Steve Jobs: Our Motives Are Pure



  • kha
    kha Posts: 5
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    "What have you done that is so great?"...seriously Steve? Why go through the juvenile route?

  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    I second this statement.

  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    Aside from wither you are an Apple fanboy/girl, think Steve Jobs should be mediator of your moral center (hey, I don't to take responsibility for what I and my kids view on the web) (and by the way, if Steve is so driven to police **** on the web; why has neither he nor Apple come out in favor adding .xxx as an official web address suffix; then those concerned can block such sites), are foolish enough believe that development language or platform affects the quality of the application, think we are just renting are iPhones, that you should have the right to use something you own the way you wish, think Apple is trying to take on the job of Big Brother, jailbreaking or cracking is a good thing. You really need to learn to express yourself with out the use of meaningless foul languge, it generally does nothing to improve your point, increase to likelihood that others will dismiss you and your comments and it just makes you look stupid.

    And for goss sakes GET A SPELLING CHECKER.

  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    No, I meant I second HCWHunter's statement - NOT jorge's statement.

    We come here to read editorial content about iphone and ipad and apple - not the pointless obscene mouthfrothings of immature and arrogant fellow readers.

    Dear editors, please consider moderating comments - perhaps, just by hiding obscene comments by default, able to be revealed by interested readers with a click - thereby preserving freedom of comment while allowing us to check out the opinions of our more genteel fellow readers without being assaulted by the mad rants of angry brats.

  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    But alas, a spelling checker can't help the the wrong word misspelled.

  • やる夫
    やる夫 Posts: 1
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  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    This bickering is ridiculous. Here is where the problem lies. The iPad/iPhone OS has a great user experience. Many people who use the iPad OS would also like to use flash. Now follow me on this... the ipad is great except for one area, no flash. Now the user could go find some other platform that has support for flash but the user really likes the ipad and doesnt want a new platform, just the ipad with flash. if only we could make that a reality, how can a company replicate a device that has 5 million patents on it? most of them petty and contain no real advances in technology. i love the iphone that i own but i no longer like apple because of its decisions, go microsoft (xbox rules. ****, so does windows... my mac sucks, cant play any games on that damn thing) and go google (keep making the the android os better to compete with apple so i can buy a better phone)

  • SJ=H
    SJ=H Posts: 6
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    I bet when they asked Hitler... he said "our motives are pure"...

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
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    Why he post this on website this is a lit bit unfair for steve..

  • Metaphore
    Metaphore Posts: 3
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    Let's call jail cells "Freedom from one's own evil intentions." Let's call straight jackets "Freedom from harming oneself." Or we can call Steve Jobs' arguments rediculous rantings of a misguided lunatic and call Android "Freedom from iPhone."

    Steve is a technical genious, Mac and iPhone are his and no one can take that from him. But when it comes to marketing, he sure is a moron. From free Apple IIs for schools to $10,000 Next computers only for students and professors to iPhones and iPads closed to 3rd party development tools. He should just stay the hell away from marketing.

  • Freegadgets4you UK
    via Wordpress

    freedom from ****!!! doesnt sound like much of a revolution to me ;)

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    No one feels sorry for them. I ignore them and never give them a second thought, as the world will do the same to them until they grow up.
    If you have a valid point to express, do it without the language. You may not care but it does give everyone the impression you are trash.
    I already know what will be said, I do not care what anyone else thinks. Everyone knows that is not true, you would not be so emotional in the first place.
    With that said, I do not believe that is Steve Jobs. No way would he except a converstion with that type of language.
    If it is him I do not agree in some of the avenues he has taken with the app store or the lock down of the phone, but guess what, they can do what they want, they own the company.
    If you want changes, jailbreak. If thats not enough go back to windows mobile. Anyone forget that pain in the o/s.


  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    Zsa6ta6nica6 please tell us how you really feel. As far HCWHunter's comments I'm not in favor of censoring or deleting ANYONE.

    But apparently "freedom of speech" only applies to people who are saying things that we agree with or want to hear. If a white supremacist, pro-choice or a pedophile for example have something to say....he has NO rights to express himself because we don't want to hear him.

    We live in a very narrow bandwidth, yet we think we are open minded and tolerant of others. Guess it just depends on your perspective.

    But I'm in favor of letting everyone speak up and express themselves. If what they say has merit we might learn something. If its useless dribble then we'll all just move on to someone who makes sense. At least I hope we will.

    So let everyone speak up. After all its a Free Country isn't it??

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    All phoned are better as far as specs but still don't compare people are fine with 3 megapixels and pictures are great even better than those with 5mp. Is just what are they gonna do with it.. What are you gonna do with front camera.. Have they stated how they are gonna use it.. Try are waiting to see what apple does with it then follow suit just like the app store

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Oh and I bet that your battery life will drain also.. Multitouch and response from touching the screen are not compareable to the iPhone. Yeah sure the Evo has got 1080 p but do you really notice a difference on that small of a screen compared o 720p really? Bigger doesn't always mean better for a phone ... I don't want to carry a gameboy in my pocket

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Well yeah, you are correct about the mega pixles, but I really do think that the resolution makes a big difference on the small screens, more so because you are looking at smaller text than normal. But I do kind of agree with you

  • borub
    borub Posts: 2
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    There is no such thing as a *stable* program...anyone who has ever spent some time dealing with software engineering or even software development will be able to tell you that...there is no such thing as bug free code, one merely tries to minimize the amount of bugs in the program.

