Verizon to End Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans When Customers Move to 4G LTE Smartphones



  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
    via Wordpress
    Like was said don't complain and not do anything switch. My. Co tract is up In July and my wife's is up next year. I will use my insurance and get me a brand new 4s and pay off the ETF And switch. Remember the new iPhone will support every 3G frequency like tmobile. So u can use simple mobile. H2O. Or any other small company who offers everything unlimited
  • ^_^
    ^_^ Posts: 4,429
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    A skilled hacker needs to figure out a way to give the "new/future" 4G LTE iphone cloning ability. Clone your 3G with an unlimited plan, and crank out the data at 4G speed.
  • Stat1124
    Stat1124 Posts: 4
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    All I know is AT&T better not take their greedy azzes down this road and cancel my grandfathered unlimited plan. I have been with them for 15years now but that would completely be the last straw if they cut my data plan when I go to upgrade to the iPhone 5(whatever they call it). The greed sickens me!
  • TheJuan
    TheJuan Posts: 0
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    I moved to Verizon due to coverage issues. But now I might move to Sprint. I know they do not have the best network, but if they are offering Unlimited, i will leave Verizon, even if that means pay the early termination fee.
  • Roy
    Roy Posts: 22
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    As someone said earlier, you have to speak with your wallet. I dropped Allstate after 20 years because I used the shop they suggested while saying "If you use this shop and have problems with your repair, well make it right". Well it became, "Sir, you pay for your repair. Afterwards if we (Allstate) determine that the repair was due to the accident we will re-imburse you" DROPPED!I have an iPhone 4 that I paid full price for on purpose. I am now gonna use my upgrade to get a 4s. When the new model come out I will sell both of them and get the 5 or whatever it will be called. It will be Verizons call on whether I'm then on Sprint or sticking with Verizon. If they take the unlimited away Im going to Sprint, and taking 3 lines with me. READ THIS VERIZON!ALSO, I still have an old Alltel plan. You know where you actually have 21 numbers that you can change at will, that dont ever count against your alloted minutes. Verizon has told me that they can't take it as long as I never change it. Shouldnt it be the same for all of our unlimited data plans???
  • Roy
    Roy Posts: 22
    via Wordpress
    Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order. Thank you for your patience. You are now chatting with 'Crys' Crys: Hello. Thank you for visiting our chat service. May I help you with your order today? You: when are the new data plans going into effect Crys: That information has not been provided. When new plans are offered, it would be announced. You: as everything stands now, i can still upgrade and assign it to a different line Crys: Yes. You: and when the changes are made i wont be affected UNTIL i change phones AFTER the new plans roll out, any changes before remain as they are now Crys: I can't confirm or deny that as we have no details about the new plans. You: Crys, you answered that one like a politician! Crys: Is there anything else I can help you with today? You: Yeah, where can I register my complaint about about this plan restructuring Crys: Without knowing what is being changed? Crys: You can send an email from the Contact Us page. Crys: Do you have any other questions for me? You: Yes it doesnt matter what changes, if my unlimited is gone Ill go to Sprint! Crys: Thank you for visiting Verizon Wireless; it’s been a pleasure chatting with you. Have a great day! Thank you for chatting with us, visit our Online Workshops to learn more about your devices. Click "End Chat" to tell us how we did today