Steve Jobs Explains Why Custom Homescreen Wallpaper Feature Is Not Supported In iOS 4 For iPhone 3G

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageSteve Jobs Explains Why Custom Homescreen Wallpaper Feature Is Not Supported In iOS 4 For iPhone 3G

Apple has introduced a lot of interesting new features in iOS 4. But if you own an iPhone 3G, you may realized that some of the new features are not supported on your iPhone model. While the lack of support for multitasking feature has been frequently mentioned, iPhone 3G users...

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  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    hhmmm... tell that to the guy who programmed winterboard

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    My Thoughts too, in fact I wish Apple paid more attention to all aspects of Cydia apps, and implemented more themselves, instead of that rubbishy front facing cam, they could have made use of Bite SMS for instance, and really shouted and bragged about it, how can they boast about that facetime crap, it's been around for donkeys sorry off topic slightly.

  • Junior
    Junior Posts: 14
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    Exactly JcM800, it's like Apple live in their own little world oblivious to the technology of other phones. Until they have done it it's not official and non existant until they have thought of it.

    Why can they they let the users of 3G phones decide whether they feel it's laggy or not by allowing them to turn it off or on, duh!

    The jailbreak community is miles ahead, years ahead. Can't wait to see what they do with the iPhone 4 and that front facing cam, especially with 3G unristrictor lol

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    They just want people to upgrade to the newer phone models. Why support a full functional phone when you can leave them in the cold and try to get them to get a 3gs or a 4.

  • Anshul
    Anshul Posts: 88
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    hey anybody here have an idea that when Iphone Dev Team is planning to release jb tool for iOS 4 (windows version)

  • Danny
    Danny Posts: 91
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    Junior i cant wait to see what apps they make for the front facing camera also. maybe something like chat roulette. or maybe like ichat...........

    they already have a app called knockingVid that allows u to do live streaming with any 3g iphone. only probably is no sound. but if u call someone first and start the app, u get sound plus a live video feed

  • Junior
    Junior Posts: 14
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    Are you kidding!?
    Anyway off topic. Loly

  • Joey
    Joey Posts: 35
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    steve jobs is a genius... he has an unlimited supply of iphone developers working for him 24/7 for FREE!!! winterboard, SBS catagories, SBS multi... these are all hacked featured that are now available in the ios 4.. genius

  • SwiftUK
    SwiftUK Posts: 2
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    I often see people complaining about the lack of support for new features in the old iPhone models, but don't forget that even the iPhone 3G is 2 years old now, iOS4 wasn't even a concept or even a drawing board idea back then. With Apple, each of their 'i' devices is updated as much as possible with new features to the best of their ability but there has to be a point at which they are let go.

    People may complain that the features just aren't there, however how many more would complain if the features were but the phone was then so bogged down in performance and the battery was wiped out in a matter of hours? Is it really worth all that just for the sake of actually having them? Technology ages very quickly in these devices much like computers do and with new mobile technological advances being made everyday, it's easy to see why new features are often cut out entirely of aging devices, as the technology in them is also left behind.

    It's also important to note and remember that each device in the Smartphone market only has a shelf life of 1 - 2 years or so before being replaced, so if the new features you want outweigh the age of your device then it's really time to upgrade to a new device. I think it's quite unreasonable for people to comlain without taking even some of the above into consideration, but even that is only the tip of iceberg.

    As you were...

  • Damir
    Damir Posts: 12
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    Hi guys!

    I filmed a small video with all the iOS4 features enabled on a iphone 3G. Working great.

    So why is Steve Jobs is lying to his customers?

    Apple point of view on this is: "So you now math, but you are not better in it then my friend and you don't need it! We wont teach you math any more"

    What i wanted to point out is: Better a feature that works a bit slower or less satisfying then no at all!

    I understand that apple wants to sell as much new models as possible, but not all people have the money to buy the new models right away, and they would appreciate to get the full usability for the money they already payed. Not a bunch of lies!

  • Damir
    Damir Posts: 12
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    Sorry for my bad English! And i have a cold so :(

  • Dimitar
    Dimitar Posts: 13
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    sorry its off topic, but what is the email address i have to write to Apple in order to ask them to allow me to re-download my purchased music??? can someone PLS help me???

