Steve Jobs: Our Motives Are Pure



  • Metaphore
    Metaphore Posts: 3
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    Actually, I use a Samsung with 2 SIMs. The reason I'm here is three 3.1.3 iPhones belonging to friends that are waiting for an unlock. And you sure are an assuming sob.

  • SJ=H
    SJ=H Posts: 6
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    My point is, the fact that that he says "our motives are pure" doesn't mean they really are. I own an iPhone and yes it is OK, but it isn;t great either, SJ has not changed the world, his marketing people have, "it just works" well... not really mine crashes every now and then, like all others; they want to make you believe they invented touch screens, no they didn't, mobile internet... no they didn't... mobile phones... no they didn't "apps"... no they didn't, they have created a platform to take money from you and me and in that they are great; SJ has no right to decide what is better for me, maybe for you but not for me, and by the way, I don't live in the US and contrary to what you people believe, other people in the world know what freedom is.

  • Metaphore
    Metaphore Posts: 3
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    Oh, an another thing... you need to learn how to read and rant a bit less until you do. I said iPhone is great technically and that Steve Jobs is a moron in marketing. If you don't understand that, join his moron club. Oh wait, you did.

  • SJ=H
    SJ=H Posts: 6
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    SJ is not forcing to anyone cooperate, only taking every competitor to court over petty patents...
    Only Americans need goverment class to teach (brain wash) them what freedom means, like kicking the .... out of other countries for not doing what they want... sounds like apple policies... US thinks is the world's police and now apple thinks it is the internet's police... do you think you have freedom? keep being naive.

  • Mackay Lawyers
    Mackay Lawyers Posts: 4
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    I am using App tram and train timetable. Really good in Melbourne. I think this post is not true.

  • And the proprietary headphone jack was pure intentioned freedom from other manufacturers' headphones. Not at all to make people buy Apple accessories.

    I'll tell you one more thing - if SJ ever succeeds in defeating Jailbreak and/or Unlock, iPhone is dead.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    OK "SUPER NANNY" lol and for the record I am not negative, you just think I am. Most of the arguments and insults started when some kinder garden teacher started insulting people for some comments that had nothing to do with them ex. HCWHUNTER,

    Also I like my iPhone and yes it is jailbroken because I like personalizing the things I purchase

    and it's not illegal because no one is making money off of the hacked apps, I truly believe that apple owes a small but noticable percent of it's sucess to the hacking community. Unlocked iPhones are somd all over the world, just look at how many are sold on ebay

    Last but not least, I would like to apologyze if I insulted you or anyone else. I just don't think it's fair to put someone down just because they are close minded to their own morals

  • paulie
    paulie Posts: 3
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    Good final statement by Jobs "what have you done that is so great?"

    It's very easy folks, you don't like Apple's rules? then don't buy Apple's products, I'm a PC user but i really love my iPhone, you feel that Apple is ****?, then go to another platform, Android seems cool.

    You have a choice, you wont change the way SJ feels and im sure many here have an iPhone, otherwise WTF are you doing on this site? right?

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    Everybody posting comments on this site writes really dramatically. Without it, you can prepare more logic for your arguements and make them worthwhile, making them feel less like opinions and more statement with emotion

  • NO
    NO Posts: 15
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    Putters you are the biggest fucking twat i have ever fucking come across

  • fukkkkkxyou
    fukkkkkxyou Posts: 0
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    Steve Blowjobs is a technical faggot. I hope that the cocksucker dies from pancreatic cancer. I hope his pancreas fucking rots and poisons his entire filthy and useless body. He is an absolute waste of a "human being" and the sooner he dies, the better. Then, perhaps Apple can be a real company, and not some enslaved indentured servant in the grasp of a tyrannical and megalomaniacal dictator
  • fukkxkkkxyou
    fukkxkkkxyou Posts: 0
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    I'll tell you how I really feel. I do not believe that people like YOU have a right to pick and choose which people you think have a RIGHT to voice their opinions. I am sick of censoring and patronizing pricks like YOU that only want to unilaterally determine who is and is not "allowed" to be a human being. These "examples" that you gave prove nothing whatsoever. Oh, sure, society, in all it's infinite wisdom, deems these pigeonholed individuals as criminals, and so that "designation" automatically renders them as nonexistent? Sure, we have a problem, so let's just throw it in the garbage because we just don't want to deal with it anymore. Besides, it's just too much of a hassle for us "real citizens" to deal with. So, let's hire an entire army of trained soldiers to "take out our trash" for us. Hmmm.. I think this resembles the actions of cowards, hypocrites, and overall WEAKLINGS. Fucking grow a set of balls. Oh wait, you don't have any