Unlocking iPhone After Updating Baseband To 06.15.00 Causing GPS Issues?



  • sizzlemoon
    sizzlemoon Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    My experiences and restored GPS functionality on BB 06.15.00I looked at several articles, mainly about copying a cert file to FuzzyBand. When I tried FuzzyBand I found my boot loader version was too high. Also I saw articles about downgrading iOS thinking this would either A) Reduce the BB or B) Lower the boot loader function so I could use FuzzyBand to downgrade.I used Snowbreeze 2.1i-REB 5redsn0w 0.9.6b5iTunes ( not the latest version )I found the versions of these don’t seem to be too relevant, just what I used. I think the earlier iTunes might be for 4.1 support although in DFU iTunes doesn’t seem to care about version. Just put your iPhone in DFU mode and in iTunes select Restore + Shift (win) +Option (mac) to select an IPSW to restore. Mine ran fine until I got the 1015 error. I used i-REB to break out of this loop to start my iPhone. I worked. At this point I had iOS 4.1 and BB 06.15.00. I now used the standard update in iTunes 10.1 to update to 4.2.1. The same boot loop error 1015 occured and I broke out of it the same way. I then used redsn0w to install Cydia with options and then updated on the phone.At this point I am now back to 4.2.1 and BB 06.15 but with GPS functionality restored!!!*I got a white icon at first for Cydia. I found out this has to do with it not being updated correctly. Once I applied the updates it asked for the Icon appeared!!!!:)
  • sizzlemoon
    sizzlemoon Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    Oh it was a 3G. I would love to unlock it for PAYG 3 sim but haven't figured that out yet. Still happy the GPS is back.
  • sizzlemoon
    sizzlemoon Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    Oh, also I first the first attempt has a patched IPSW by Snowbreeze. I got another iTunes error with this one. apparently it doesn't like patched IPSW, however I used a tool ( snowbreeze, i-REB like ) to put the phone in a funny mode to overcome this. Can't remember exactly but google it. Also if redsn0w can flash the iPad2 6.15 BB can't it just extract BB's from iPhone IPSW and do the same??