you mean, I have the same problem with a number of apps I use. I have about 200 apps installed and 4 of them are not seen by Categories, so they remain in my Springboard.

    On one app I had the full version and the lite version of the same app. I deleted the lite one and that fixed the problem. The full version was then visible in Categories.

    I have the free "Talking French" and "Talking Spanish" apps but only one of them can be visible to Categories at a time. These two have different application names, so I don't know why we can't get around this.

    Any tips would be appreciated.

  • Manny Mendoza
    Manny Mendoza Posts: 2
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    I updated to 2.2 and had Cydia in a Categories folder... Not Categories AND the folder are not showing. No way to re-download it or use any jailbroken apps. Any help would be appreciated.


  • SunnyD
    SunnyD Posts: 1
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    I had categories running on iphone 3g firmware 2.1 with multiple folders and apps within them. Since updating to 2.2, quickpwn'ing and reinstalling categories, the apps and their folders are no longer visible. I have quickgold installed, however, and i can search for all the missing apps and can run the categories setup, but can't see any apps under categories control! Any ideas how to get my apps back?

  • Aragorn121
    Aragorn121 Posts: 2
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    @SunnyD: Try installing Poof or SB Settings from Cydia and using them to unhide your apps and folders.

  • rick Lindeman
    rick Lindeman Posts: 1
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    add sunny, install bosspress, go to hide icons, and there you can find them again..

  • CanuckMark
    CanuckMark Posts: 0
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    Thanks Aragorn121,

    I had the same issue as SunnyD and your solution worked.

  • Glenn
    Glenn Posts: 8
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    i had categories on iphone 3g v2.1. after updating to the latest version of categories, all the apps in my folders were frozen and everytime i clicked on an app, it would redirect me back to the springboard. Restoring my phone on itunes didnt work and all the apps that were previously in the folder are still missing including original apple apps like my weather,stocks,clock etc. Cydia was also in my folder and now after re- jailbreaking, it is also missing!! help!!

  • NK
    NK Posts: 2
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    I also upgraded to firmware 2.2 without taking the apps out of the folder. In order to get the icons back to your springboard simply install Poof and unhide the apps.

  • Maurice
    Maurice Posts: 5
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    But... I also moved the install icon into a folder called "INSTALLERS". So the Cydia and Installer are hidden. So I cannot install Poof. Any other ideas?

  • turgut
    turgut Posts: 1
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    With a 2.2 phone this application frequently HANGS when editing the categories requiring a reset of the machine.

    After my last reset, all my hidden apps APPEARED again. I checked and they are still in categories, but also on the desktop - I have 7 pages of apps all of a sudden :(

  • J
    J Posts: 131
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    same things just happened to me. all apps back and folders and keeps locking up when editing categories

  • Naki
    Naki Posts: 1
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    Several issues:
    1) Problems with apps with same names. Have about 12 TicTacToe apps. Could not remove two of them, could not add them to category. Same for one Clock app (have lots of Clocks) - could not add to category, stays on main screen. Same for a Converter app (have 4).

    2) Problem with Russian/Spanish/etc languages. App names always show in English instead of the chosen language. QuickGold deals with this properly, Categories should too.

    3) Needs alphabetic sort option per category.

    4) Neeeds option to show icons left to right instead of top to bottom.

    That's my issues. Yes it does restart fully the device sometimes, but it doesn't happen often. And, it doesn't lose any settings anyway.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Thanks Naki for posting the issues, hopefully they get addressed soon.

  • What3v3r
    What3v3r Posts: 1
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    This is a good application only because of its idea. Other than that, it's totally rubbish! It hangs up every so often. Doesn't recognise all apps and so on and so forth.

    I'll give my experience and possible solution as I have been dealing with this piece of garbage since 2.0.

