Dev Team Will Also Release Redsn0w And CLI Tool That Will Support iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak



  • rgb
    rgb Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    I agree! someone DID, someone deserves for IT!
  • Umar18
    Umar18 Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    Hey is this work on ios 5.1 or only on ios 5.1.1 reply me plz any1?
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
    via Wordpress
    Save what ever blobs you can always but in this case you won't need them yet cause your going to have to upgrade it to ios 5.1.1 to jailbreak it anyway which is the newest firmware out. But it's still a good idea to get tiny umbrella now and save the 5.1.1 and any other future ones from now on.
  • dee8282
    dee8282 Posts: 5
    via Wordpress
  • manu
    manu Posts: 25
    via Wordpress
    Most people may not believe it. But I used to pirate iOS apps. But now, I slowly buying back all those apps (one at a time of course due to my wallet capability).Now I really want the JB because of the tweaks. I mean, it's hard for me to leave "kill all backgrounds" tweak.
  • ifonix
    ifonix Posts: 76
    via Wordpress
    thanx for pod2g and dev team! thay did it again. so big thanx for all of you who made the effort and gonna give it for FREE!!!!!as mouch as i don't like apple polecy in ap store.. in europe the same app cost in stade of 0.99$. it cost 0. 99 euro.. aprox 1.23 dolars..but pirating is stealing. developers and apple earn a lot of money from aap stoee but stealing is not the way. stop using it and apple will cut the price
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
    via Wordpress
    Now Jailbreak for 5.1.1 its released.When will Redsn0w that adds support for iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak be release??Someone know?