Apple iPad Does Not Support Adobe Flash Like The iPhone



  • Beatngu
    Beatngu Posts: 3
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    No flash what a bummer!
    Wanted to buy it to surf abit before i go to bed,but without no flash its just ****.

    Find the hhd allsow too small,if you want to watch movies,store your photos and music its just to little space.

    Now i just hope that it will be easy to jailbreak,so you can atleast run homebrews and stream dreambox to the ipad.
    If not i will not buy this device since its just a overgrown iphone and i can do the same stuff on my phone as i can with the ipad just on a smaller screen.

    No camera is allsow ****,cant video chat.

  • enilyks
    enilyks Posts: 3
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    What about a 5.1 mega pixel digital cam on the back (for shooting videos and pix) & an iSight camera in the front (for video conferencing)?

  • Dirk S
    Dirk S Posts: 1
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    Adobe Flash on IPad!


    Note the release date of the note: 26 Jan 10!
    Already 1 day before iPad presentaton Adobe wrote on Adobe Flash development for IPad ...

  • Jhemz
    Jhemz Posts: 1
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    The device honestly look rediculous ..

  • Eddie Vanderloot
    Eddie Vanderloot Posts: 1
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    Love apple products, own laptops and desktops however the truth got to be said
    keynote 13:13 sec shows that clearly the ipad not supporting flash
    again 13:32 as steve going through the new times website still not showing flash

    !! so basically all the adult content are gone, videos, some of youtube music that he were talking about !! any flash e-cards, birthday cards ......

    thank you apple

  • Macination
    Macination Posts: 14
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    "3G Wireless: 3G wireless lets you download books right from your Kindle; no annual contracts, no monthly fees, and no hunting for Wi-Fi hotspots"
    From ZDnet…
    "Amazon announced on Thursday [Jan.21] the release of a software development kit for its Kindle e-book reader, which will allow developers to build and eventually sell their own applications for the device."

    While you are correct in part, Amazon sees the future and, while they are playing catch-up in apps, at least their connectivity is superior, NO data plan to buy.

  • Macination
    Macination Posts: 14
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    Funny how during Steve's presentation (at about 13:13), when he was scrolling on the New York Times page, the lack of Flash "blue lego" showed up. How can something described as a "revolutionary web device" not include the one plugin used most widely on the web? What a huge, golden opportunity missed here. Will he never learn?
    If only Steve and co. would end their pissing contests with other companies, Google, Adobe, and just produce the products that people are really asking for they truly could be the technology company for the 21st century, and beyond.

  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    I'd prefer iSlate. But we must remember that many of these names are already Trademarked by different companies in diff parts of the world so Apple was not able to freely choose between them.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Well with all this negativity towards the the new Apple “iPants” lets hope iPhone Hacks lets it RIP and gets back on topic and talk about the iPhone and for all you suckers that actually buy this **** good on you because the lack of sails on this device could have an impact on the price of the next iPhone.

  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    The reason the iPhone gets hacked and the Mac doesn't is because the iPhone doesn't let people do what they want to do, like multitask, applying themes, and many other things. Also, the iPhone is used by a lot of PC users, un-accustomed to being limited to what they can do with their computers or smartphones.

  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    Frank - I guess you are usin Linux as your operating system, open office for docs and gimp for your images. Other than a few examples, where ha open source really delivered in the life of the average (not geek, not it person) computer? So you hate Apple because it is a business (an mus assume you hate ms, adobe, google as well) Go get your open source buddies and make me something as revolutionary as an iPhone and then I will give you 2 minutes of my time. Til then you don't have that much credibility with me.

  • JC
    JC Posts: 55
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    I couldn't agree more with this. How is this the "best web experience"? The best way to browse the internet? For the love of [insert deity here], GIVE ME A BREAK!!! I've never been so disappointed in my entire life. Ugh!

  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    By the way, the PC/Microsoft platform is NOT Open source. You cannot reverse engineer or modify any MS product or most software release for MS OSes. Nor can you freely redistribute these softwares. That means the platform is closed source and copyrighted. The Linux platform is Opensource and copyleft.

  • JC
    JC Posts: 55
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    Are you serious? I mean, you're joking, right? ugh!

  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    This area is for reader's comments!! Comments can be positive, neutral, or negative (complaints). As if you've never complained about anything in your life.

    And user's complaints are part of letting manufacturers what users want.

