iPhone 4 Users Reporting Bluetooth Problems



  • naveed
    naveed Posts: 68
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    Very true.... I have 3gs, horrific audio (not clear)
    when using bt headset

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    I've tried 4 sets of Bluetooth headsets. Everyone I talk to tell me that my voice is muffled.

  • Knight
    Knight Posts: 7
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    I have been experiencing the same problem from day one. I have a Jawbone bt and never had any problems with my 3GS But with iPhone 4 is driving me crazy. If I answer a call through my BT I can listen just fine but the other person can't brarly understand me. I have to swith to phone then back to BT and then it works fine. I thougt my BT was going bad so was thinking of buying a new one but than God I read this and is not only me.

  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    My iPhone 4 will pair to my Infiniti g37 but the sound quality is horrible, people can't understand me and it will lose it's connection.. Bluetooth was perfect on my iPhone 3GS. So You can't talk on a Bluetooth device and you can't talk with the phone on your ear because you will mute the call, put it on speaker and call random people in your contacts... Then you gotta hold the phone perfect so you don't drop the call... Phone is a joke compared to 3GS. CRapple will probably release an iPhone 5 in january to fix everything,

  • hector Batista
    hector Batista Posts: 1
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    I having the same problem to with my Motorola bluetooh, IOS 4. I tough that it was my earpiece, obviously is not the case.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    I've had the same problem with my bluetooth. I thought it was my headset wearing out. Guess not. Maybe a future update will fix this issue. By then, we will be trying to solve the next issue.

  • loulo1234@aol.com
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    I too join the crowd with bluetooth problems. Old 3g worked fine with new car bluetooth. Now I4 wont pair. spoke to countless people at apple. No one can say when or if they will ever fix. I will hold on phone for 2 more weeks. If they don't come up with new software I will return. I can not stress enough my disappointmrnt in apple. Mr jobs where are you???????

  • TurtleDynamics
    TurtleDynamics Posts: 11
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    I think he's busy trying to fix this ****!. lol. Damnnn, the most i read the most i want to put on ebay!

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i will be getting my iphone 4 on monday so i cant wait to see if i have any issues at all or if i got one of the newly fixed production model

  • DayvG
    DayvG Posts: 9
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    I have an invisio g5 and I have zero bt sound problems. Audio is clear as day on my iPhone 4. Don't know what the fuss is about.

  • Mike Silverman
    Mike Silverman Posts: 1
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    I had Bluetooth connectivity issues in two cars. After two calls to apple and a trip to the apple store, they replaced my iPhone 4. New phone was made in factory 87, old in 80 and weeks before. New phone has been fine.

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    My Lexus handfree is terrible muffled. My wife's Jabra bt is unusable. I hope this is fixed soon!!

  • Adam patterson
    Adam patterson Posts: 2
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    I have a blueant supertooth 2 and since upgrading 3gs to ios4 its been very bad for me

  • Fleur
    Fleur Posts: 21
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    Didn't try IOS4 yet but I had lots of problems with BT A2DP streaming on my old 3G (hands-free and headset profile works fine): music often interrupted whith AAC encoded music almost unusable, but almost no problems with with mp3 encoded music. Less problems when Wifi is disabled.

    No problem at all with 3GS in same condition and with same BT accessories.

  • I4
    I4 Posts: 7
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    This is very weird because i tested my bluetooth with my iphone 4 last night while driving in my car by calling my work number and leaving myself a voicemail and i sounded perfectly clear. No static, no muffles, it was like i was talking to myself with the phone next to my ear. this could very well be an isolated issue. i got my phone the day before release day (fedex'd) if that helps any.

  • I4
    I4 Posts: 7
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    i tested my iphone 4 with my BT in my G and it sounded perfectly clear. Not sure what to make of this, maybe its an isolated issue?

  • fromano621
    fromano621 Posts: 1
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    My iPhone 3G paired and worked fairly well with my 2010 Hyundai Tucson BUT now that I have upgraded to OS4.0.1 my iPhone will not pair with the car. It recognizes the car during the "discoverable" mode and lets me select it to input the PassKey. Unfortunately the application gives me an error saying "Tucson has timed out" before I get a chance to even enter the PassKey. I am able to get in only 3 digits of the 4 required before the application "times out". Apple said they have no issues like that reported (like hell) and that I probably need a firmware upgrade on the car. This is not a car problem! This OS clearly has numerous BT defects and so far Apple is quiet about addressing them. They are acting more and more like Microsoft...

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Same problem here with my iPhone... Unable to locate my friends iphone4 even though it's placed side by side. Wanted to play touch hockey via Bluetooth but fail to locate him. Also tried photo share via Bluetooth also failed... Bought my set in Singapore...

