Steve Jobs Explains Why Custom Homescreen Wallpaper Feature Is Not Supported In iOS 4 For iPhone 3G



  • ToBeMac
    ToBeMac Posts: 2
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    If i were Apple, i would have given the user the ability to switch those features (Wallpaper and Multitasking) on and off, since it's all about changing couple values in a plist file, and not only that, more advanced options could have been implemented easily to farther more adjust the visualizations vs. performance like enable/disable text or icons shadows..etc
    Am sure such functions will be available in a cydia app. very soon.

    It's all about Apple's strategies, people.

  • Thatshouldhavebeenobvious
    via Wordpress

    totally in agreement with you, guy.

  • donkeykong
    donkeykong Posts: 3
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    I used to listen to a radio program on itune and start up the iphone timer at the same time to turn off the phone. with iOS4, I can't do this anymore.

  • Dozi
    Dozi Posts: 6
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    I agree absolutely. I do not see any wow factor in this ios4 or iphone4. I wowed one my first feel and experience of a complete iPhone jailbreak n unlock with all Cydia hallelujahs. Right now, I have a iPhone 3GS locked and not jailbroken with ios4 now installed. You know what I've observed? The "Recorder" (the default app with a mic), just doesn't work. It doesn't allow for the voice recorded to be listened to. It doesn't even flip to see recorded msgs.


  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    icons are fine on my 3g jailbreak

  • Anshul
    Anshul Posts: 88
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    dude before saying to others first see clearly that pwanage tool that iphone Dev Team released was only mac compitable they will release windows compitable tool also.

  • Q_1
    Q_1 Posts: 1
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    Is it possible to use the Spirit jailbreak on a 3GS 3.1.3(new bootrom) non-carrier SIM and then install ultrasn0w 0.93 to unlock the baseband

  • Putt
    Putt Posts: 0
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    Like the complaints about AT&T

  • Monkeywrench
    Monkeywrench Posts: 59
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    I'm all for making my own decisions but comparing wallpaper to living in Korea, little much, just sayin. But I do Agee a bit. Thats one thing that in the past has kept me from I devices was the communist ways of apple. It's all controlled. Only there way. But we all know there is options.

  • Negrodamus
    Negrodamus Posts: 7
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    u can jailbreak it with the newest redsn0w beta my man

    im running a jailbroken 3g right now

  • mcorona
    mcorona Posts: 27
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    Both multitasking and icons are fine on my jailbroken 3G.

    (enabled by editing the N82AP.plist file)

    It is a little bit slower, but I don't mind the trade off one bit. It's definitely worth doing though, the benefit to speed loss is worth it.

  • mcorona
    mcorona Posts: 27
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    OH, and by the way, The feature that slowed things for me the most was spell correction. Typing was a pain in the butt.

    My recommendation, Turn Spell Check off and multitasking and wallpaper ON!

  • Bradley
    Bradley Posts: 8
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    It is nothing like the government putting a speed regulator on your car.

    It is more like you buying a 2010 Ford Mustang, and when the 2011 Mustang comes out (with a slightly different engine and features) you expect ford to make your 2010 Mustang equivalent to the new model.

    I'm sorry, things don't work like that in the real world.

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    My icons are fine on my jailbroken 3G.

    Honestly though, springboard crashed once when I first changed the wallpaper. But I think it was a combination of jailbreak apps that weren't compatible with iOS4.

    Overall battery life diminished a bit and performance did slow a little after the jailbreak, I guess this could be attributed to the multitasking feature being enabled. But hey, I don't have to have Categories or Backgrounder running anymore.

  • nv
    nv Posts: 2
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  • iftikhar
    iftikhar Posts: 1
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    Thanks for nice shearing.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    dum ass he was refering to the hackers that have paved the way leading to all the current features.

    Just a few features:

    remember the original iphone hackers forced Apple to get on the ball with this.






    Multipage homescreen

    Feel free to add to this absolutly nessisary features that are now in the iOS

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    I get where your coming from but overall disagree. How many other phones are capable of maintaining software that long. The fact that the 3G can still run the software is quite impressive when only a couple are left out.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    you have to call apple and ask them to recue your downloads. They say they will only do it once for you but I've had it done a few times now.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    ur dumb. Its people like you that are happy with the basics that let companies run over you. These guys make billions of OUR ideas market them as their own and then trick you into thinking your lucky to get them for free. HAHAHA

  • Bradley
    Bradley Posts: 8
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    Nice name calling, it just goes to show that you don't have a logical rebuttal to my comment. But even though you are obviously incapable of logical thought, I will reply.

    My statement has nothing to do with being satisfied with the basics - the iPhone, even the first generation, was far from basic. My statement has to do with the fact that the people in this thread purchased a product, then expect it to receive all of the latest and greatest upgrades every year, and then proceed to b*tch-and-moan when they don't get every feature.

    They do not trick me into thinking that I am lucky to get them for free, because I know what the product was when I bought it. If the company is willing to add features to the product for free after it has been purchased then yes, the consumer is lucky.

    Also, if you are going to have your screen name linked to your business website, maybe you should try being more civil towards people and act like you have half a brain in things you post.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    Your whole argument just makes no logical sense seeing as this has been one of Apple's selling points. I for one upgraded from jb just cause wallpaper and categories were finally added. Come to find out only half work on my 3g. First don't release the details post release of short comings second your statement would make way more sense if Apple hasn't stood and sold so many products on the basis of free upgrades and new features.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    The fact is they always claim to overshoot the bar and they manage to just barely make it with features. I agree the phone is revolutionary, but ever good feature since the first release has been in the shadow of jailbreak development.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    They rake us in with a sexy product, lock us to it and through great marketing have us completely satisfied and gracious for a software release. Yet even I love the iPhone and wouldn't go elsewhere, but just because we love a product lets not become drones. We shouldn't be in the role of the child politely asking his parents for a treat we pay good money for our products and deserve to not have to wait a year for MMMS(back in the day), two for copy/paste... let the lsit go on.

  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    Marketing is what Apple does worst, ofcorse from customers point of view

  • Damir
    Damir Posts: 12
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    Youst wanted to write something like that!
    Totally agree with you mate.

  • Skaar
    Skaar Posts: 21
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    Okay, you are being very short sighted on this issue though i agree with some of what you said. I do write programs so i believe i do understand a bit frustrations coming from some users.

    You are wrong to say the user is lucky to have software updates and more functions on their device, When i write a program for people to purchase i believe people buy it not just because they like what they see but also because the believe there will be more updates to make the program better in it being bug fixes or features. Now when i am a company like Apple which i know i am not by any standard, i know i am to provide the necessary updates and new feature if they hardware i built to run with the program can handle it.

    So my point is apple is obligated to give its consumers the satisfaction to their devices if the new features and updates can handle the their hardware.

    From Apple point of view, the hardware for the 3G can not handle all the new feature due to a slower processor on the 3G.

    I believe its just a marketing strategy, so i'm happy with my jailbroken device

  • pugsley
    pugsley Posts: 3
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    I updated my 3G with iOS4 and it seems slow and the multitasking crashes when i try using skype and another app. So is there a way to turn multitasking off?

  • kissmo
    kissmo Posts: 1
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    Yes for me too the multitasking is poor...

  • Brillo
    Brillo Posts: 2
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    Excellent. Couldn't agree more. Your car analogy reminds me of when a CHP pulled me over 15 years ago for doing 95 in my old slant 6 Dodge Daer. "But officer! This car WANTS to go this fast!" /ot
    Even though it bogged my 5 year Dell Inspiron down, I managed to fully install Windows 7. nothing inthe OS or on the laptop stopped me from doing so