Apple tells Copyright Office Jailbreaking iPhone is Illegal; Mozilla & Skype Support EFF's Request f



  • Jonny H
    Jonny H Posts: 47
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    Wow. I think apple will lose in this one.

  • alyx
    alyx Posts: 8
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    How pathetic.

    “Illegal”? “Penalties”? What else? 20 years without parole?
    And what, for screwing around with stuff that is *mine*? Helllloooo?

    I can’t recall a line on my invoice for the thing saying that I cannot tinker with it any way I wanted.
    These corporate zombies should really get back in touch with reality, maybe hang out some more, see people, have fun and all that. I don’t know, but the way they act now they embarrass themselves more and more.

    Apple, if you don't like what I do with MY phone, well, that's just too bad, but I don't give a frack.

  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    Before i get my head chewed off read this: I don't like Apple's dictatorship policies. If i had one wish, it would be for an open-source iphone.


    Most of you guys aren't completely understanding what Apple is saying is copyright infringement. If you buy an iPhone, and can go in a hack it without DOWNLOADING a modified bootloader, then thats fine. Apple doesn't like that these hackers have taken their copyrighted software, modified it and are giving it away to people. That means that people can download Apples copyrighted software without even having to buy an iphone.

  • myra
    myra Posts: 0
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    well, apparently this is only because apple wasnt kind enough to provide us with an open source bootloader.
    it's them who locked up the whole system, now they're wondering why all those nice people want to crack it? it's a goddamn computer+phone, not a cable settopbox, terminal or some other rent-crap-hardware. we pay for it, and every piece of a goddamn code they were kind to put in it. i didn't sign a fracking eula when i bought it, so i dont give a damn whose software it runs. i've never heard of asus complaining about people hacking their bioses. well, frack me, apple and these corporate bitchezz lawyers of theirs should get more of a life, rather that our money for a change!

  • GaryD
    GaryD Posts: 1
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    Apple is gay. What a bunch of Nazi communists. Give it up already!!

    Good luck on enforcement. Seems to me some ex-RIAA officials are working at Apple now.

    If that law passed I will give back my phone to the telco and cancel my plan. I suggest everyone else do the same. Google Android just became that much more appealing.

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    The purpose of copyrighting something is to prevent others from making money off your work. Definition of copyright from the Merriam-Webster dictionary: the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something (as a literary, musical, or artistic work)
    It says nothing about modifying it or using it in any particular way. (the key thing would be that we jailbreak it our selves or have someone jailbreak it for us, just as long as we don't distribute the jailbroken software) According to the definition, there is absolutely nothing illegal about jailbreaking your phone.
    Now there might be the issue were someone jailbreaking if for you would be considered distributing, but that might be disputable, since it is being created for that phone in particular (not using the firmware that he created for his own phone but remake it) and that person is "representing" you in some way, but even if that didn't work then that just limits to you using the tools that DEV team has provided us to modify (which i again point out is completely legal) our own phone.

  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
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    While most may glance over this and feel as if there is nothing to worry about, they are partly right, but also wrong. This can set the precedent for future hacks and modifications on other devices.

    The problem isn't the AppStore monopoly but mostly that the jailbreak process requires certain code that belongs to them, thus they believe the jailbreak process is illegal. While this does have a lot to do with the AppStore, this isn't truly the only reason why. Reverse engineering proprietary software is ussually illegal and is usually done underground.

    In my opinion, they are making big deal for no reason seeing as how this actually gives users freedom to do what they want with there phone. But by law, they are allowed to prosecute those who use their code, which is copyrighted, without their permission. Its unfair and the DMCA should be changed, but we'll see what happens. Honestly, the outcome won't be that big of a deal and if they really wanted to, they could close the security hole that allows jailbreaking instead of uselessly making it illegal when no cop would do anything and most of the jailbreaking is underground already. Oh what a world we live in.

  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
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    Or Google (Andriod) phones. Open platform. I found out too late ... damn.