  • Thecruiser
    Thecruiser Posts: 1
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    Just read these comments after nearly crashing my motor by trying to talk to the mrs on the ip4 speaker because it won't pair up to my Supertooth. Never had one problem with the 3GS, but this unit is a complete failure on so many fronts and I'm surprised a class action hasn't been commenced against Apple. To have paid a premium as well as having no option but to accept an inferior tariff only to find the Emporer had no clothes is a straightforward breach of contract. It's my opinion that too many resources were allocated to iPad at the time of ip4 development. They should simply recall every unit as they're obviously not fit for purpose

  • Philipp
    Philipp Posts: 2
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    There's a video that actually demonstrates the problem:


    Hope this will truly be fixed in 4.1!

  • Ed
    Ed Posts: 110
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    Me too thought ok the call drops if your holding the phone I'll use a bt I'm cool guess what that's so shttty if I put my hand between the bt and phone itl drop my 2g was working perfect I can't make a call using this damn thing

  • Rah
    Rah Posts: 4
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    My wife and I both purchased the iphone 4 (32Gb/16Gb) and have the same problems. It is a very frustrating issue whenever we pair our bluetooth devices with the earpiece or our vehicles. The connection is extremely distorted on the other end of the line; the person is constantly asking me "what do was that?" This is experienced 90% of the time. We also get disconnected from the bluetooth randomly with difficulty pairing up on occasions. We also noticed areas of weak reception with our old phones becomes no reception with the iphone 4. We're great fans of Apple b/c of its reliability and quality but cannot believe the poor QA/QC of this product. Mr. Steve Jobs please get this division in order and fix these issue as they are a complete disappointment to the many faithful owners of Apple products.

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    I have a Pioneer deck in my car, with A2DP stereo BT and headset profile. The thing works great as speakerphone, but everyone with the same deck I have can no longer use stereo BT after upgrading to ios4.

    Don't know if I should blame Apple or Pioneer, as other devices aren't giving me problems, but since it had worked with 3.0 I lean towards Apple.

    I'm really hoping 4.1 will fix that problem.

  • Simply Annoyed
    Simply Annoyed Posts: 1
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    I just purchased a 2010 Infiniti g37x...I have a 3GS...Bluetooth worked perfect on my previous car...I just updated to 4.0.2, and now my Bluetooth is no longer working perfectly..when speaking to someone via Bluetooth, I hear them well, by they say I sound like muffled or they only hear every third or fourth word...and when a second call comes in, I get one ring and I see who's calling and then it goes instantly to voicemail..so I can't retrieve my call waiting calls....like so many others I spend alot of time in my car and live by my Bluetooth....anyone else experiencing these same issues?

  • Ronald Merrill
    Ronald Merrill Posts: 1
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    I have the same problem. When jogging the music will go in and out.

    On my new jawbone icon or Plantronics 975 people tell me they understand every other word.

    I took mine to the Apple store and they erased it and I received all contacts from Mobile me. Everything else was starting fresh. This morning I was jogging and same BS. I did a hard reset and it has been better. better for a while then it starts the intermittent stuff again.

    Very, Very disappointing

  • KaiZ
    KaiZ Posts: 1
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    Its worse for me. I cant even CONNECT. My iphone 4 just keep searching FOREVER literally! I left it searching for 8 HOURS(while i sleep) hoping that it will detect my MAC and BLUETOOTH. No! When i woke up it is still searching!

  • laura
    laura Posts: 7
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    Same problem here -- it sounds perfectly fine on my end, but no one can hear me. I live in Cali and we must have a headset. The speaker on teh iphone is not very impressive either while driving so I am hoping this gets fixed -- what the h$%^? I miss my blackberry sometimes...

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Have you updated your iPhone to iOS 4.1? It resolves these Bluetooth problems.

  • barrytalbot@btinternet.com

    Spoke to apple tech today who informed me that you cannot bluetooth an iphone with anything other than a bluetooth headset or keyboard. An i phone will not bluetooth with any other phone on the market or any PC. Talk about technology gone backwards. I'd been trying to bluetooth with other phones at work for weeks and had no sucess.Apple won't even give you a refund if its more than 30 days old.

  • Henry Giles
    Henry Giles Posts: 1
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    I too am having the same problem with my iphone4 i even went as far as buying the new Jawbone Icon it is a awesome blue tooth and i hope Apple fixes this issue soon i have had all 3 versions of iphone and i would hate to switch phone brands i love the phone and everything about it except for this issue...The ease of syncing it with my Mac book can't believe they make such an great laptop and a phone with a very annoying issue this has gone on way too long.