Verizon to End Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans When Customers Move to 4G LTE Smartphones

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imageVerizon to End Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans When Customers Move to 4G LTE Smartphones

When Verizon started offering Apple's iPhone on its network in early 2011, it offered customers unlimited data plans. But in less than 6 months, it followed AT&T's footsteps to kill the unlimited data plans and moved to tiered data plans.

It however allowed customers to grandfather their unlimited data plans when they wanted to upgrade to the new iPhone on a fresh two-year contract.

Read the full story here



  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    They should just sell the phone cases that they use at the Apple Store to ring you up so every time you want to make a call all you have to do is swipe your credit card and they can charge you $50,000. pretty soon it's going to be like oh you would like to check your Facebook status that'll be seven dollars please.
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    Criminals.The FCC needs to act.
  • Kaz
    Kaz Posts: 22
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    The whole thing makes zero sense... Increase our speed but limit our usage.. It's like having a Lamborghini but not being able to drive it.
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    agreed. i think i'll just start mailing my friends. oh wait, that costs more money now too for a stamp. maybe i'll just learn to shout really loud. oh wait, then i'll get a noise disturbance ticket from the police. maybe i'll just walk over to their house. oh wait, they work, and don't live anywhere near here. i'm moving to communist china
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Whats the point of advertising faster data speeds while at the same time decreasing data consumption or charging extra for it. Its downright criminal. You can download a hd movie in 5 minutes, but in 3 minutes in you reached your monthly data allocation. That's stupid. Who cares that I can download a web page in .00003 seconds if 5 days into my monthly plan cycle they throttle you point that it takes 5 minutes to download the same web page. Its like buying a new Camaro that can do 180 miles an hour for the first 3 days of every month and 25 miles per hour for the remainder. Then when Chevy receives the funds your back up to a 180, but if you pay them an extra every couple of days for going over you can continue your car at maximum speed. GREEDY SONS of B#$%$#@!!!!!!
  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    I have been saying the same thing ever since they started posting those stupid charts on what u can do with 2gb of data...
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Its funny we were thinking along the same lines but you posted first. Its makes total sense when you add greed into the equation. People need to act and drop these carriers. The problem is people moan and complain but don't speak with their wallet. I switched to Straighttalk which uses AT&Ts network. Yeah, I had to pay the early termination fee, but at then end of two years I save a lot more for a similar plan with At&t and thats including paying the ETF.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    You're right now try explaining it to the one who keep dring the Kool Aid! lol
  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    If user with LTE download data faster, would that not mean the they free up bandwidth faster, allowing more users to get data faster. We should be charged less for LTE.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    The customer needs to act. Enough with the government lets all move to Sprint or any company that gives us what we want.
  • Yo Mama!
    Yo Mama! Posts: 30
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    Man! That's not fair....!
  • HereInChicago
    HereInChicago Posts: 8
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    There will be plenty of people who will simply, not upgrade...I hope these thieves loose half of their network. Verizon, like AT&T are nothing more than greedy pigs. I understand you must be greedy to have a stable business, but must they be pigs as well?
  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again, go to a prepaid phone company and save big time. I'm with straight talk and pay about 35$ a month per line for unlimited everything. I do this by buying service in 6 month blocks. I left AT&T last November when I was paying 95$ per line after being with them over 10 years, Cingular days, and couldn't believe how great it felt. Even buying 2 iPhone 4S off craigslist for $400 a piece, I'm already even and going forward it's all money in the bank. And when the next iphone comes out, I'll sell the 2 iphones for just about what I paid for them and put that money toward new ones, no contract and always have the latest hardware, can't beat it!
  • shadowxpr
    shadowxpr Posts: 17
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    This people are gangsters, telecoms have record profit. If I did t had unlimited AT&T on iPhone and new iPad I will go with sprint. Even my wired provider has caps now, both worked and wireless providers want to screw us on caps...
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    how'd you get this to work ?
  • uglyFugly
    uglyFugly Posts: 3
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    Not suprised , it would suck MORE , for Verizon people , and I'm happy at least Sprint gonna keep unlimited data plan
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    you can oder sim cards for att and tmobile phones you can bring your own phone and pay 45$ a month there is a data cap of sorts but it's 1/2 the price of att two year minimum price of 95$ per month for 3gb data and without unlmited calling or texting.
  • Ama Almont
    Ama Almont Posts: 2
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    Let's hope that Sprint keeps it clean. Just keep it simple, move to SPRINT!!!
  • Luis
    Luis Posts: 67
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    I just re-upped my contract. If I lose my unlimited data I'm out and heading to spring or a straight walk line. Screw that.
  • BloodShed
    BloodShed Posts: 13
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    What I want is to not be forced into an unnecessary data plan because of my choice of hardware. I don't want to pay extra just because I bought a phone that supports LTE (regardless if my area even has LTE coverage). I don't want to pay extra for a text message plan for the "privilege" of using a small fraction of the bandwidth of a voice call. If my contract is up or if I pay full price to buy my phone, I want a monthly discount instead of being charged the full subsidized cost of under priced hardware that's been paid for.The market has moved toward charging more by offering less. The problem is that having a cell phone is hardly optional for any professional and the cell phone companies know it. There simply aren't reasonable options for the informed consumer to take advantage of in order to balance the market. The problem of excessive industry greed extends well beyond the cost of data plans.
  • Mani
    Mani Posts: 9
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    how about an iphone (not a ipod touch) without a data plan? and save me some $30 and use the free wifi thats all over the place now?
  • Apple employee
    Apple employee Posts: 33
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    So how many of u said AT&T was bad and jumped ship to Verizon for this? Just askin....... I can see now how much better Verizon is.......
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    yeah been reading up on that ever since i posted. pretty sure i don't go anywhere near the 2 GB anyways, and i'm grandfathered in with AT&T unlimited data. need to check my account online for specifics. just renewed my contract b/c had to get a new phone - other one fried. didn't see apple coming out with a new iPhone this year, too many "rumors", none even with minuscule facts to back them up, so upgraded from my broken 4 to a 4S for cheaper than getting one with no plan attached or even from craigslist. now this is making me rethink my contract i just signed. 85 or so a month after my 15% gov't discount. might be worth it to save the 40 a month just to end my AT&T contract and go with SmartTalk. phone is running 5.0.1 JB anyways, would just need to read up on editing the plist file for MMS capability.
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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  • BDog Grizzly
    BDog Grizzly Posts: 3
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    I'll tell you one thing. If Verizon fucking makes me drop my Unlimited Data even though I'm not resigning a fucking contract I'm moving to Sprint immediately. Cause Verizon can go **** itself if they think I'm going to stand one second of thier bullshit antics of trying to ass rape me and my wallet.
  • HereInChicago
    HereInChicago Posts: 8
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    I think he meant CAN, but was being sarcastic
  • City023
    City023 Posts: 55
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    We need Nextel back! Those where the days, "chirp chirp...hey! Where are you?". Classic.