Multitasking Feature In iOS 4 - Do You Like It?



  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Read this.

    It explains what really happens when you leave an app. I understand that the whole process is misleading since it is called multitasking but what you are actually seeing when you double tap the home button is a list of recent apps. Just because they are listed doesn't mean they are running. It orders them by most recent. Most likely the few most recent ones (If they are updated for ios4) are running, but others are just there as your recently ran apps. When I understood what it is really doing I learned to appreciate it. You have to think of it as "fast app switching" and a "recent apps list". You can't think of it as true multitasking because it isn't and it doesn't function that way.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    One last comment. What I was trying to get across is that all of those apps are not running. They are not eating up your battery. Apple designed it this way so we won't have to worry and think about what apps are running. We are all just so used to how desktops and other operating systems operate that we are overthinking this whole thing, myself included until tonight.

    The task switcher is not meant to be used like Windows Task Manager. Just like typing on the iPhone was weird at first, once you sit back and put your trust in it, it just works. I no longer worry about what is and isn't running. I just use the phone as I always have. The difference is now, updated apps are able to save their state and restore their state later to seem as if it never stopped running. This is all we need. We can't see more than one app at a time anyway right? The apps that do need to really run certain processes in the background like audio now can. All without taxing the CPU and battery. I see it as a win win.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Correction, Shazam and the App Store were not still running. They were just listed as recent apps. Read my posts further down for an explanation.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    I agree to a point. It realy doesn't matter how many are there though since you actually have to swipe to see them. The first 4 you see are the most recent so if you find yourself needing to switch back and forth between 2 or 3 apps, those will be the ones you see first. You don't have to worry about there being more to the right.

    I agree that it kind of defeats the purpose when you end up with as many apps down there as you have on your home screen but I don't see many other options for handling it. The other thing is this. It is mainly there for what I just mentioned, switching between a few apps back and forth. You can also just hit the icon located in its usual spot. For the most part, the app switching does its job without needing to double tap the home button.

    For example, let's say you have 100+ apps. You are wanting to switch between an app on your 2nd screen and one on your 9th screen. It sucks having to swipe over 7 screens to get to it. This way you can double tap and have quick access, even while in the other app. This is how you have to view this feature. It actually is handy. I don't even have 2 full screens of apps on my iPhone. I still have 2 spots open on my second screen. I only bother with double tapping the home button when wanting to switch apps from within an app. It doesn't really save me any time when it comes to finding an app. Hope this helps.

  • lordK
    lordK Posts: 5
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    Why is that Nokia could do a real multitasking in s60 without big impact on battery 10 years ago but Apple still fails in this? Not even the "Updated for iOS 4" apps work for me well, backgrounder alone was a much better tool than this. I agree that this "multitasking" is merely a list of previously used apps atm.

  • leVel
    leVel Posts: 2
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    not what i expected, +faster battery decrees than in OS 3.1.3 without me using any apps in multitasking

  • cool_dude
    cool_dude Posts: 11
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    its better than circutious n all......

  • Mystery man
    Mystery man Posts: 4
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    Developers only got their hands on the phone on the 24th. We have to implement multitasking then wait for Apple to test our code (which takes a week). I'm not sure why you thing we are slow when we are going as fast as we can.

  • You
    You Posts: 21
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    Iphone 3gs with Proswitcher and folders from cydia is like having ios4 master edition...

  • otykay
    otykay Posts: 3
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    i like it but applications like messenger should be able to run on background so that we can always get the buzz when we are doing some other stuffs.

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    ios4 installed on 3g ,20 minutes testing,awfull,spending 6 hours to revert to 3.1.2 ( didn't make it on 3.1.3)...simply awfull,was like a p2/400 trying to run vista...

  • otykay
    otykay Posts: 3
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    instant messaging apps, social networking apps should run on background, they are very important not minding the memory consumed. we can always close apps not in use. Thats just the difference between iphone and BB. With the social networking apps runing on the background, i see no reason going for a BB. I tell u. Apple should do us that one favour.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    With spelling like that, you really shouldn't be calling other people "dumb"


  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Agreed, my 3.1.2 3gs with 'Proswitcher' installed makes upgrading to Ios4 pointless really :)

  • alonsomosley
    alonsomosley Posts: 0
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    comletely right. I have seen untill now 2 iPhone OS4 users, both of them did not know what was running in the background and how to close them... :-)))

  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    i think it's rather lame. it's cool for stuff like pandora. but otherwise i can load every single app on my phone and then double click my home button to see all of them in there. i don't want every single app to be loaded into that thing. when i close something close it and free up the memory.

