pod2G: Untethered Jailbreak Works on New iPad Running iOS 5.1 [Updated]



  • Samuel
    Samuel Posts: 38
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    You are a pure idiot pod2g. Talk showing off because you got jailbreak . You think you god.Go **** yourself . Can't wait for app,e to add more option and I swear I will never ever jailbreak.Then you got start begging us to try it asshole.Release it or don't at allrick
  • STFU
    STFU Posts: 4
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    Pod2g you rock, keep up the good work ;)
  • Wtf
    Wtf Posts: 36
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    @chad, so what you are trying to tell me this is the first JB app you are waiting for entirely? You NEVER jailbroken your idevice before? Because I know I have before with the efforts from these guys... and it was always FREE. I mean, I donated before, but not because I was forced into buying something, just a way of saying thanks... I mean, to me, if you are so anxiously waiting and are too tired of hearing about these 5.1 jailbreaks, then why don't you do something about it? its only obvious, no?
  • Wtf
    Wtf Posts: 36
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    I think no one is missing the point... the only point is you need to start learning how to read better... its coming out eventually... no where in the article does it say pod2G is not releasing it... read it properly before looking like an idiot... let pod2G get his **** done right before an immature release...
  • Wtf
    Wtf Posts: 36
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    Does anyone know how to read now a days? If not, I am sure there's an app that'll read you this article...
  • Hugo
    Hugo Posts: 7
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    All I want is the jailbreak to be out for the 4s, I just should of kept my iPhone 4, I bought this iPhone 4s that came with 5.1 now I can't use all the apps that I bought on cydia
  • Mike e
    Mike e Posts: 4
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    My iPhone 4s is jailbroken on iOS 5.0.1 and factory unlock I would be happy if he holds of till iOS 6 of new iPhone lesson to all that are crying stop updating.
  • Bigdanbo
    Bigdanbo Posts: 8
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    Good work pod2g let the jailbreaks begin
  • Bigdanbo
    Bigdanbo Posts: 8
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    Mike you have no clue have you bin sat in a box for the last 4 month new iPad comes with 5.1 climb out your box and do some research hope you phone freeze and you have to update
  • DemiR
    DemiR Posts: 8
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    I'm pretty sure people don't want to hear that he doesn't plan to release the jailbreak because thats just teasing us or like a kid saying to another kid "I have lollipops but I'm not gonna give you one." for no reason at all.
  • Fasial is a moron
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    U should read a history book or two u inbred moron. Stop being a sheep n believe all the propaganda that your brain dead US government feeds you. You are still living under the assumption that your the best country in the world cuz of all your 'freedoms'
  • DemiR
    DemiR Posts: 8
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    at least pod2g didnt say he wont release it but i0n1c is the one acting like a child
  • DemiR
    DemiR Posts: 8
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    people are not angry because they are taking a while to get the jailbreak we are angry because of people like i0n1c who's saying he wont release the jailbreak even though he has it
  • DemiR
    DemiR Posts: 8
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    we "trolls" are angry because they have the jailbreak but they wont release
  • Bonedude
    Bonedude Posts: 22
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    Chad. You're a jack hole! Shut it. Nothing else needs to be said. Now go ride a bike on a highway.
  • Paul Grant
    Paul Grant Posts: 2
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    I just think the pod2g is doing a great job, all the impatient ones need to stop bagging the guy, Sure he can release it to you, but what happens if your phone fucks up because the jailbreak wasn't fully tested? then you'll have something else to complain about saying that he fucked your phones up and **** like that. Either way pod2g can't win with the whiners. Just shut the hell up.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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  • bobby
    bobby Posts: 32
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    Most people who are writing on this site r dumb. They have been releasing free jailbreaks for years now. Just because your broke ass finally saved up enough to get an apple device doesn't mean start being a **** demanding a jailbreak. They tell you what they are doing to keep you dumb mother fuckers up to date so you will stop running ur mouth but it seems like if they tell u info or not you guys are just going to be greedy. And on that note that why socity fails hahaha
  • bobby
    bobby Posts: 32
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    Most people who are writing on this site r dumb. They have been releasing free jailbreaks for years now. Just because your broke ass finally saved up enough to get an apple device doesn't mean start being a **** demanding a jailbreak. They tell you what they are doing to keep you dumb mother fuckers up to date so you will stop running ur mouth but it seems like if they tell u info or not you guys are just going to be greedy.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    How the hell do you get that Blue font in your name?? Every now and then I see that and thought it was people that work for iPhone hacks but that can't be.
  • Ken
    Ken Posts: 0
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    ashamed to see all the comments about the update. It is what it is an update to tell you that it can be jailbroken, maybe because it was a tweet it wasn't very specific, but i can read in between the lines that it also means that it is nearly there and will be releasing soon. Looking forward to when it is released but until then keep the good work pod2g
  • RiCo
    RiCo Posts: 51
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  • Get This
    Get This Posts: 1
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    iphonehacks.com needs hit the daily net traffic to make money, also to keep its Alexa ranking! So that's why they keep posting the same **** or even useless posts! So get this Ok!
  • bigtom
    bigtom Posts: 6
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    Bigdanbo are you the kid who jail broke the i9 ?.....
  • Mike e
    Mike e Posts: 4
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    That's fine I hope it does freeze cuz if it down red snow will soon be able to downgrade my 4s do I can go back to 5.0.1 and jailbreak be u can do hahahahahahahaha
  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
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    Omg ur all idiots. Pod2g never said he wasn't going to release it. Only ionic did. That's his software he can keep it if he wants to. Pod is doing this for the community but it has his name on it so it only makes sense that he wants it to be seamless when he releases it. That's why he has to do these things called tests. I know that gets confusing for some of u but it's called quality control. Stop being so pissy and just wait. If u dot wanna wait then u can make some software to jailbreak ur device other than that stfu.
  • bigtom
    bigtom Posts: 6
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    Redsnow lmao should use yellowsnow and eat some while I jailbreak ya girlfriend JERSEY SHORE TILL I DIE DTF
  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
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    Pod is hard at work and we should all be thankful that he is doing this for us and for free at that. And stop bitching bout it not getting released. Ionic said he isn't releasing his jailbreak. That's fine he's a **** anyway. Pod is working on his software and just making sure its ready for widespread use. You should all be praising him instead of moaning and groaning bout how u want ur jailbreak.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Well when they didn't give updates everyone bitching now they give update and STILL bitching.......... chill or learn to do it yourself
  • شريف نجم
    شريف نجم Posts: 1
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