pod2G: Untethered Jailbreak Works on New iPad Running iOS 5.1 [Updated]



  • SteveJobs
    SteveJobs Posts: 14
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    We needa a release and not updates daily. My iPad 2 and Iphone 4S needs jailbroken. lets have the release.Cheers
  • sen
    sen Posts: 2
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    If u need a jailbreak and cannot wait....u should make one, these hackers took the initiative to do it, why can't you?
  • Basm
    Basm Posts: 2
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  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    If you don't want to know about the news of how is coming along don't come here and read, skip it . Many of us are interested on how much progress has accrued.
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    For what ? So that you can complain that your apps not working right, or your phone locked up, or whatever other ... I rather he takes his time, so we can get a descent jailbreak. You all should have been jail broken if you wouldn't have been stupid enough to upgrade your software.
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Fucking vages quit your bitching these hackers are doing everything they can on there own spare time I for one appreciate everything they do and donate as much as I can so Stfu or make your own btw I know not one of you posters on here are even smart enough to write HTML code. Pod2g you are the man update every possible second you can on the progress you are making so these ass holes have some more too **** about!!
  • iROCKu
    iROCKu Posts: 35
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    That's not the point. If we had one, we wouldn't post updates and rub it in everybody's faces, then say we won't ever release it.
  • kk305
    kk305 Posts: 14
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    HELLO!! STUPID!!?? They still have to package it so idiots like you can use it! That takes time.
  • t3
    t3 Posts: 3
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    Bro , if u not okay just skip reading the updates from pod , and stop fking **** here . LOL
  • jdizzle
    jdizzle Posts: 5
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    great news pod!thank you for the update keep up the great work thanks
  • shadowxpr
    shadowxpr Posts: 17
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    iPad 3 iOS 5.1 untethered jailbreak © pod2g: http://youtu.be/ZWnL7v6Pofk via @youtube
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    For everyone who just came on here to ****, get a life. Maybe these guys make money from what they do, maybe they don't, but the point is when they release a jailbreak to you it is FREE! So why are you on here telling these guys to hurry up or talkin **** on them? Obviously they are a hell of a lot smarter than you if they're the ones hacking a device and you're the one sitting there crying that they won't make it fast enough. Be patient and shut your ungrateful mouths.To everyone contributing to the jailbreak: Great job guys! Keep on hackin'!
  • Jamie
    Jamie Posts: 23
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    Well well, what a bunch of knobs all the complainers are, typical of moaners to just want want want, how about shutting the **** up and showing some patience and gratitude for a change, it will be released when pod2g decides its ready and not before. Wankers all of you, and as a punishment I hope he holds off even longer
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    That is a good news, and, Thank you for your great job pod!!!
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    Um, I appreciate the work of guys who are creating these programs for us to use, But I dont understand why it says he will not be releasing the jailbreak? Surely this is a typo? "has revealed that his unttethered jailbreak works on iOS 5.1.1 as well, though he has categorically stated that he doesn't plan to release the jailbreak."Maybe Apple are donating More than us tight asses for him not to release!!!! haha
  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    Exactly what Andrew here said. Can anyone actually read? I0nic was the only one who said he doesn't plan to release, NOT pod2g.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    @simon it was not pod2g who is not releasing his jailbreak it is ionic who is not releasing Stfu and read thoroughly before you post do some research on the topic and who your posting about
  • Unkle Fester
    Unkle Fester Posts: 1
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    For the love of God will you people PLEASE READ THE POSTS!!! pod2g DID NOT say he was keeping the JB private and will release this in his own time when he feels everything is just rightIf you don't want a d@mn updates and don't like the frequency then stop checking. Nobody is forcing updates down your throat. I personally look forward to ANY update I can just to see a possible ETA for the untethered 5.1. Keep up the good work pod2g.
  • Ali alabkal
    Ali alabkal Posts: 1
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  • Ropegun
    Ropegun Posts: 1
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    Been coming to this site for a Long time jail breaking my apple devices and it just disturbs me at how many people on here just complain and snivel . Keep them jailbreaks coming p2g !