  • cornholio
    cornholio Posts: 1
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    they won't close "the hole" because they know that this particular "hole" is on the minds of lots of current-and-soon-to-be users. they do know that it brings a lot of attention to the iphone, that it brings new customers to the app store and that it makes iphone application that much wider without them spending a penny. but of course they've got to maintain hypocrytic face of theirs so the big bananas share holders don't get upset, thus they pump the copyright sh!t load of crap up the alley, upsetting US - the no-bananas users.

  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
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    That is true. As a company grows, they must continually answer to their shareholders rather than their customers. I am curious about how this will shape out, but to be honest, if people at the Copyright office had any brains (and they don't), than they would simply ignore their request because Apple can simply send an update to stop jailbreaking (Heck, some iPods can't be hacked at all). But honestly, atleast for me, if it was for the jailbreaking, the iPhone would be ok at best. And most at Apple know that jailbreaking actually help them sell hardware, which is 1st on their list.

  • Lilas
    Lilas Posts: 1
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    I will jailbreak my brand iphone that I will get this weekend... if it gets broken I will buy another one... wtf!

  • PJ
    PJ Posts: 13
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    Apple just wants to run everything. They want you to have to buy their products to use their products. There are a lot of good programs and apps out there, but apple only wants people to use their stuff. That really sucks. The iPhone would be so much better if they would just make it an open market and the users not have to jailbreak. Just make it so we can run whatever we want on our phone. Damn!

  • simond Mclegson
    simond Mclegson Posts: 1
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    Apple is just saying that if you use their licensed boot loader, that you do not have the right to make changes to it to do something else.

    From a software prospective only, I would have to agree. If I license a program & put restrictions in it so that I can sell a higher level of service at a different rate, I would want this protection.

    As a developer, I agree with apple, but as a user... who the hell do they think they are!

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Apple should be grateful for jailbreak/unlock if not the iphone sales would be very low because at&t is not worldwide.. they should think about all the non at&t users that gave them business i bet some the non at&t user actually buys legit software...

    come on apple we just want to use your fabulous phone on any network give us a damn break...

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    I don't like it, but it is technically a copyright violation. That is why the companies are asking for an exemption.

    I think what Apple is doing is possibly a monopoly that violates anti-trust laws, but taking their code and making something new out of it is a copyright violation.

    If the code wasn't based on apple's code it wouldn't be a violation, but because the code is based on apple's boot loader, it is a copyright violation. plain and simple.

  • JL
    JL Posts: 36
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    Legality is not the point here. What is at stake is both the public's free and unrestricted enjoyment of the Internet and anticompetition.
    The later is exemplified in the Internet Explorer Microsoft case - that Microsoft lost. The ruling was clear: Controlling access to the Internet stifles competition - an essential stimulus of innovation - and thus should not be allowed.
    The internet is a commons, not the property of Apple, hence governments should rule that no corporation can prevent our free and open choice to use a different software for access to the Internet.

    Apple is not listening to Lego and others who have understood that openness is essential to long tern success.
    Sad, for a company previously associated with "cool". Apple is becoming Microsoft :(

  • Mitch
    Mitch Posts: 34
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    I know people on this forum are likely to be anti-microsoft, but let's not forget that microsoft has in the past been forced to release sdk's for the purpose of letting developers make software that works with windows. People have been modifying firmware for WM devices, and Microsoft *generally* ignores this. I would imagine microsoft is just happy we are still using their software. Jailbreaking an iphone requires modification of proprietary code, which is illegal, however Apple must realize that an overwhelming portion of THEIR market share DEMANDS to be able to run whatever software they wish. This lack of choice is what pushed me to get rid of my Sidekick so long ago, and move to a WM device, and also why I will NEVER consider an Iphone. Apple needs to get with the program, or (hopefully) lose massive market share to other devices (WM, G1) that respond (better) to consumer demands.

    Everyone who does not like apple's policy here should stop being iSheep, throw away your iPhone and go get something else. Apple will get that message loud and clear.

