Apple iPad Does Not Support Adobe Flash Like The iPhone

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple iPad Does Not Support Adobe Flash Like The iPhone

After months of rumors and speculations, Apple finally unveiled their their “latest creation” called the iPad. According to Apple, iPad is their “most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device”. It looks very impressive but based on comments from our readers, one of its biggest disappointments is the lack...

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  • Macination
    Macination Posts: 14
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    As much as I like Apple products, design, style, usability etc., they have really missed the mark with the iPad. As I stated in an early post on this site, Apple needed to WOW us not leave us wondering, WTF. What's clearly and painfully missing; Flash (another FU to Adobe), Not only No Camera, but no forward camera for chatting, conferencing etc., limited media content usability, connectivity (iTunes only). And what happened to the design here? A 1" black border around the glass. I liked the mock-up floating around that had the screen to the edge. At least they got one thing right, no forced contract for the 3G version. Still a high priced data plan. I think Amazon got this one right when they included Sprint 3G in the price of the product. Why pay $15/mo just to buy and transfer content and only from iTunes. Sorry Apple, this one might bite you in the ass.

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    no webacam?????????

  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    What are you complaining about the 3G support plans?! Amazon's Kindle does not surf the bet or supports apps. The iPad does -- and will use MUCH more data than a Kindle ever could. So suck up and pay for it!

    I am disappointed in the specs (lack of Flash, camera, etc.) -- but wonder what it is like in person and how many new apps will be redeveloped up -- or full OSX applications tinkered down -- to make this a 90% replacement for a laptop.

  • Irha
    Irha Posts: 37
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    This is just a gimmick to take advantage of the appstore and sell a new device to the crowds. What happened to innovation, Apple?

    BTW, I guess this blew dust into the mouths of all the Apple fanboys who expected the tablet to blow everything out of water, I hardly see anyone talking.

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    C'mon, they really named it "iPad"?! For people in Boston there's gonna be a lot of confusion when they start talking about an iPad and and iPod. Bad name, for many other reasons also.

  • RP
    RP Posts: 10
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    Its not Apple's problem that people in Boston can't speak english.

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Let's see if os 4.0 helps this ipad out because it sure can't make a camera appear on it, and WTF there's apps that need the camera. So now I would have to
    take a picture with my camera and mail it to my ipad to put it in a app. What about video
    apps????????? I'm so mad!

  • Albert
    Albert Posts: 17
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    i really dislike this new product my netbook blows this outta the

  • C3PO
    C3PO Posts: 2
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    Wow, just looked at all the specs. Very disappointing, it's just a big iphone with less features. No flash? No camera? Nothing new? Throw this pad in the trash with the rest.

  • Playafied
    Playafied Posts: 55
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    iPad uSuck!!! Plain and simple

    Nothing about it impressed me..

  • Albert
    Albert Posts: 17
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    FUNNY THING IS THEY HAVE A NEW "IPHONE OS3.2" that doesn't support iphone....bravo apple pissing off your iphone customers...Maybe google can build a worthy "google pad" that supports the follownting flash,front facing camera and best of all opensource...I was looking forward to os 4.0 but as usual apple fails...

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    I aint from Bawwston, but that's funny.

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Who really wants an oversized iphone with no phone capabilities. I'll stay with a netbook.

  • ferdie
    ferdie Posts: 8
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    Agree!..they should have named it itablet to revolutionize the tablet or icomandment.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    “most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device”

    how is this advance or revolutionary? its more of a step back for apple. its nothing but a big ipod touch. nothing is new. same technology and same OS but lacking current technology that is found in everyday devices. $200 netbooks can multitask, camera, and wait for it.. wait for it.. FLASH!

  • Yair
    Yair Posts: 3
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    One of my biggest dissapointments, aside from the obvious no webcam no flash, it's the fact that it's just a 10" Itouch. Sure it gives better view of webpages, but it lacks so much more than what a notebook offers. I was honestly expecting something involving a mac/iPhone OS hybrid where the usability of a computer was included but iPhone apps would be used as well.

    I understand Apple, with the Ipad, is trying to fill a void between the smartphone and the laptop, but this gap to fill leaves us feeling that there is so much more lacking especially when the pricetag is that if a pretty decent laptop or netbook!

