Apple iPad Does Not Support Adobe Flash Like The iPhone



  • Abel Goddard
    Abel Goddard Posts: 71
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    Flash does more than just make websites. Get educated.

  • Abel Goddard
    Abel Goddard Posts: 71
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    First, Mac is not unhackable. It's just not a good target, since so few people use them.

    Also, just because Jobs met 1 criteria well (size) and 1 more criteria almost (price), that doesn't mean that the rest of the needs/wants go away. I'm certainly no big Apple fan, but I was hoping for real tablet with touchscreen and real computer abilities.

    As so many have already pointed out, the iPad is really just a big iTouch with an even dumber name. It's not a device that I will get or use. My netbook, with the exception of the touchscreen, does everything I want.

  • Shylock
    Shylock Posts: 2
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    The problem with Flash support in the iPad is that it would decrease sales in the AppStore since there're so many free Flash-based games and applications on the net. Apple has to make the market secure for its developers. You have to remember that just like the iPod Touch and iPhone, the REAL moneymaker is the AppStore. The iPhone, iPod Touch, and now the iPad provide the platform on which these sales can happen.

    It's highly unlikely that we'll ever see Flash on these devices, but you have to give it to Apple for creating such a great marketplace for books, magazines, movies, and games. It'll make managing our magazine subscriptions and books so much easier. Imagine what this device can do to Education!!! Students will have more fun studying once all their textbooks get converted into digital format. Imagine all their school books contained in a small device. No need for gigantic tote bags that way a ton.

  • Jaffrey
    Jaffrey Posts: 1
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    I never asked apple for a tablet.

    The iPhone is great because it's a small portable device that does everything.
    The iPad is lame because (whether or not apple's 'just giving us what we asked for') it's generally a glorified version of what iPhone/itouch users already have, minus the small and practical aspect.

    It's a terrible argument to say that Apple made an impractical device simply out of spite for their unreasonable customers. And as to the pricing, if you can't deliver at a price comparable to the competition (and in this case even the iPhone is competition, along with netbooks and notebooks alike) don't try to put your product on the market.

    My guess is maybe there are some cool features I haven't heard about yet that may serve to redeem this stupid bastard child of an idea.

  • Faraday
    Faraday Posts: 0
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    Did no one notice that IBooks was in the Iphone dictionary since the last update? I was intrigued when I found IBooks though, didn't know that would be as good as it looks !

    I'm now looking for the location of the Iphone dictionary so that I can have a browse through to see if I can find any other future products in there !!!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I was pondering after posting my initial comment, perhaps apple will support flash, today was just not the forum to announce it. I will wait until the next generation iphone presentation and if its not announced then.... Well i wont expect to see the ipad flying off store shelves.

  • Faraday
    Faraday Posts: 0
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    It will come with the 4.0 firmware, then again I never thought they would ditch usb completely off their 'netbook killer'... lol... No camera, no flash, no HDMI... I mean seriously, what the hell? Is this another Iphone style release where they gradually add what they should have in the first place by releasing a new device every frickin year? Just because of the shocking lack of originality I'm now thinking of leaving the Apple bandwagon once and for all.

    Hi, my name is Faraday and I'm a PC *Weeps*

  • kratos
    kratos Posts: 10
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    apple is not listing to people we do not want a giant ipod we want feature we want flash!!!
    ***netbooks are revolutionary devices they can run flash***
    Steve jobs)) this time your engineers failed you

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    Told you guys this was going to suck , apple has lost its innovation, even Steve Jobs looked disappointed using that peace of crap!!!

  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    apple this time should learn from Microsoft.

    Microsoft made windows vista without listing to what people want and look what happened
    complete crapp!!!!

  • Shylock
    Shylock Posts: 2
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    Sorry... "Weigh" a ton... LOL!

  • Faraday
    Faraday Posts: 0
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    *Sigh* isn't it bad when we compare an Apple product to Windows? A few years back that would have been blasphemy! lol Remember when Jobs said that the Ipad will be the most important thing he's done at Apple? If that's what he considers to be the best Apple product then he should step down right now. If that is honestly the best he can do...

    Didn't apple file patents for wireless charging devices in 2007 ? What happened? Where is the 'Onelight' technology? OLED screens? It we can't be that far off, why not hold off for six months and give us a better screen? What about nanotube batteries ? Oh the list goes on and on... Come on Apple, sort it out...