  • Lumo7
    Lumo7 Posts: 3
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    I don't get why people keeps thrashing iPhone and what it can't do. There's so many other alternatives that everyone can use. Why use an iPhone if you're not happy with it? Ah.... i think YOU are happy, you just can't believe how amazing the iPhone is and you can't get enough of it. You want more, don't you? iPhone junkie

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    So go to a different platform instead of complaining. It's your opinion. So although you have the right to use the toaster for other things, your wife may not and force you to use plain bagels to preserve the toaster! If you don't and continue to complain and rebel, then you will just end up alone and disappointed.

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    The reason I like to look at this site is because of the "other information". I honestly skip over the hacking community stuff because I don't do it, but being able to discover all those hidden features of the next os or the next iphone is why I come. Sure, I used to hack, but stopped ever since version 2.0 because Apple started taking advantage of their platform and using it to help the consumer than to provide something stylish. With 4.0 coming out soon, we won't need to jailbreak anymore except for "illegal games", which is illegal and can ruin your life. Also, you have poor grammer Jose and every negative person on this site needs to pull themselves out of the mud. Steve Jobs isn't a bad person, he is trying to keep Apple on pleasing the customer, not listening to hillbillies complain!

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    Think before you speak. Why is the iphone the most popular platform then if it was SO BAD WITHOUT IT? Quality over crappy chump...

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    He got his point across and ended the conversation. He finally did what he should have done to those hillbilly complainer's a long time's the most popular system and for a reason, not because its bad and full of crap, but good and full of quality

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    mabbent, GET A GRAMMER CHECKER! Seriously, you have horrible grammer. Plus, if you don't like it, stop complaining and go to another system that will make you (the consumer) happy, as Apple's attempt just didn't float your boat. Yet you have an iphone and are sticking to it, so you must enjoy it better than any other phone, so just stop acting like a hillbilly and be happy about a solid product that try's to protect the consumer instead of sneakily take away from them!

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    What have you done that was so great? Do something that will change the tech world forever and then you can start belittling others and have the right.

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    You obviously own a iphone or else you wouldn't be here. So because you own one and not an android, the iphone must be of better quality than any other phone. After all, it is the most popular phone of all time for a reason! Think before you type, seriously.

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    Also, Hitler forced people to cooperate. You chose to follow Apple, proving that it is something you believe in and feel that it is of better quality than anything else. Otherwise, you have the freedom to choose a different phone, unlike those under Hitlers rule. That's what American's Freedom means. You must not have been paying attention in government class...

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    Wow, people are really ridiculous.They criticize the lack of freedom on the iphone, yet they chose the iphone over other phones proving that it is the best phone out there. If it isn't the best, then why is the iphone the most popular phone and the reason people switched over to a crummy service provider (att)? If you don't like it, don't something and buy a different phone because the statistics right now (popularity of the iphone) provide Apple with a positive vibe about the iphone, that what they are doing is right and better than any other phone. In America, we have the freedom to choose what phone we want, as they provide a setup that we like, not buy the phone and create your own system (though you can but it's too complicated and hard for most people because all they do is criticize other works (hence Steve's quote "what have you done that is so great?"), hence my point). If you don't like it, get off your butt and change the statistics. But people in America are unlikely because it is of such great quality, hence the statistics of Apples Sales over other phones.

    Way to go Steve Jobs. I applaud you and understand your argument, something most of the dumb people in America seem not to understand. Good job, and keep up the quality!

  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    Is there a grammar checker for the iPhone, please point to it. I'll admit I'm a fan of run on sentences. And even with a grammar checker, sometimes I still don't see how I've formed the sentence incorrectly.

    I don't believe I've ever expressed any complaints about the iPhone hardware, operating system or the user interface. I'm quite pleased overall with the iPhone (which is probly why I bought one). I like the AppStore and think any company has a right to decied what the will and won't sell.

    What I don't aggree with is being told what I can or can't do with products I've purchased and is why I've choosen to jailbreak my iPhone. I don't think Steve Jobs should make statements that are totally self serving and based on falsehoods or flatout lies (complete web experience). Shouldn't we be allowed to make are own desicions. iI Apple/Steve wish to inculde or exclude features and/or services from thier products out the box, that's find. But should have the option to enable or install them at my choice and risk.

    And let's be clear Steve J. has never been a great or even good inventor or innovator, he's a GREAT intigrator and marketeer. Even as far back as the Apple I, I can remember Steve W. being less then thrilled with some of Steve J.'s statements and it only got worse by the time of the Lisa/Mac era. I once heard Steve W. refer to it as revisionist marketing.

  • Rcas
    Rcas Posts: 53
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    I own an iPhone, I hate most of the apps in the app store except for a few. I jailbreak the day the jailbreak comes out because I can make my iPhone better (sbsettings). I like the UI but more and more I'm getting fed up with the apple attitude. Who are they to talk down to me and tell me whats best for my phone that they designed and I bought. Its like a politician telling the people that they're wrong in their opinion of a new law (too stupid to understand what XYZ law is going to do). And don't say I should go to another platform, I bought my iPhone the day it came out... before the droid was released. I'm giving thought to getting an android OS phone. it will depend on the specs of the new iPhone and the newest Android phone this summer.

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    You're right, best to ignore them. I'm liking some of the other Apple/iPhone blogs better since they have most of the same info as here but no foul mouthed bozos. Too bad. This used to be a great site.