Absinthe 2.0.4 With Support For iPad2,4 Released



  • Alberto06
    Alberto06 Posts: 1
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    Hi any of you know if it works with the update ultrasnow we preserve for the band
  • Damari
    Damari Posts: 1
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    Really appreciate it guys. I have the iPad 2,4 and I was getting a tad worried lol. Thanks for the hard work.
  • s0ulo
    s0ulo Posts: 34
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    Yeah it does that when you have a lot of saved data and settings on i4 5.0.1. That's what happened to me. So I updated to 5.1.1 r1 (AT&T). Then did the erase all settings and data. After this, ran absinthe 2.0.2. 3 min later, done and done.
  • dennis
    dennis Posts: 89
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    I have a question unrelated, my daughter recently had her iPhone 4 stolen. I went to track it and whoever stole it turned it off. To me the biggest flaw with apple is that it don't require your unlock code to turn the phone off. Is there any way around this? Like an app that requires a code to power down your phone. I tried an app on cydia that hides the slide to unlock bar, but it was buggy and caused our phones to go into safe mode..................Please help with any ideas
  • y9king
    y9king Posts: 1
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  • Asif belim
    Asif belim Posts: 1
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    Absinthe 2.0.4 with support for new iPad 2 R2 model with tweaked A5 chip.....I tried my ipad2 R2 but it can't jailbroken my iPad 2 R2Absinthe team plz release a new jailbreak to fix this issuesMy model no. MC979HNAnybody can help me
  • gemini58
    gemini58 Posts: 1
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    I jailbroke my ipod touch 4g with absinthe 2.0.3 and then installed Siri using siriport, since doing this i have noticed that some of my apps will no longer open, has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know a fix. Many Thanks.
  • Cake
    Cake Posts: 1
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    Tried all that people.when I run Absinthe. a command screen runs then nothing else.??
  • Zooxe
    Zooxe Posts: 1
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    thank you so much!!!!!! ive waited weeks for this to come out for the ipad 2 and now it has<3 thank you sooooooooo much.
  • Ali Imam
    Ali Imam Posts: 18
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    Brilliant work, really appreciate the work of Chronic Dev team. The team proved they are Boss. Thank you so much.
  • Ali Imam
    Ali Imam Posts: 18
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    U restore again with original IOS 5.1.1 then try, procees must work and proved all over world.
  • Jessica
    Jessica Posts: 13
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    this isnt going to ruin my phone or laptop ..right ?
  • GunDoc
    GunDoc Posts: 6
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    So funny, you sound like Yoda! "Read the instructions, did you?.." I will admit, I am a slingshot jailbreaker. They come out with new hacks and I just throw them out there. What can I say, I trust these guys! I did not reset the device, and barely back-up my iphone/ipad, but I am reckless.. "Do as I say, not as I do" kinda guy. One day, it will bite me in the arse, but for now...
  • ian
    ian Posts: 48
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    i,m having trouble with ****, i have jail broken phone, just magic worked first time no trouble, downloaded sources, no problem, relaunch, then open ****, no catorgries just the home screen comes up, anybody help please?
  • Kens
    Kens Posts: 1
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    I am absolutely sure that everything you own will explode instantly when you try to youse this tool. Even your furniture and pets!
  • CG
    CG Posts: 9
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  • mofarchoukh
    mofarchoukh Posts: 1
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    i jailbroke my iphone 4s but what source should i add to cydia to allow siri to open apps?
  • clinton
    clinton Posts: 6
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    Hi i have been trying to jail break my ipad 2 , 5.1.1 (9B206) using my mac and it is not being recognized by absinthe .I reset the ipad and then plugged it in and nothing....... i think its the new Ipad 2 , what could the problem be ???
  • Harry
    Harry Posts: 57
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    everything works fine with my ipad 2,a few days later i sync with itunes and I got extra white icons on the second page (springboard) so I turn off the ipad and rebooted. now i loose my dock, the keyboard is iphone size.and i cant open any of the icons.this has been occuring for the past week, 2.0, 2.0.3, 2.0.4and I exhausted of restoring with itunes,I think Ill wait for a reliable jailbreak for ipad 2.
  • katsuboi21
    katsuboi21 Posts: 13
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    Something’s pretty screwy. I updated (5.0.1 to 5.1.1) and jailbroke my wife’s iphone 4 with redsnow. She started losing service and yesterday had no service anywhere all day. I restored multiple times, that didn’t restore service. Had ATT replace sim, re-register remotely, and none of that restored service. No 3G, only a “searching” or “no service” status.Perhaps that B208 version of 5.1.1 is to blame. I restored again, but this time to B206 instead of B208. 3G is working again, but I’m crossing my fingers I don’t lose service again. All I know is I’m staying away from the B208 build & Redsnow. Read of others having the same issue on previous releases of Redsnow. This was the first time I’ve had that issue. Used Absinthe on my 4S (B206) and no issues at all.
  • CG
    CG Posts: 9
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    guys i need some serious help. i cant restore my iPhone 4s. im on Jailbroken 5.0.1 right now. i've tried everything i can think of. ive tried normal restore and update and i get the "this device isn't eligible for build" message, ive tried to update and restore on the device as well. i get an error when up dating and a constant spinning wheel when i try to restore. ive also tried to restore when the phone is in DFU mode still the same message from itunes. Please if anyone knows what im doing wrong let me know.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Try this: Launch TinyUmbrella, tap on advanced, deselect Set hosts to Cydia on exit and close TinyUmbrella. Now try restoring your iPhone 4S to see if it works.
  • CG
    CG Posts: 9
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  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    The link for windows didnt work it took me to some google page with a link that doesnt do anything please fix the links.
  • Archie
    Archie Posts: 3
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    There is a cydia app called " icaughtu pro ". It takes a picture of anyone that enters a wrong password , then emails that picture to you. You can also set it to not allow shutdown without the right password.
  • Daniel Bull
    After jailbreaking I can no longer access the uk stores in iTunes and iBooks, if go into iTunes the first screen is the uk iTunes store but if I go to charts it takes me to the US (I assume as everything is in dollers) store does anyone know how to get the uk store back?
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
    After jailbreaking I can no longer access the uk stores in iTunes and iBooks, if go into iTunes the first screen is the uk iTunes store but if I go to charts it takes me to the US (I assume as everything is in dollers) store does anyone know how to get the uk store back?
    That's quite strange, are you logged into to your iTunes account? Try singing out and signing in again to see if it solves the problem.

  • Daniel Bull
    After jailbreaking I can no longer access the uk stores in iTunes and iBooks, if go into iTunes the first screen is the uk iTunes store but if I go to charts it takes me to the US (I assume as everything is in dollers) store does anyone know how to get the uk store back?
    That's quite strange, are you logged into to your iTunes account? Try singing out and signing in again to see if it solves the problem.

    Tried that one even tried a full factory restore of the iPad as the first jailbreak was with v2.0 and the performed the jailbreak with 2.0.4.
    Is it worth trying redsn0w rather than absinthe, I assume it works with iPad 3 not read any of the release notes yet
  • Daniel Bull
    Never mind it's all sorted now, switched to the US store and then back to UK store and everything is fine
  • Krillin
    Krillin Posts: 27
    For some reason, after using Absinthe my photos dont save to my camera roll... anyone else having this issue?