  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    I'm truly surprised that few people here are complaining about the lack of multitasking!! The biggest problem I have with the iPhone is having to switch back and forth between multiple apps to get simple tasks accomplished and having to restart apps. (Yes I known about backgrounder & ProSwitcher). And now we would have to do the same thing on a device that's "better" than netbooks. Really!! I give the dev team 6 hrs after the iPad release to announce they have a jailbreak for it.

  • CristV77
    CristV77 Posts: 51
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    u have to understand that there are so many other factors involved, money mostly, so its not that simple, everyone its trying to get the best cut out of it, so its not like he doesnt learn, its: "how can i filled my pockets, more"

  • Get off the iPads nutts already, and get back to articles about iPhones, SHEEESH, this website has been sucking a$$ lately

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    ...knowing you will need extra protection past the 25th day, we offer a battery life of 30 days.

  • Dan Parker
    Dan Parker Posts: 0
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    I agree the flash support is an issue, especially for my wife that visits a lot of flash enabled fashion related sites. The truth is those sites hurt the usability of the site with the use of flash even on a powerful computer. I'd like to see flash disappear and if the iPad becomes a household device maybe that's the hope of Apple.

    The bigger shocker here was the price and I think a lot went out the window to achieve it - i.e. camera, OLED etc.

    I think this is very much a 1.0 and they didn't want to cannibalize laptop sales just yet with something that was obviously a replacement. Eventually I can see laptops just become high end machines for IT road warriors.

  • E4tH
    E4tH Posts: 0
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    Flash is crap no matter what it is used for.. it eats CPU power and is buggy.. So its time for developers to stop using flash and start using alternatives that are more stable or wait until the release of HTML5.. Sure I would love to have an iPad for watching hulu but I don't want it crashing on me because flash is a piece of crap.

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    the iphone is open source its called cydia. iphone could be better as i found after i jailbroke it now i love it. oh and by the way adobe, google, firefox, and a whole lot more written by created by a third party company a type of open source. Sorry i can not bring myself to be an Apple Drone believing God Created them and they can do no wrong......

  • Robin
    Robin Posts: 39
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    Apart from making inefficient, CPU-hogging, poorly-designed web sites, it also allows people to distribute flash games (there's an app for that [for any game developer who cares and/or wants to make money from it]) and YouTube video (there's an app for that). In terms of what the iPhone is missing out on, I see only the inefficient web sites, which hardly seems like "missing out". But please feel free to educate me: why is it that I should want flash when I don't notice its lack AT ALL at the moment?

  • Posts: 0
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    They need a camera or webcam so you can use it as a face to face interacting device it would make cell phones useless.

  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    Cydia is not open source. It is software that Saurik created - people can write software and distribute it via Cydia but the community cannot simply rewrite it the way they want it.
    What from Adobe is open source that the average user would use? Parts of the Flash API are open source but I doubt that the average user knows or cares. Same can be said for Apple - they have supported the open source community but again, the average user does not care.
    Again, until you can actually substantiate your claim, rather than simply hate Apple you will have no credibility on this.

  • Stephen
    Stephen Posts: 33
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    well, I'm going to buy an iPad. I don't have an iphone or ipod touch, so all those things you love about your iphone and ipod i'm going to love about my iPad, I have a dell netbook and i agree with steve jobs - it's not better than anything. I don't think apple designed this product to sell one to everyone who has an iphone or ipod. It's been made for everyone else. I don't want to buy and ipod touch, cuz i already have a cell phone in my pocket and i don't need an ipod in the other pocket. The iPad will sell. It will be bought by everyone who's been longing for the iphone technology but don't need another 4" device lying around. I know you guys think that you're the only people in the world, and that if you don't need a "large ipod touch" then no one does. But there are plenty of people out there who will love to have the ipad around the house.

  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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    and a 10mm Ik47 for shooting from the side ?

  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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  • ian
    ian Posts: 48
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    This battle between apple/Adobe/Google..etc is opening a door wide open for someone to sneak in with a product that gives us what we want.

    When a company dictates what we can and can't have on a mobile device that's readily available on a p.c it deserves a swift death.

    I am astounded at how many people defend a company that denies them choice, drip feeds them updates and charges them extra for add on's that should come as standard.

    History is littered with market leading companies killed off because of their complacency, arrogance and refusal to listen to demand.

  • Fred
    Fred Posts: 30
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    Patience patience patience is the key....ipad will be obsolete in no time at all, why spend double on an ipad for less than half the functionality of a pc touchscreen? and again spend more to itunes for apps?...common people wakeup dont be fooled by greedy corporates. there are a lot of better touchscreen slates with the same functionality of a pc wich the ipad is no match for..