PR Experts Believe Apple Will Be Forced To Recall iPhone 4 Due To Reception Problems



  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
    via Wordpress

    The recall will not happen and will be unlikely that it will.

    But Apple should compensate to those who have complained about the issue by sending them the new iphone 4 while they send the defective back.

  • Bobo
    Bobo Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    Maybe that is english to you...
    But where 99.99999% of the world(idiot gangsters excluded) that is NOT English!!!
    When your grammar far preceedes a hippos you are speaking dumb f*€k.
    Read what you type and make sure itmakes sence to anyone with an IQ 10+

    Also, before you bash on a subject try knowing the subject first. Just cause you want to holdy//. Hold your phone like a moron doesn't mean you have to

  • Gerard
    Gerard Posts: 29
    via Wordpress

    I don't see anyone wondering why the phone doesn't switch to the Edge network when the 3G signal drops down. If Apple is able to get the phone to switch to the Edge network when the 3G signal drops wouldn't that be considered a software problem?

  • Joey
    Joey Posts: 35
    via Wordpress

    I agree with you crazy fish, I have not had any issue whatsoever.

  • Zenith59
    Zenith59 Posts: 1
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    I constantly check the pulse of smartphones to see what is dead and what is alive.The first smartphone I had was the Samsung I730 and I could watch live TV on it.I dished out over 1,000.00 in product, contractual obligations and accessories for it and I Loved it. When the IPhone came out, there was nothing out there that compared. In 2010, what is available to purchase for consumers in the U.S.A, the IPhone still rules with its new life in the form of the IPhone 4G.

    The quality of the product including its servicing(maintenance)is due to its creator Steve Jobs. Thanks to his unequaled focus, I have in my hands the greatest smartphone to set foot in the U.S.A.

    When he passes away, Apple will not be the same.

    Steve Jobs, is like Johnny Carson to the Tonight Show. Nobody has or ever will fill his shoes.

    In heaven, I plan to have, amongst others, a conversation with Steve, near the star VY Canis Majoris (Red Hypergaint) and the first thing I will say to him is...

    "Were you on crack when you decided to place a 2.5 mm headphone jack in the first IPhone?".

  • armhunter
    armhunter Posts: 22
    via Wordpress

    Just use a case! End of story!,,

  • somewhereintheEU
    somewhereintheEU Posts: 1
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    is anyone having issues in the UK or any other country as it seems like its all the kid in the USA bitching..

  • smash
    smash Posts: 26
    via Wordpress

    They need to recall, its not only death grip, it's also proximity sensor problem. And I dont want a case for a workaround.
    Im sure if you look at miror and be on call for 5 min, the display will come on few times. It's a problem.

  • smash
    smash Posts: 26
    via Wordpress
  • Davidcalle
    Davidcalle Posts: 0
    via Wordpress

    Hey I found a fix for the reception signal, I heard resetting the network helped some people, but not for me.. I decided to try it again but by holding the way "we are not supposed to"... By holding the bottom left corner and resetting network settings I had no more issue with reception, I also turned off 3G and cellular network but I don't know if it's relevant

  • Salvadorean
    Salvadorean Posts: 46
    via Wordpress

    I knew something was going wrong with this freaking iphone 4, antenna reception issues cuz of design.
    I want to keep my iphone 3gs until next better upgrade comes up.
    New data packages are insuficient for an iphone user, I spend hours online, watching movies but handling a constant overheating which is something that hasn't been solved by apple itself.
    IOS 4 is a piece of crap.
    apps crashing, screen freezing up while calling, can't inmediatelly hang up, so lame.
    They came up too soon with this upgrade that they did not test it quite right, why?????
    downgrading will be a pain in the butt cuz I have to forcely jailbreak my iphone 3gs before proceeding.
    for those who are thinking on buying iphone 4, good luck!

  • Looknlisten
    Looknlisten Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    I got my iPhone4 early December 2010 and had frequent reception issues, I rang Apple today and they are sending me a bumper and the guy on the phone told me that the antennae of the iPhone4 is all down the right hand side, so in the meantime I should try to keep that side clear and I should be ok - I also asked about hanging a strap on the phone as there isn't a place to loop a strap through (great when busy and need to hand your phone somewhere) he said the bumper case has a place I can insert a strap. We'll see what happens -- I have watched my daughters experience so many mac products - but this is my first and I have issues - darn! was so looking forward to being a new Mac customer. Had a touch screen samsung before and that worked perfectly. But I want the Apps!!!! lol