Steve Jobs: Our Motives Are Pure

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageSteve Jobs: Our Motives Are Pure

We have covered several email exchanges between Apple customers and Steve Jobs in the past. While Steve Jobs is popular for his simple Yes or No replies to questions customers ask, we have rarely come across a genuine debate that the Apple CEO has engaged in. ValleyWag blogger Ryan Tate...

Read the full story here



  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
    via Wordpress

    Maybe he feels it's time that the Internet was used for learning and information gathering instead of the poison you obviously enjoy, and it seems to have given you a potty mouth as well lol you need to chill a little :)

  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    If they keep being published no wonder Steve normally uses very short replies. If you dont like the apple world you can stay away from it. Myself, I quite like what they do and how they do it.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
    via Wordpress great on the iPad. Sorry, Steve

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    Comments like these should be deleted. I read this site for info about the iPhone/iPad not to read some foul mouthed adolescent making himself feel big and mature by typing epithets in caps. Does this blog have any standards at all?

  • Infodriveway
    Infodriveway Posts: 1
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    Other than not including Flash* in Mobile Safari, Apple HAS NOT CENSORED the internet.

    *As of yet, there’s still NO STABLE Flash for ANY platform.

  • Shrivatsa Somany
    Shrivatsa Somany Posts: 13
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    is this even real? After multiple FUCKS i doubt steve jobs would want to talk to someone like that...

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
    via Wordpress

    iSteamy app gives quality ****
    as does
    or iSpanx
    use MXtube to save for Resupported & TVout (with leads of course) for big screen transition :-)

  • Pryce Czech
    Pryce Czech Posts: 7
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    I don't like the way Chick Fil A cuts their fries. Who do they think they are, trying to make people eat flat fries?

    Or, we can just go to sonic and STFU.

    Seriously, if people have such a problem with Apple, there ARE other choices. Or you could engineer a tablet that WILL run flash. Or buy a Modbook.

    Don't buy a Ford Ranger and expect to haul your pro racecar in it's trailer.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    wow, some people need to GROW THE **** UP, and no im not talking about Zsa6ta6nica6, i am talking about people like HCWHunte.
    these comments are for people who want to express their thaughts about the article. If all you want is information then dont read the comments, because if you cant handle a couple slang words then you need to grow up. if you know anything you would understand that there is no such thing as a cuss word, thats just some stupid **** someone made up because they are old basterds that dont realize that these are simply agressive expressions. if you look these words up in a dictionary you will understand, ex. **** means female dog, but it is used in the modern world to describethat female dogs attitude, which is why you need to quit bitching lol

    but back to steve jobs, like ive said before, the only reason that the app store ever got succesfull is because of those walls that were put up to block free content on the internet.

    Things that you would normally get free with flash and other programs, you have to pay for on the app store. they're trying to build up a monopoly in their little gail cells called smartphones and now ipads.

    if iphone had flash to begin with, then the app store would not have been succesfull at all. and no steve is not the smart basterd that came up with this, his team of experts in marketing guid him to these strategies. so dont hate steve for doing what is best for him and his company.

    but we can make a difference by putting our foot down and stop being apples slaves. now there are awsome phones better than the iphone like evo 4g, just compare the specs and ignore the apple fanboys, because they are like those stupid bitches that always go back to the guy that cheats on them hahahahaha those silly little kids.

    like many before me i will not get the next iphone, because i want to be part of a group that stands for something, not a group that beggs for something.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    oh yeah, and have you guys heard of that site is bad ass, no pop ups and its not like that lame ass pandora where you have to hear certain songs to keep skipping, you hear what you want and whenever you want it.

    and just like i commented above, apple didnt aprove their app because they are money hongry basterds that made contracts with pandora rapsody and god knows what else.

    if your phone is jailbroken then you can get it off of cydia. its pretty cool and its faster than all of the app store apps lol

    just thought i would help them get the word out, it really is a good app. obveously its way better on a computer, but give it a try, you dont even have to send them your email adress lol

  • Pradheep
    Pradheep Posts: 3
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    dont u understand... that is what is Jobs is saying... u make the freedom available in the product that you create... and not criticize the product that Jobs made...

    The last sentence is for u, as well....

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    "what have you done thats so great??? "

    Job is an ass hole!! Sorry apple...

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    I agree with Steve's for the good of the consumer. If you honestly love **** and junk apps, just go to another platform in protest. But if you (the consumer) want quality, then look towards Apple's platform. It's your choice if you like to download viruses or desire the stress of an un-unified system, but if you do not enjoy something, stop clogging up the internet with your whines and take an action that will benefit yourself.

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    Also, this "quality" is why more and more people are flocking to the iphone. People complain about a walled garden policy, yet Apple has over 10 times the amount of apps then any other company. Does that say anything?

    And the iphone apps make the biggest profit, mainly because the consumer expects quality and then receives it, thus pleasing the consumer to buy more, like Gameloft has done (which, by the way, is similar to any other product or game. If a game like God of War wasn't of quality, people wouldn't buy it and would spend their money on something else, thus stopping the company from making it).

    So if you don't like it, pull yourself off the platform. But you haven't done that, so you obviously must be pleased enough with it and thus need to stop complaining just to complain and agitate other people.

