Apple Applies For Patent To Remotely Disable iPhone After Detecting Unauthorized Activity Such As Ha



  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
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    If iphone does indeed impliment these features to new updates, I will go in the booms and say I will stop purchasing future apple products, and indeed terminate my current status as an iphone user. I will guarantee it.

  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
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    I mean, "I will go on the books and say i will never use another iphone again."

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Hold on everyone, think about this a minute... If you lose your device wouldn't it be nice to have that device report back where it is and who is potentially using it and then remotely disable it? I think that's cool , now as for the detection of jailbreak and unlock, well these patent items may have been written prior to the CDMA ruling allowing jailbreak, so don't freak out! Lol

  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
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    How about we start a petition? If this does go into effect, we will all quit from purchasing, using and even talking about iphone again. I think this will put jobs in his place. What do u guys think?

  • Rover
    Rover Posts: 24
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    Nobody knows what Apple's intentions are for this patent although we can only assume they are good. How would they first even identify an unauthorized user from accessing the phone unless someone has already claimed the phone lost or stolen. In that case don't they have the "Find my iPhone" app which can remotely wipe your phone and also locate it and plus the feature to wipe you phone if the password is incorrectly inputted to many times? I don't fully understand would be so different with this patent. Plus if they are able to remotely disable the phone would it also disable the phone from being put in recovery mode. I am more inclined to believe they are trying to prevent jailbreaking. I don't think they will disable the entire phone but I'm sure they will disable certain features.

  • shea4y
    shea4y Posts: 17
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    this **** is crazy! i had a dream that steve jobs was trying 2 take my iphone away cause i jailbroke it! guess it wasnt a dream.

  • shea4y
    shea4y Posts: 17
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  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    Damn spammer. And what are you talking about facetime on your 3Gs. Get your facts straight.

  • Vflow
    Vflow Posts: 2
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    Yes you can sue for invading privacy that's what ima do

  • Vflow
    Vflow Posts: 2
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    Now if jailbreaking wasn't legal then that's a different story but it is

  • crazy Man
    crazy Man Posts: 39
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    Well It's a good job I live in the UK then!!!

  • Rover
    Rover Posts: 24
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    Find my iPhone app. Though it wipes it which if you really have important information then I would think they would rather have the phone wiped.

  • sdfe
    sdfe Posts: 0
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    Hey, guys, I knew this day will come, don't know about your guys, I am jumping off the ship.. Bye, apple.

  • Manuel
    Manuel Posts: 12
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    I don't think we have anything to worry about. I have a feeling they already know whose iphone is JB. Apple needs happy customers. Any action by Apple to remotely lock your phone would make MEGA negative news. Apple or any company for that matter cannot afford such negative propaganda. If Apple where to do this to any iPhone owner, that would be it for me. No more Apple products. Good Bye and hello Droid.

  • AvionicZ
    AvionicZ Posts: 28
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    The date of the patent application is 2008, quite a time ago and millions of iphones later. This is just a hyped up bullshit story. Can't happen, won't happen. The percentage of jailbroke phones is ridiculously low to even **** with us to piss off all 100% of iphone owners. They'd have to give the phone away and would do nothing but mega boost the sale of other smart phones and the next 64 brands of ipad imitators. This is a non story.

  • SiLeNcEbOnE
    SiLeNcEbOnE Posts: 30
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    I see this as more anti-competitive actions on theyre part. They just don't want you to jailbreak your phone. They don't do this only to "protect" users that got they're iphone stolen but more to being assholes on prevent jailbreaking the iPhone. Cause afterwards less people would jailbreak because theyre scared they would end up with a "bricked" phone. They just don't want for cydia and rock to win money that they think they should be getting.

    Sorry for the language but **** Steve Jobs, I love my iPhone 4 but **** him.......

  • Lyger
    Lyger Posts: 0
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    Its a Mobile phone not a detonator for an atomic bomb Apple are too much, if that appears it will make the phone unreliable as you could never be sure they wont switch it off or 'tamper' with your settings.

    Android phones look like the way to go i for one will not buy anymore products from a company whos hell bent on controlling the customer, its ridiculous !!

  • Jordan katz
    Jordan katz Posts: 20
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    First of all Apple applies for patents all day long..there is no way to tell if and when this comes to fruition and in what context it's applied. The only use I can see about detecting hacking is if you go to the store for help, perhaps they can tell if you hacked the phone so they can avoid the warranty.
    Secondly, they can't disable it if was deemed legal to do so. Thirdly I am paying a phone bill to use the phone, do you really think AT&T or whichever carrier you are on is going to let Apple prevent you from making phone calls? What if you were in an emergency and Apple disabled your phone and you couldn't call for help? There is not a chance in hell Apple's lawyers are gonna open themselves up to a lawsuit like that.

    This is a bullshit article to get attention so you come to the site and click on one of the ads.

  • Mick
    Mick Posts: 19
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    Who does Steve Jobs think he is, ive bought and payed for my iphone, imac, macbook pro, appletv and numerous ipods not to mention a few other apple items.. i will do as i please they belong to me, end off ... jailbreak is legal hello!!!!!! . ithink he wants to take over the universe, as the james bond film title says, the world is not enough lol .....

  • SiLeNcEbOnE
    SiLeNcEbOnE Posts: 30
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    More like he wants to be scarface...

    "The World Is Yours"

  • lucas
    lucas Posts: 18
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  • shea4y
    shea4y Posts: 17
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    think of all the developers that would switch 2 droid. id rather them focus their efforts on a company that wont **** with them.

  • shea4y
    shea4y Posts: 17
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    do u think anybody at apple reads websites like this? they aren't human...theyre ASSHOLES

  • shea4y
    shea4y Posts: 17
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    when u sue them, call me as a witness!

  • shea4y
    shea4y Posts: 17
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    what about RIM censoring blackberrys in the UAE and Inida? its not just America.

  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    Has anyone considered the fact that the dev team will simply just "disable the remote disable"???

    The Dev Team can find holes to jailbreak, they can find holes to unlock... chances are, they can find a way to disable Apple's remote lockdown. And if they do, they'll include it with the jailbreak.

    Problem solved.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    I purchased my device and should be able to do with it what I want. If it voids the warranty then so be it. I am not renting or leasing my iphone. I think if this this patent goes through then there are some serious issues with apple and the way it views its devices. Seriously, If I mod my car so I enjoy it more, I don't have the car industry breathing down my neck trying to shut down my car!!!!!!!!!

  • My iPhone not apples
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    Yea with THEIR products. Once we buy "their" products it becomes our product. It's like buying a car and then you put different rims on it and the dealership calls asking for the car back because you changed the look of it. Apple needs to give up this war it's pointless they won't win they are crazy if they think that they will invade my phone without my consent F*** that I paid for it so I'm going to do whatever I want to my phone point blank.

  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    What horrible reporting. First you have a title of "Apple Will Be Able To Remotely Disable iPhone...", yet at the very end of the "article", you state that "...the patent doesn’t provide details on whether Apple or the owner of the device will have the ability to remotely disable the device." What is this garbage? The Apple Enquirer?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Point taken, updated the post with some more details and also changed the subject line.