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    I think Backgrounder is still the best and i'm back using it again. Apple is getting better copying off from Cydia apps but they still have a lot to learn.

    I don't believe in name calling so i would just say, Apple knows fanboys are going to buy the product regardless so they seem to do things they way they see fit. Though its bad marketing or whatever you wanna call it, it works for them so until us consumers say enough is enough, don't count your luck on anything different.

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    I's recommend you refer things to "You" rather than 'We" You not going to bash you if you love the way your iphone works but to me and a lot more people out there, we would have preferred it differently. I believe you have not used backgrounder or proswitcher to understand anything about multitasking on a smartphone. Just because you can't see more than one app at the same time doesn't mean you shouldn't be about to switch.

    If you think you argument is right then you are contradicting apple in call what the have implemented multitasking. It should be called recent apps or recent items as it is on Mac OS X

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    Sorry for the many errors in my typing,it's always good to read over before posting.

  • Snooze
    Snooze Posts: 9
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    Thank. the. lord!! Backgrounder is back via Cydia for 4.0 (for those of you with a JB'ed iphone that is).
    Phew! Life can almost return to normal :o)

  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    I have a 3GS that is jailbroken and unlocked and I just downgraded from ios 4 back to 3.1.2 because the Backgrounder app from Cydia is way better than the new multitasking feature in ios 4. Backgrounder is true multitasking! I use it with Pro Switcher and it is simply amazing! If my 3GS starts to run a little slow I just free up memory through SBSettings. Works perfectly! If I couldn't jailbreak and unlock my iPhone I wouldn't even want it anymore. With all of Apple's restrictions these days the iPhone is nothing without a jailbreak. Thanks Dev-Team!

  • John Connor
    John Connor Posts: 5
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    It works great but I have little use for it and see no impact on battery life, which is great. I just love all these people who complain that its not true multitasking. Who cares?! If apps can be written to perform functions in the background why do you care if it doesn't completely run in the background? It's preserving the battery. If Apple didn't do this, you would be complaining that it kills the battery. If you don't like it, go get an Android phone, it's a pretty good OS, you can do what you want, it has its own flaws and you'll see how long your battery lasts when you run all those apps you want to seemingly want to run simultaneously or do you?

  • Negrodamus
    Negrodamus Posts: 7
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    A simple jailbreak will fix this =)

  • doctorsid
    doctorsid Posts: 2
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    I jailbroke my 3G... All went fine, but battery life was worse and to have to double clcik to get to the multi task menu is kind of silly since I can click home once and just launch teh next app. Since I dont run music while I use other phone stuff, I guess multitasking is really a feature I use. So I went back to non jailbreak OS4. But it is cool, and the wallpaper thing and all of the cydia apps make it pretty nice to have. But I am not that serious of a phone user. But am definately not knocking the break.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Thanks for reminding me that. Sometimes we forget how the process is. Surely we will see more of the multitasking as developers get approval.

  • Ugh.
    Ugh. Posts: 1
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    You forgot two periods in that post, Mr. Grammar Nazi.

  • neo
    neo Posts: 21
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    Hi guys,

    I'm from Symbian world and would like to ask some questions about the new iOS4 and features in general:

    - Multitaskin: Is it possible to browse music, emails,contacts or any other app during a voice/facetime call?

    - PictBridge: Has it or not?

    - Storage: Can I use the iPhone as an external hardisk like USB Stick?

    - Does it have DLNA Feature to stream over Wifi to TV e.g.

    THANKS a lot for answers!


  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    I did use backgrounder and proswitcher together on my JBed 3GS. The only thing I found nice about it was being able to decide which apps run in the background. I didn't like the fact that many times the voice control would pop up because I held the home button slightly too long to background an app.

    It would be nice if we could swipe through the open apps like in proswitcher but that would require for all of them to actually be running in the background which requires more battery. I never used proswitcher too often when I did have it. I personally like Apple's approach. Nobody else has to but I do. I was flipping through apps today and it was working great. I was on a web page, got a text, replied to it, double tapped the home button, tapped Safari and I was right back where I left off.

    I do think my argument is right. It is not true multitasking like using backgrounder and pro switcher. In my opinion this is smarter for a mobile device at this time. I guess I am contradicting Apple, but nobody from Apple can convince me that this is true multitasking. That isn't a complaint though. Like I said, I prefer it this way.

  • Salvadorean
    Salvadorean Posts: 46
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    I heard some rumors that the only way you can do this is by closing the app without being pressing the home button twice again for app switching or backgrounding.
    Not all the apps run at once, some of them have to restart back again.
    New apps coming up will be made only for A4 processor which is lame:(

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    I think it's pretty good to use. At least now my battery wont get drained in only a few hours.