  • Migration Agents Melbourne
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    I found out this today...then I thought it was my updats I got it why it can not be changed

  • Danny
    Danny Posts: 91
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    why are people complaining about the 3g....people still use those? lol jk. cant wait to get my iphone 4. fedex guy better deliver it to my house today!!!!

  • Damir
    Damir Posts: 12
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    Let me quote my self:

    "Not all people have the money to buy the new models right away, and they would appreciate to get the full usability for the money they already payed. Not a bunch of lies!"

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    I totally agree. It's like when you watch the wwdc video, the audience clap at the slightest thing! If he walked on stage with a zx spectrum and said it was cutting edge tech, they'd all clap!
    I'm getting an ip4, but it won't be that great, until I've got Cydia on it :)

    IPSEEKERED Posts: 33
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  • zukki
    zukki Posts: 1
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    i jailbroke and unlocked my 3g lastnight and now have wallpapers and multitasking and everything seems to working good sometimes there is a little slow down with the multitasking but if i keep the programs to 5 everything goes good no slow down so think steve jobs is talking out his ass its all about forcing users to upgrade make him more cash 3g phones proberly have at least another year or more life in them yet

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Yeh its great to use winterbord :)

  • Ran$om
    Ran$om Posts: 29
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    Am i the only one that wants to see Miv Tones in the appstore? lol#Randomthought

  • Coop
    Coop Posts: 18
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    Your English is fine and you did a really good job on that video. I wish that I wasn't too much of a puss to jb my 3G. I'm getting a new one tomorrow anyway.

  • jimmi
    jimmi Posts: 18
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    When we can jailbreak 3gs & 4g iOS4?

  • IXLR8
    IXLR8 Posts: 7
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    Just imagine if the totalitarian attitude Steve Job displays did not occur. Here is a concept, YOU ARE ALL NOT IDIOTS, we will give you the wallpaper for the home screen but be warned of reduced performance.

    We can handle that, we can make our own decisions.

    And you wonder why the JB community keeps growing.
    YES they have the best hardware, YES they have the best OS for phone, but I left the home but I grew up in because I did not want to listen to my parents telling me what to do anymore. Seems I have inherited a new step father. STEVE JOBS.

    Please stop treating us like kids.

    Result is I JB my IPHONE 3G running IOS4 in about 20 minutes. Guess what, no reduced performance. Looks like the hacking community may be better programmers then Apples own.

    nuff said.

  • IXLR8
    IXLR8 Posts: 7
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    Already can. I did mine yesterday. Using PWNAGE TOOL that Dev team released 4 hours after the os4 release. See yesterdays post and follow instructions

    Worked great and loving my new Hybrid OS4PWN operating system.

  • IXLR8
    IXLR8 Posts: 7
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    This is pretty simple, you can turn these features on and off to increase performance so let us decide as proven by the jailbreak community.

    Its like the government putting a governor on your car so it wont go past 55 MPH.

    After all you car is at least 2 years old, you should not be going that fast!

    if you like these types of rules you would be better of living in North Korea, then you can allow others to run your life as it seems you are OK with that concept.

    With respect of course, just a difference in opinion.

    It is true that some people are better off having other make decisions for them. I am not one of them'

  • IXLR8
    IXLR8 Posts: 7
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    Agreed 100% and experienced the same exact thing! thanks for your post.

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Wow damir you just shut Steve jobs up, I'm a 3g user and very happy to see that u have it running all ios4 stuff. Looked very sexy can't wait to do it myself. great job

  • Bradley
    Bradley Posts: 8
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    Wow, I can't believe some of the posts I am reading.

    People, Apple really isn't obligated to give you ANY upgrades at all after you buy the device. The fact that they do allow older devices to get some of the features of each version of the OS is something that should be commended.

    Instead, people are on here whining - and you are whining - about only getting some features of an OS upgrade that;

    A) Apple didn't have to let you have, and
    B) you didn't have to pay a dime for.

  • Spitfire
    Spitfire Posts: 19
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    Well said that man!

  • Thatshouldhavebeenobvious
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    I think he has to pay those people, stupid.