Comex To Release Spirit Like Tool To Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS And iPod Touch 2G/3G Soon



  • Dkhan
    Dkhan Posts: 24
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    Nope... that's why you need to user firmware umbrella now.

    You use firmware umbrella to save your blobs. that way when 4.x comes out that isnt jailbroken, you can use itunes to restore to a previous version IF you have your blobs saved. If you dont it checks with Apple to see what version of firmware is still "acceptable" to use. Apple changes the "acceptable" version usually the same day a new version is released.

    you are running 4.0.1, apple releases 4.1 today. Next week your phone is acting up, you want to restore. Itunes checks back with Apple and says you MUST restore with 4.1. If you try and use the 4.0.1 it will say Sorry that's not valid. With firmware umbrella you can fake itunes into verifying the firmware is "acceptable" off your saved blobs allowing you to run previous versions of firmware.

  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
    via Wordpress

    use a phonebook sim card.

  • Linsey
    Linsey Posts: 14
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    I returned my iphone 4 because i want the white one,but i still have my 3g running 4.0.1, if i save the blobs from my 3g will i be able to downgrade the new phone (most likely it will come with 4.1)?

  • Warren
    Warren Posts: 12
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    Yay, iPhonehacks writing stories about vapour-ware again. It doesn't exist until it's available and you keep writing posts of these things, promising stuff that may or may not eventuate.
    I look forward to it, along with the other three that we have been told about.

  • Asa
    Asa Posts: 54
    via Wordpress

    Thank u , can I save shsh file without jailbreak
    and only use tiny umbrela or can use auto shsh from snowbreaz sight

  • triplejjj
    triplejjj Posts: 3
    via Wordpress

    I must be missing something,,,
    One day iphone hacks says that comex is wating for the release of
    4.0.1 before making available the jb and the next, they say he's
    not going to wait for 4.0.1,,,, hello it's already out, (4.0.1)
    besides the tiny umbrella website says that there are no more blobs for 4.0. that means you have to use 4.0.1 to save them.

  • FakepicturesRcool
    via Wordpress

    basically I'm still screwed since I bought this 3GS on iOS 4.0 and with no SHSH saved....correct me I'm wrong.

  • just sayin'
    just sayin' Posts: 66
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    YOU are an idiot..YOU Grow up! what a on just to bash others again..what a loser.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I hope you are just mistaken in your writing here, but first - you can't downgrade with blackra1n. blackra1n is a jailbreak tool. Only way to downgrade to 3.1.2 is to have your 3.1.2 shsh blob on file and if you point your host file to cydia's ip address for the apple update server. If you simply try and downgrade and use blackra1n to get yourself out of the recovery loop, it's not going to work - not with geohot's jailbreak, not dev-teams, not anyones. It just won't work period. Apple is not signing these blobs for a reason - they don't want users to be able to downgrade to a jailbreakable firmware.

    And although geohot has a big ego and has been quite douchey lately, it still can't be denied that he was a pioneer in the jailbreaking community and will always remain that way. Say what you want about the kid, but he's got talent that deserves recognition.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
    via Wordpress

    no - shsh blobs are device specific. And it's not likely it will come with 4.1 either. I just traded in my 3Gs due to hardware malfunction and I got one with 3.1.3 on it - and this was 2 weeks after 4.0 came out. They don't pull the phones out of the box to update them...the firmware is put on at the factory.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    re-read the article man - "I'm not waiting for 4.1 so I hope everyone has SHSH blobs saved. :p"

    4.1 - not 4.0.1

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    you can use tinyumbrella to get your shsh for 4.0.1 - just make sure you save it as soon as possible in the event apple releases 4.1 Once a new firmware comes out, apple stops signing shsh blobs for previous firmwares and you will be screwed at that point as I believe comex's jailbreak will be compatible with 4.0 and 4.0.1 (not 4.1 as of yet as it's unreleased so no way to know yet)...but if you accidentally upgrade to 4.1 and have your shsh blobs saved for previous firmwares, you can downgrade and jailbreak.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    4.0 on iphone 4 (at least) and no jailbreak for iphone 4 yet - that's what this article is about...

  • Kneale Faragher
    Kneale Faragher Posts: 1
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    Yeah man!!

  • Terence
    Terence Posts: 6
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    shsh blobs are said to be locked out.

  • M
    M Posts: 30
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    I saved shsh for 3.1.3 on cydia. Then I updated to ios4. After that I want to downgrade to 3.1.3. People said saving shsh will give chance to downgrade. I tried to downgrade. Unfortunately, itunes said can't restore "error". How ? I change in I change ip address to like other said. Can't ::::: (

  • hermster
    hermster Posts: 1
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    Sorry im a noob.....When this is released will i be able to jailbreak my 3GS (Old Bootrom) on FW 4.0.

  • Kurtec
    Kurtec Posts: 9
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    wow Rob, really insightful. Thats for the reply

  • Dhrumil-India
    Dhrumil-India Posts: 1
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  • SG
    SG Posts: 5
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    i hope its soon:( been hearing about it coming out SOON for about 2 weeks now:( thanks for the update

  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
    via Wordpress

    do a option restore on mac or a shift restore on windows download 3.1.3 ispw just google it

  • Revrevmax
    Revrevmax Posts: 11
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    Sorry my country dont have it. Is there any more solution? Thanks.

  • lionel
    lionel Posts: 2
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    GeoHotz if that is really you then you are a cocksucker...

  • Juiceman
    Juiceman Posts: 1
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    GeoHotz you can eat my juice for free

  • Quester
    Quester Posts: 1
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    If i have a 3.1.13 shsh blob will i need a 4.0.1 blob also? And if i upgrade to 4.0.1 to get my blob can i easily downgrade back to 3.1.13?

  • dedismtyvneli.
    dedismtyvneli. Posts: 1
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    pls be more spacific /release it...cant wait 4 it.come onnnnnnnnnnnnnn plssssssssss

  • Geohot = hot!!!!
    Geohot = hot!!!! Posts: 1
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    I think these people are messing around with us. Dev Team is already unlocking the iphone 4 so they must have a jailbreak for it. YOU CANNOT UNLOCK WITHOUT A JAILBREAK!!!!!!!

  • triplejjj
    triplejjj Posts: 3
    via Wordpress

    Thanks Brian I totally missed it.

  • DJ MD
    DJ MD Posts: 3
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