    First of all, for some frigging reason, you have about 3 minutes to put all your apps in one folder. So for example, if you're putting in your applications in categories but all at once, make sure you wrap up in under 3 minutes, then get out and use 'restart SB', then go back in and add some more for the next 3 minutes. The advertisement that the programmer has put in doesn't help the buggy little bugger at all!

    Secondly, you need to make sure that the name of the folder you choose isn't already the name or short form of the application. Say for example, if you name a folder as 'translators' and google's translator is called 'translator' for short, that won't show up, forget about the 's' in the end, I think if the first 6 characters are the same it won't show up.

    Thirdly, if it freezes on you that's because you spent more than 3 minutes on the categories application without restarting SB. Then just wait until the phone gives up (about a minute) and restarts. Now there are two scenarios:
    a. It recovers in safe mode -->just restart iPhone again and that should be it.
    b. It recovers where you left it off without one last change that you made before the freeze --> still lucky, just go in and be careful not to spend more than 3 minute (tip: look at the time on top of the phone before you open this McShitty of an application).
    c. It completely crashes on you and all of your icons are now duplicated. They're inside folders and on SB--> Just go into categories (aka McShitter) and delete all icons from each folder (still make a note of the 3 minutes deadline) and restart SB--> You'll see all folders are now empty and there are only icons on the SB (in other words, no duplicates). Just start arranging them again because you have plenty of time going through these hoops and the McShitter who wrote this application doesn't have time to fix its bugs!

    I wish there was somebody else who could implement the same idea in a bug-free application or Apple needs to come up with something like this on their own!

    Hope this helps!


    PS: Yes, all of the above has happened to me innumerable times!

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    Don't use it! I've had noting but problems. I hate it! 12 times in 35 days has this program caused my iPhone to crash! I'm sick and tired of restoring it. My advise don't use categories unless you want to spend your time restoring your phone then using it.

  • Ingo Orland
    Ingo Orland Posts: 1
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    I have the same problem as Maurice.
    I tried to use the free win app iPhoneBrowser to edit the files (e.g. "") as described in the article "", but I could not find the file.
    I have iPhone v2.2.1 installed. Is this because of the version or because of the browser I use.
    Can anybody advise?
    Any help is very much welcome.


  • Lorraine
    Lorraine Posts: 5
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    for some reason when i update an app it creates a duplicate on my springboard as well...never had this problem before till i upgraded to the latest version :S

  • Mark Hiles
    Mark Hiles Posts: 1
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    Where can I get Categories? Also, the cydia website I went to seems to be a site that suggests other sites. Please advise as I have a lot more apps than the iPod Touch has room for and it would be nice to organize them. Please advise...

  • Speedy317
    Speedy317 Posts: 1
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    Hi folks, I am kind of new at blogging but here it goes...

    I personally think CATEGORIES is a great app, it never gave me any of above mentioned problems but then again, I only installed it after I updated and haven't updated the framware since.

    Here is where I messed up though and kind of hoping for some help on this from all of you experts out there -

    Once I installed this application "Categories" into my iPhone I added it in a folder called "Apps" along with all the other applications including Installer, Cydia, and AppStore and then added the "Apps" folder in another folder called "Misc" along with all 3 other folders: 1."Games", 2."Media", and 3."Phone" and accidentally hid "Misc" folder and restarted the Springboard.

    So having said that, now I have all my games in "Games" folder, all my pictures and videos are in "Media" folder, and likwise all my phone related applications are in "Phone" folder (except the dialer), and all these 3 folders are under "Misc" folder which is hidden. :| Now obviously, since "Misc" folder is hidden I can't access anything that's in it, which is basically all the fun stuff.

    So, here are my questions:

    1. Is there a reverse or undo on this, can it be fixed?
    2. Ever since this incident occured I have not backed up my phone in iTunes yet, now if I click on Restore from my last backup in iTunes (which I have never done in the past) will it take my phone into the last backed up state while still keeping it unlocked or will it lock it once I click Restore in iTunes?

    Thanks in advance.