PR Experts Believe Apple Will Be Forced To Recall iPhone 4 Due To Reception Problems

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imagePR Experts Believe Apple Will Be Forced To Recall iPhone 4 Due To Reception Problems

Apple received a major setback yesterday when Consumer Reports, a popular product review and comparison organization announced that it can’t recommend iPhone 4 due to its widely publicized reception problems. Folks at Cult of Mac spoke to several public relations experts who believe that Apple will be forced to recall...

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  • Crazyfish
    Crazyfish Posts: 36
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    I think this is all being blown way out of proportion. I mean people are acting like the world is coming to an end because of a reception glitch that I've barely even noticed when using mine. Also, I don't think a recall would cost Apple that much. Compared to some of the problems with phones I've used in the past, this isn't the big deal everyone is making it out to be.

  • LowPerformance
    LowPerformance Posts: 20
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    Maaannnnnnn Bummer for apple

    Love my 4

  • Fresh
    Fresh Posts: 6
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  • Lol e
    Lol e Posts: 10
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    I think they should recall, a software fault displaying the signal wrong doesn't explain the obvious hardware issue of bridging the two antennas dropping the signal. Bumper cases for free just admits there is a hardware fault and thus they should recall anyway....

  • Fresh
    Fresh Posts: 6
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    I'm buying a droid. Between geohot not releasing a jb and the reception issues, not to mention all the other issues with ios4 I'm forced to.

  • KillerCheeze
    KillerCheeze Posts: 18
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    Had my phone a week, no reception issues at all. It is in a case most of the time but even out of the case I've had no dropped calls or reception issues. It sounds to me like it is only a certain percentage of handsets.

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    Before they can recall, they have to know how to fix the actual hardware problem first. It just sucks anyway you put it. My GF called Sprint yesterday to end service and they asked why. She told them that she is on my AT&T account and got the Iphone. Their response was "well at least you can use our phones in the left hand". WTF??? She had the lady on speakerphone and I couldn't believe she said that. Like, ok, I know the Iphone has it's problems, but ummmm was that really necessary?

  • Theahbal
    Theahbal Posts: 14
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    So after being really pissed and couldn't get apple to send me free bumpers, i went on FleeBay and got me 8 iphone4 hard cases for $16 just meant I had to wait, so I did and 10 days later I had my cases, I tell you it was the best f$%#@ 16 bucks I spent! apple seriously give out those bumpers and avoid any future problems, speak to a psychiatrist they will tell you, it starts with admitting you were wrong! I know I know apple doesn't make mistakes, but just do it already and get on with it!!

  • Topsy
    Topsy Posts: 41
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    No Total Recall Mr Arnold Swartnegger. Love this movie. Have u watched it. Don't know why people hate Apple like this. My iPhone 4 is going no where.

  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
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    You need to realize that's your iphone 4. It seems a billion out of just one "Crazyfish" is having a problem. So plz GTFO

  • Rob Lee
    Rob Lee Posts: 18
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    I have had my iphone since the first day and I haven't experienced any type of problems whatsoever.Fresh if you want to buy a droid go right ahead. That will make about 99 sold thus far. Droid is a joke! End of discussion.

  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
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    It's not a small percentage your the actually 1% that doesn't have the problem, but why just risk it and actually replace it with a full proof phone when they recall it?

  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
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    lol, shes proving a point that the phone is having problems and everyone knows.

  • somename
    somename Posts: 11
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    What a bullshit statement. You don't know a thing about the percentages of people having problems.

  • Skyline_V35
    Skyline_V35 Posts: 0
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    I have the issue with the signal bars dropping but I have never had any dropped calls using either hand. I even intentionally held it weird to cause the issue and still no drop call. Give me a jailbreak and this is the greatest phone ever :D

  • Roderick
    Roderick Posts: 25
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    My iPhone 4 isn't going anywhere. I have had few dropped calls. Who cares about signal strength if you calls are improving. For the person going to Fresh, you won't be missed. In fact you will be back. It seems to that this sone covert attact to bring apple down. Don't engage in public defamation to compete, just create a a better product droidites!!!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    This is my 2 cents for what it's worth .... I believe apple is already tweaking the manufacturing process of the iPhone 4 and when those new units start rolling into stores then the customers experiencing this issue can swap out for the newer version.

    I'm not sure how a firmware update could fix this reported problem unless you can code the direction of the antenna (similar to a router)

    I have an iPhone 4 without this issue so a recall on a global scale seems highly unlikely

  • Lpc2
    Lpc2 Posts: 2
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    Hahaha. Yea buddy. That sucks.

  • tommy
    tommy Posts: 28
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    I'm glad that the report came out so I don't have to wait in a line to get my next one!!!

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    Gotta say a HTC Desire sure looks appealing right now. The only thing that puts me off is the limited 3d games and app store, if they get their **** together I may well jump ship.

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    Well they should recall those who are having issues, if you're happy-don't return it!
    I suspect quite a few ppl will return theirs tho..if Apple requested them back.

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    I think that apple should do a recall on all iPhone 4 to owners that are experiencing the reception issue and in return for this giant mess, they should be allowed by AT&T to not be forced into the extended plans if they renewed and if a iPhone 4 owner would like to stay, they should be given a white iPhone 4 that has been internally fixed which was not available at the time the first iPhone 4 was released. And even a free bumper just to sweeten the deal even more.

  • yt0k
    yt0k Posts: 0
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    What about the issue with the sensor causing you to either disconnect calls, or place them on mute or speakerphone?

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Now those issues I have experienced, that can be corrected with an update or I could just remove my ears lol

  • Y_air
    Y_air Posts: 12
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    There should be a recall because it would just show a strong effort by Apple to fix the issue (rather than just giving away bumpers) However, the new iphones rolling out should be fixed and just have the percentage that were having reception issues be returned for a full refund/new phone. This however, will take time to bring enough iphones to the stores to replace the ones that have to be recalled.

    After all theya re about costumer satisfaction right? lol

  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
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    neither do you so why deny the problem when it is happening. Kind of know the facts when its actually public wide. Unless you have something to disprove my point? I didn't think so.

  • krish
    krish Posts: 26
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    this is a big problem...Dont you call it a big problem when a device is supposed to do what it should? :)

    If your phone is working fine..means, you are very nearer to AT&T tower...go away from the tower and see you would see the real problem with your phone....

    My phone works fine in my office ...but goes own at my home when I hold it in left hand and the call drops...

  • JVE
    JVE Posts: 3
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    i have an iphone 4 and have had zero dropped calls or bad reception due to antenna issues. i have dropped calls and attempted facetime calls without meaning to due to my cheek hitting the buttons by accident.

    that said, i hate when a company like Apple lies about an issue, saying there is no reception issue and they are displaying the signal strength incorrectly. that was some crap. I bought a bumper case on the second day and now i see they might give away the things for free, well i want a free one. i also hate that apple thinks their sh1t dont stink. other than that, i have no complaints - :)

  • Crazyfish
    Crazyfish Posts: 36
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    I'm not sure what you are saying. I'm not really having a problem with my iPhone 4!! English... do you understand it?

  • Asa
    Asa Posts: 54
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    I am unable to produce the problem on my iphone 4 unless I get my left hand wet and grip it tightly then. When my hand is dry and can grip it tight without losing audio. Tested several times