  • mickey
    mickey Posts: 54
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    Its not a monopoly because the iphone doesnt exsist in its own market. Mitch is correct! Msoft had to share because a whole market was dominated by their software. Copyrights are valid and exclusive for 7 years, so its legal. Its only illegal to make a profit off protected work product, and apples claim is spurious when directed towards freeware. They should hire you smart guys...I mean, they put millions into safeguards, and you fellas always find ways around it...cheers..american innovation and drive is alive and well! Cheers for you, jeers for apple!

  • JCMieses
    JCMieses Posts: 1
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    I'm all for Jailbreak and software development. If I compare this to the industry I work in, this would almost be like making reverse engineering illegal. Many companies make a living by reverse engineering hardware (say for jet engines), improve on it, and give customers a better more cost effective option. Eventough is not illegal it does void warranties (in part or whole) since in the OEMs defense they have no control over the "alternative" so they can't vouch for how it operates. So the developers have to step in an support their product and not just put it out there.

  • Mathematician
    Mathematician Posts: 1
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    I'd like to point out that if you own an iPhone, you have already paid Apple for the hardware and base software. I can understand a case against hacked/cracked apps, but not jailbreaking the iPhone to install Firefox, etc. Apple has made its money for the software already.

  • Some guy in CA
    Some guy in CA Posts: 1
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    Im 13 but we paid for it and out there in england it's illegal to sell locked phones. I got this from a person from Europe "In Europe, it's theoretically illegal for the Service Suppliers to
    lock you into using their own network but, of course, they take no notice."
    So if it's like it there why not in america? What if someone orders it and it's from Europe. They can't arrenst them 4 that. Personally i think if they have it for at least the major networks they be find and let people jailbreak. Over 1/3 to 1/4 of iphone users have their phone jailbroken. Apple if anything add cydia and icy to the app store. LOL i jailbroke over 3 iphones for friends and 4 ipod touches but they just care 4 iphone. My friends might just get the G1 because they can download diffrent browsers and ect. G1 is like an iphone but with cydia instead of app store. "Money is the roote of all evil."

  • $ebby
    $ebby Posts: 1
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    I don't like that Apple wants jailbreaking to be illegal!
    If I use me as an example; I bought an iPod Touch and I thought 'This is a very good iPod, I can play music, watch videos, play games, surf trough the internet etc.' But suddenly my Lock Button stopped working and I looked at prices for reparing it, but then I came over 'Cydia' and I thought 'Why don't give jailbreaking a try? 'Cause it's already broken.' So, I jailbroke my iPod and installed a program wich allows me to turn of my iPod and take screenshots.

    I can't see any harm in that:P But there is one thing I understand with apple, and that's the cracked apps

  • Hector
    Hector Posts: 11
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    We are the ones spending our hard earned money on the latest technolgy...and us being limited to what we can do and can't simply unfair. Shouldn't we get our moneys worth just like Apple is getting theirs for their hard work and dedication for the assembly of the iPhone? The way they create the iPhone and get their moneys worth after every sell, thats the way we should get our moneys worth after we buy an iPhone. We shouldn't be inadequate to what we can and CAN'T DO!!!!!!!!!! >=^( APPLE IS UNFAIR!!

  • Montana
    Montana Posts: 5
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    The problem is not just Apple not approving apps, it's the high price developers have to pay/year for them to even look at it!

  • bekim xhaferi
    bekim xhaferi Posts: 1
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    Windows 7 Must let the users select more then one Browser its not anymore only IE, If you pay for i Phone its yours do What you like with it, Personally I hate Safari and I love Firefox and Ill would like to have it on my iPhone 3GS I am waiting for new Jailbreak and I will install it I don't give a **** what apple Thinks, I want to Dev open-source Apps for it for those who want them.

  • Evren Yurtesen
    Evren Yurtesen Posts: 1
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    I think that it is waste of time and money to argue with Apple. If you want less resistance, just use Android. Solution is simple enough!