iPhone 4 Sold Out For Launch Day



  • Coop
    Coop Posts: 18
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    Rumor is that 4:30 East was the approximate cut-off.

  • sway
    sway Posts: 2
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    Now at&t stores will still have phones for people who are waiting outside without preorders. Preorders go in first to pick up their reserved iphones, after that, you can go in and get one if you were waiting in line.

  • Jenny
    Jenny Posts: 18
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    If you preorder from the Apple store do they charged your credit card now or when the phone ships?

  • hierojux
    hierojux Posts: 3
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    I was able to order at 2:30am (PST) through AT&T's site. It was a little slow but I was able to complete my pre-order. It said that I should receive my phone on the 24th. I didn't get a confirmation e-mail but I did get a confirmation number when I completed my order.

  • hierojux
    hierojux Posts: 3
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    Btw, I had to use the AT&T site after the apple site couldn't connect to AT&T to check my upgrade status.

  • Luis
    Luis Posts: 67
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    Anyone knows when the white Iohone Model will be available?

  • Los1015
    Los1015 Posts: 7
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    I went to BestBuy b4 i headed to either tha apple store or at&t stores. I placed my order at like 7:30 pm est n they just asked wut time was suitable to reach me to let me kno my phone was available to get n i also had options to pick btwn white n black. They told me i would be gettin it on tha 24th. so i gotta c wut happens that day.

  • weidyc@hotmail.con
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    If you order from apple online sore now it say it ship on the 2nd of July. Bummer. Now I'm gonna wait in line first thing in the morning to get one on the 24th. Can you say first in line?

  • Shab
    Shab Posts: 3
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    Best buy- no lines and no hassles for a friend of mine in the afternoon...

  • Erock
    Erock Posts: 1
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    You pay $199 or $299 plus $18.

  • stephan
    stephan Posts: 19
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    they want 413 for iphone 4 .and i said nop

  • stephan
    stephan Posts: 19
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    i will wait tell iphone 4 will be for 199
    no hurry att i got time

  • FeelGoodChicken
    FeelGoodChicken Posts: 12
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    I placed my order this morning at 3:18 am, the earliest I know of. I'm getting an iPhone delivered to my door opening day!

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    my phone will be delivered thursday june 24th by 10am biatch !!!!

  • Spazcase1
    Spazcase1 Posts: 7
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    I started checking at 2am when the apple store came back online.. Took me until about a quarter after 3 in the morning to get mine to go through. Went to bed and talked to the wife in the morning. She wanted hers opening day as well.. Tried for hours.. No go... Read some forums and they said to install the apple store app, people were getting through and it took less than a minute, success! There is my number two. But that app Webb down after awhile as well.. So a small window for them to work...

    And to all those saying "screw apple," so on and so forth.. Give them a little credit. Even a top rated website would crash and/or lag and have issues if millions of people tried ordering from it at the same time... And it's not just ordering an "item", it's an item that has to check and verify with another website entirely (AT&T) that you ARE actually a current subscriber and are eligible for upgrade OR for new customers run credit and make sure apple can approve you! It's a very complcated process, two websites BEng swamped with millions of orders attempting to communicate at the same time? AND in all fairness, YOU wanted to pre-order the same day they allowed it, as well as everyone else who helped crash the system... So you are partially to blame too!! (to all those raggin on apple and AT&T lol)

  • Personal Injury Lawyers
    via Wordpress

    I think this price is alright for me

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    So anyone know if it's sold out or not? I've tried all day and didn't get through. Timed out at checkout everytime, ordering from the west coast.

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    I got email telling me to go to the order status site and some other things

  • Samuel Lavoie Montreal
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    They are... what did you expect huh!?

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Well I tried all day on 06/15/2010 from 4am to 11:30am EST online on both att and apple store websites with no sucess. So I then went to my Local ATT store and did it there with no problems at about 12:00 noon EST. ATT said they waould have it for me on launch day. I even have a seven day window to pick it up.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Got mine on Apples website after trying all day on at&t's crappy site. Got it around 8pm eastern for delivery on the 24th. Around 11pm I say Apples was out of preorders for the 24th.

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Haha he still bought one

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Ok I'm confused, I finally got an order in yesterday after over 200 attempts & my conf e-mail time stamp is 12:57 pm 6/15.
    It also states that my pick up time @ date as 6/24 7am. But I heard this morning on the news that it’s now first come first served. I’m taking the day off to avoid as many issues as possible but if I’m there at 5AM there is still no conf this I will be able to pick up?

  • BigHill525
    BigHill525 Posts: 3
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    Couldn't pre-order/reserve on ATT or Apple web sites yesterday morning (9am central). Kept trying & trying but no luck. Decided to download the new Apple Store app while I was waiting for the web site to get up & running again. Started playing around with it and saw that there was an option to reserve iPhone 4s. I tried it & in probably less than a minute I had one reserved for me at the apple store that's right down the street.

  • Brett
    Brett Posts: 104
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    checked my AT&T order of a black 16gb iPhone 4 and it's in progress also showing that it's not back ordered for me.

  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    Last year I was at AT&T at 5 am and was the 3rd person in line for the 3gs I'll be there at 3am this year and hope I'm first!

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    they sold them all....didnt u read....lol

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    looks like ill be be at walmart, bestbuy or radio shack.

  • WickedWeasel
    WickedWeasel Posts: 8
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    Ordered mine at 10:00 pm EST on the 15th online apple store.
    Couldn't lock in pickup at local apple store in Orlando, Fl
    only first come. So went for to my door and will get it on
    24th. Quess I got in just before they ran out. Upgrading from
    3G so I'm looking forward to all the new features.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I cannot tell you how many times I tried the pre-order procedure on Apple's store. I kept getting the error in transaction but then on the right it said I could pick it up in an apple store. I didn't trust that and I wanted it shipped with a confirmation. So eventually I got myself and my wife's confirmed yesterday afternoon with a delivery date of June 24th....phew. Probably tried the process over 100 times!!