Apple Applies For Patent To Remotely Disable iPhone After Detecting Unauthorized Activity Such As Ha



  • yooseaf
    yooseaf Posts: 1
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    it seems that invasion with good and bad thing but in the same time if apple company apply this situation the phone without Jailbreak will be nothing and it will reduce the purchases of customers so that the worst thing would happend soon

  • Jailbreaker69
    Jailbreaker69 Posts: 0
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    This is not about jailbreaking.. They just gotta find an excuse to do all that, take a snap picture of your face, GPS, phone calls? WTF.. That goes
    Deeper than that! Just like when U.S went to war to Afganistan and Iraq for "terrorism" haha that just was an inside job.. And now with apple.. "jailbreaking" all f this is preparing people for what's coming .New World Order!!

  • Jailbreaker69
    Jailbreaker69 Posts: 0
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    Hahaha! That's what I'm saying? Like u.s blame on the terrorist and apple blame it on the jailbreaks!0

  • Monkeywrench
    Monkeywrench Posts: 59
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    taking pictures and gps locations, that should be illegal by some means, and as far as the whole disabling a jailbroken phone will never work. its been decided that its not illegal so they shouldn't touch the phones. if they want to void the warranty fine, but its your device.

  • uk billy
    uk billy Posts: 7
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    what about all the people that are thinking of buying there first iphone. after reading this **** they are gonna change there mind. APPLE your loss. bad move steve jobs.

  • Nice
    Nice Posts: 22
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    in America you have to put the blame on someonelse to get what you want so apple is putting the blame on the Jailbreakers/Hackers , honesty If apple keeps this **** up , I'll go to Cali and smack goofyness off Steve JOBLESS!

  • Josefa Rodriguez
    Josefa Rodriguez Posts: 1
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    Apple is making a Big freaking deal out of their phone. If they do something that can prevent me from jailbreaking/opening my phone then I'll switch to DROID. Screw iPhone.

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    they dont have the right to disable our phone coz we bought them in full price or discounted one for a 2 year contract....the only thing they can do to help the owners of the IPHONE is to disable it if reported missing, with proof of BOX of Iphone & its IMEI, nothing else, i know its not the job of APPLE its the network job. disabling it is illegal coz JB is legal now

  • idre82
    idre82 Posts: 1
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    it'll never get approved. That's most certainly a request to legalize invasion of privacy...

  • buffybear
    buffybear Posts: 12
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    As per Apple's website:

    Apple’s Principles of Business Conduct

    Apple’s success is based on creating innovative, high-quality products and services and on demonstrating integrity in every business interaction. Apple’s principles of business conduct define the way we do business worldwide. These principles are:

    • Honesty. Demonstrate honesty and high ethical standards in all business dealings.

    • Respect. Treat customers, suppliers, employees, and others with respect and courtesy.

    • Confidentiality. Protect the confidentiality of Apple’s information and the information of our customers, suppliers, and employees.

    • Compliance. Ensure that business decisions comply with all applicable laws
    and regulations.

    Maybe ALL Apple employees need a refresher course to get their core values reaffirmed.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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  • Funghie
    Funghie Posts: 3
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    I only mention this as on quick scan, no one else has: What do you think the percentage of jailbroken phones is? Probably quite a lot right? Remember Apple still get money for this. Just becuase it's JB doesn't mean Apple lose money. Many JB users wouldn't have a n iPhone if it couldn't be JB. So Apple would lose a hell of a lot of sales. For this reason above all else, I can't see them disabling JB phones. In fact, if anything they're probably quite happy about it in an undercover kind of way.

  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    If they block hacks I'll go to android

  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    wow, so just because apple becomes dumbfounded at how fast they're precious ios 4 and iphone 4 software became jailbreakable and unlockable. They **** and wine about it and come out with 4.0.2 (which ways around this have easily been found)So they **** and wine some more and say to eachother "even though t-mobile iphone users out number at&t iphone users and we sell more iphone without contracts and make more money than cutting the price to a third with a contract we still want people to throw there money away into our appstore and no one should be allowed to have and iphone 'how they want it' they all need to be the same with tons of limits and if someone jailbreaks we will remotely **** up theirs phones and say it was because of jailbreaking".

    The fact about jailbreaking is that it makes the iphone a lot more user friendly and easy to use and in no way slows it down or curupts software.

    Not an opinion, just fact...

  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    "Cydia founder Jay Freeman estimates that over 10% of all iPhones are jailbroken." I believe that was the estimate before the DMCA Exemption.

  • Ns
    Ns Posts: 1
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    It's not there product. It's mine, I paid for it!

  • jelly
    jelly Posts: 5
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    at Apple....

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  • steven
    steven Posts: 113
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    What the F***! You think you are the only smart ass who know what the facetime is? Let me tell you, it is useless feature in iphone 3GS.

  • Anshul
    Anshul Posts: 88
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    so what to do to protect getting iphone disable ???

  • steve jobless
    steve jobless Posts: 3
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    wtf ??? i paid $800 for iphone 4 and now it no longer belong to appleshit. stop doing **** to my phone.

  • Asdf
    Asdf Posts: 37
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    If this happens, I simply sell my iphone and buy an Android phone.

  • applefack
    applefack Posts: 0
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    please do it. we ve had enough with the apple "innovations" time to move to android.

  • Repair360
    Repair360 Posts: 0
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  • SimesP
    SimesP Posts: 0
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    I can't see how Apple is gonna do this. It's just too complicated and has just so many repercussions to be successful. That is until we have all been chipped, sure that's on the way as well. Rather than panicking about what's gonna happen, let's just wait too see what does happen. Fortunately the courts and the lawyers are all still human. For the time being anyway.


  • screw Apple
    screw Apple Posts: 0
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    I was thinking of buy the Iphone 4 for me and my GF when the white one comes out, but now, F**k IPhone, I'll try to go get an Android for both of us.....

    so screw Iphone or Ipad or even a mac for me.

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    apple think thay the only one know how to read n write.
    this thinking well make apple to lose company.
    there well be no apple in the future.

  • *whistle*
    *whistle* Posts: 1
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    Guys, this was written BEFORE the changes to jailbreaking and unlocking, so it's going to be out of date. There are articles on the internet saying when it was first written. So they've just forgotten to change it. Apple could never try to invade privacy, as it would cause them millions of dollars worth of damage.

  • Cookeh
    Cookeh Posts: 0
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    Obviously, according to you, apple are the only ones who can read or write. That made no sense at all.

  • mxyzptlk
    mxyzptlk Posts: 3
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    Hard to understand this thread. Is it generated by a bunch of 11 year olds?
    I mean no ill will to anyone but the level of naïveté is overwhelming. Corporate morality? They just want to protect us from criminals? Granted there are good people around us but do you expect altruism or even fair play from business, or from the government? I don't know if this is printing will cont in nxt post