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    if you and you husband Jobs don't like these comments , you are welcome to go somewhere else dude

  • Nono
    Nono Posts: 8
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    I find that Steve's last comment was well placed. Some retards that wrote comments here, should read it at least five times. And then the sixth time. Out loud.

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    And all don't need flash to run huh haha funny

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Your comparig a year old technology to something just launched... Compare it to th iPhone HD then you can talk.. They are just gonna come out with something better in a couple months htc lauched like 50 phones this past year.. Besides htc won't do anything with the front facing camera.. They are gonna wait to see what apple does then copy it

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    How funny he didnt have anything else to reply?

  • Rudy
    Rudy Posts: 7
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    I bought the hardware, that means I own it. If I buy the new iToaster for plain bagels does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to put seasme seed bagels in that same toaster because it was only designed for plain bagels? If you put a seasme seed bagel in your toaster, some of the seeds will fall off, burn, and get your toaster dirty. But I don't care about how dirty my toaster is, and seasme seed bagels are delicious, it's my right to put anything I want in my toaster. The same principle applies with the iPhone, Apple not only has the right, but the responsibility to inform consumers about applications that could slow down or harm the iPhone, like flash or some **** apps. But in the end it is my decision if I want those things on my phone, it is no one else's decision, because no one else paid for my phone. If Steve Jobs pays for my next iPhone, then that's a horse of a different color. But since that is never going to happen, I will always have a jailbroken iPhone so that I can do whatever the **** I want with it.

  • gappochan
    gappochan Posts: 14
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    and your comments are so full of your so called "freedom" that it violates mine, when I come here looking for answers on the iPhone/iPad, but am bombarded with foul language by retards like you who think that their only opinion is the one that counts.
    I don't like ****, and I do not want nor even let my children have their minds polluted by such filth. proof of it is your disgusting behavior. If having too much freedom to watch **** does this to your mind, then I do rest my case. enough said. or perhaps you would need it explained in simpler terms? there is no need for all this filth in this blog. you, youngster (I'd like to believe you are, otherwise it would be even more pathetic!) are totally out of line!

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Most of you people saying you are happy with apples product and it's little wall are full of **** and I say this with all due respect. Because if you were so pleased with this products you wouldn't be looking into web pages like iPhone "HACKS" . com

    the only reason so many people have held onto their iPhones is because they spent alot of money on it only to realize that they baught a car that can only play 4 radio stations and can't go over 55 mph, that only let's you go to certain places.
    It's only thanks to hackers that braught us the opportunity to enjoy things like grooveshark app and so many other awsome apps that make the iPhone worth it, the iPhone is **** without the jailbreak.

    So if you are happy with your leggo iPhone good, but ask yourself why you take an interest in pages like these! Because these websites are for people who want to change their product into something that is not completely blocked from the world. These guys put color on our black and white televisions lmao that's funny because those are the only colors you can chose from ;P

  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    I agree Nono. If you want to criticize that is great. But criticism is not belittling or used as an appeal to force (a fallacy). If you have done something so great then show it, but if not then use the products presented to the market according to your likes and needs, what is the point to argue something you don't like or wont even use in the future? If it is not of interest then don't use it or argue against it.

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    Why do you pimply faced punks even come to this site if you don't like Apple products or Jobs?

    When you go on and on talking trash and misspelling words and cursing, it just makes people feel sorry for your sad, sorry upbringing. Don't be a hater, just leave.

    Go to the Evo blog. Here's the link: Or go surf your **** sites, since no girl would have you.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    actually i was comparing it to that hidious black box youre calling the iphone hd. 5 mp cam compared to the evo 8 mp cam. well you can compare the rest, its pretty obveous that as far as hardware goes, the evo will out perform the comming iphone

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    and they dont wait to copy it, they wait to out perform it. once you see what the competition has you can go out and make something better. apple isnt doing that, they saw the specs for the evo and still decide to use a lower megapixle camera and equal or less potential processor. its not a copy when its been around before the iphone, you just never knew it already existed in different platforms.

  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    I would just like to point out, everyone is giving the general iPhone public too much credit and most of you that are kissing up to Apple and agree with them can just shut up.

    If Steve said Flash is allowed, all fanboys would be happy and there wouldn't be a debate. I feel sorry for those that feel 'filth' such as **** deserves censorship. Because in a free society, Free speech mean dealing with everyone's voice and not just what you sees fit...oh wait, that is censorship and it always starts small...

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    haha retards like you that claim to be happy with apple and jobs are the stupid fucks wasting time.

    if you are happy why are you looking at this site? this is a site for people that want to modify what you claim to be happy with. so get a life and worry about your own problems. and for your information im not one of those **** freaks and i have a great relationship. something i dont care to know about you.

    so quit reading these posts if you are a pussy that cant handle peoples choice of words, spelling, and points of views. and i already know everything i want to know about the evo, there are better sites than what you have seen.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    exactly, just like all of the micro laws taking place in the US. they seem small and harmless, but when you want to buy yourself a happy meal and you cant in california because it comes with a toy, you begin to realize that there is no longer freedom. everything becomes controlled by a single organization.

    it would be great to be able to block **** and other filth..... if you want to, and if not then so be it. i wish it were that way, so that atleast we arent put in a possition where we cannot even watch a show or movie on hulu, or any of the other big companies out there.