    Hopefully Apple listens to all the critizism from it's customers and improves on the next generation ipad.

    By the way esthetically I was hoping atlmost just a 1/5" margin but I was wrong :/

  • smashcz
    smashcz Posts: 10
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    Why would there be iphone OS 4.0 ? New version always come with new iphone....
    And yes iPad sucks.

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    That pretty much sums it all up. A very accurate description. Apple really missed it with this one.

  • Steve jobs
    Steve jobs Posts: 57
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  • marvinmarsh
    marvinmarsh Posts: 1
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    Look, it's an oversized ipod Touch! You would think they would have had some kind of handwriting recognition interface like the palm pilots did, with a stylus for taking notes. But that kind of practical business application obviously didn't cross apple's mind did it?

    What are those things called that you write on with a pen....oh that's right, a notepad. So if you can't do that with this device, why is it called and "iPad"?

  • nerdkill
    nerdkill Posts: 6
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    iSucky. so it's an extra large itouch. wow. all this is, is a giant app delivery system. apple is so out of touch at this point. why is it better then my netbook? because if it was I would buy it. i paid 300 bucks for a netbook, it has a camera, it supports flash, it is not slow, it has a keyboard. i don't understand apple.

    apple hurts my heart kind of like an ex girlfriend that you think about some times, but Then when you come to you remember the 9000 times she back stabbed you or disappointed you.

  • MasterInstructor
    MasterInstructor Posts: 1
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    Wow.. Apple, I hope you are reading this... I am sorry but it sucks... No webcam, no sms, no flash, no multitasking what is so great about it? Netbooks are much better!

  • Kevin Putt
    Kevin Putt Posts: 8
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    For all those people complaining and whining...

    For the past 10 years, I have read blogs and blogs and blogs and sites and sites and comments and comments about how Apple should make a cheap, $600 tablet computer. Steve jobs finally listens to us in 2007 with the iPhone, but made it a very small one in order to provide the distance between the superior (snow leopard) and the inferior (iphone os) (the iphone was originally launched at $600). The noise died down for a while before finally erupting again early 2009. So, he gave us a bigger size version of the tablet in order to satisfy those whiners once again, working off the same formula and tablet he had before.

    What happens when he does this?

    The Apple community fully erupts because people suddenly realize that they have had a tablet since 2007 (if you don't have an iPhone or iPod touch yet, you should get one before the apple tree get's burned down from the lava).

    You can't compare the iPad to the Mac because it is a tablet, which was originally introduced by apple in 2007 with the iPhone. Why do you think it contains a similar name to iPod (Touch?)? The reason it is cheap like the iPhone is and the Mac is expensive (and a completely different name) is because of the fear of the hacking community. They have easily "jailbroke" the iPhone, but the Mac remains safe from any "jailbraking" and most viruses (a reputation against Microsoft). If Apple released a tablet similar to the Mac (then giving it the name the iTablet), they would make it pricey, much like the Macbook Air, in order to maintain this reputation against the hacking community and Microsoft. Why do you think the iPhones security keeps getting hacked again and again, while the mac's doesn't?

    So whiner's, you got a bigger version of what you had and Steve Job's listened to your low price tag...So Stop Being Spoiled Brats!

  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    Google will get to it right after they figure out how to make a phone.

  • Robin Darroch
    Robin Darroch Posts: 5
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    Flash is just a clumsy way for bad developers to make awkward web sites. Why would we want that, exactly?

  • JD
    JD Posts: 82
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    Seems like a glorified ipod touch, Im gonna stick to my iPhone and Macbook Pro.

  • Dan c
    Dan c Posts: 27
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    Laughin at the boston accent. Confusion between the iPad and iPawd.


  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    the 1" boarder is for you to hold onto since it is a touch screen.... ur hands would only get ruin whatever ur doing.

    but everything else i agree with ;-)

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    ...only ruin or get in the way. haha messed that one up.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    the lowest model macbook is $1k which is not much more then the highest model ipad and the macbook specs are way better. what apple should have done is create a netbook that reaches out for a low budget consumer price range. tablets will never be a big thing.

    apple should have made the tablet like this.