    They might have had a good idea for a phone but it was poorly executed, They need to stop trying to cash in on that ONE idea and give us what we want. If they incrementally improve any more of their devices they will lose all of their customers and they will lose the PC/MAC war, leaving MS to dominate the paid market (open source will be around forever :-)

  • Kevin Putt
    Kevin Putt Posts: 8
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    They should have done something like that, but notice the price... really expensive and infact in the Mac range instead of the iPhone range. Also, a product like this is called the modbook (Macbook) where as the iPad is similar to the iPod (Touch).

    Lastly, the body is kinda ugly. lol!

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    its very simple...come out with a ipad with no camera..then 6 months later add the camera and were off selling em on ebay ...thanks for fucking us Steve

  • beyaco
    beyaco Posts: 1
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    it dosen`t matter people will still buy this ipad and later on it will have all the things people want just like the iphone they came out with the 2g,3gthen 3gs,4g,4gs ipad no diffrent eventhough i wish they could of just made it with a little more things in it owell nothing u can do i will buy one and millons will too..they know wht there doing its all about the money....

  • hls
    hls Posts: 1
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    IMHO, in honor of their last tablet attempt, they should have called this one the...


    iPad sounds like a pitch for some kind of personal sanitary product.

    "Meet iPad. It has Wifi AND 3G coverage to give you continuous protection, even around the EDGE"

  • Anna
    Anna Posts: 9
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    The only reason I was going to get the IPAD (awful name) was to watch videos (documentaries which only play in flash) in bed. Now I have no reason to buy it. Boooo Hoooo!!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Guys, I just feel this thing was overhyped. Truly disappointed. It's a glorified itouch with less capabilities. I love my iPhone (and I'm not a Mac guy), that was truly revolutionary. I find it amazing the iPhone holds it's own despite the newer phones that are coming out. But this new device the iPad, has left me scratching my head. I think it's over priced too. I was expecting more. Perhaps tinkering with one can change my mind but on paper (and images) it is a disappointment.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    guys you should thanks God about what gives u.go back in the past and see
    how things was people have everything but still unhappy.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    its simple guys if u like buy it if u don t don buy it.
    and stop complaining

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    iphonehacks you started this crap just say something to come down people.

  • rolisqo
    rolisqo Posts: 8
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    such a major let down Sony did a mistake by releasing the psp go which wasn't different from the previous psp and now did that same mistake releasing a giant ipodtouch/iphone whats the point apple what consumers are you trying to get releasing this. People if you have an iphone or an iphonetouch its no point into getting this hardware sorry to say

  • rolisqo
    rolisqo Posts: 8
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    such a major let down Sony did a mistake by releasing the psp go which wasn't different from the previous psp and now that apple is doing the same mistake by releasing a giant ipodtouch/iphone whats the point apple what consumers are you trying to get releasing this. People if you have an iphone or an ipodtouch its no point into getting this hardware
    sorry to say

  • Heyday72
    Heyday72 Posts: 1
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  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    So apple has released it version of the Kindle How nice...........................

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    my comment below is:::: Its An Apple Kindle!

  • LeaveMeAlone
    LeaveMeAlone Posts: 3
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    I would like to sync an iPod or iPhone to an ipad like a laptop, should had more output connections...

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Your not allowed to Use the "O" word. for those Apple Drones Steve Jobs Is a CONTROL FREAK you can't have Opensource and keep control of every little app or IPad or IPhone or ITouch ect....If the Apple Products were open source we would get all the features we want BUT we would also have the problems the windows machines have apps that don't play well together.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Im kind of dissapointed by the whole thing to be honest.
    $499 for something my iPhone 3Gs already does with exact same memory, but my 3Gs has 3G anyway.
    Book reader??? sorry, i use real books.
    Games console.....wii
    Portable video player.....3Gs & Belkin leads for a) anyones tv..b) my QL260 video Glasses (50 inch screen simulation)

    I'll save my cash for summer hols thanks

  • Santosh
    Santosh Posts: 8
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    Mr jobs u really have disappointed us..... How in the he'll do u belies this will be an alternative to netbook and laptops when there is to any output connections like USB, hdmi, sd card slots and a lot.... How do I save my assignmets and print it on the computer or take it to college .... Connect to a laptop or netbook and save it over .... There are many ways u hav disappointed the apple fans..... It's an iPod and nothing else.....

    Also to mention ... If it. Was running with mac osx it would have been a booster for pc/mac war ..... Lot people wld have been brought to the mac platform and lots software wld have been found in th mac .... But ... this way .. U have lots more year to beat Microsoft....