Apple Hit By Class Action Lawsuit Over Broken iPhone 4 Glass

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imageApple Hit By Class Action Lawsuit Over Broken iPhone 4 Glass

LA Weekly is reporting that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Apple by a California resident. Donald LeBufn is angry that the glass casing of his new iPhone 4 broke after his daughter accidentally dropped it from a height of roughly 3 feet while sending a text message.

LeBufn claims that Apple is aware that iPhone 4’s design is defective but has failed to warn users that normal use could result in a broken phone.

LA Weekly reports:

Read the full story here



  • jessie
    jessie Posts: 11
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  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    Looks like somonee is looking for extra money to spend
  • Dev
    Dev Posts: 63
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    I dropped my 4 when pulling it out of my pocket on concrete then tumbled on some steps. Had scratches but did not crack
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Try to stay relevant you idiot.
  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    dropped mine on the kitchen floor and glass totally shattered
  • me
    me Posts: 220
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  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    Donald LeBufn is a twat. Guess what, Donny, you over entitled jackass, if you drop something it might break. How do we know that your precious little snowflake didn't throw the phone or drop it down the stairs or something? Don't you have something better to do with your time like pretending to fall down in the vegetable aisle at the market? Why don't you try to do something that actually benefits mankind instead of clogging up the gears of progress with frivolous lawsuits?
  • mulan
    mulan Posts: 2
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    dropped mine 2 days ago, completely shattered in one corner. still works though. shouldnt need to get a case, £££'s worth of phone, should not be so delicate.
  • mydan99
    mydan99 Posts: 21
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  • youmad?
    youmad? Posts: 3
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    Look like someone has never dropped their phone from three feet only to have it shatter like you threw it against a wall. Think before you post.
  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    I agree that you shouldn't need to get a case but I did and I have dropped mine about five times getting out of my car and it fell on the concrete and bounced a couple times.... not a scratch. so, Just a suggestion.
  • Nonameforu
    Nonameforu Posts: 2
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    This story is bollocks. 1.) he shouldn't let a little child hold it if he doesn't want anything to break & 2.) should have gotten a case of some sort. "Oh but I paid $199/$299 for this! I don't want to cover it up!! Wahhhh herp derp". Then get a clear case if a phone is so important to image.
  • Kepler
    Kepler Posts: 20
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    I hate when idiots like this start to sue for ignorant reasons. He should not have given his phone to his dumb daughter if she doesn't know how to hold a phone correctly. People like him give everyone else in america a bad name by saying we sue for everything. He's obviously just trying to get extra money on the side and see if it goes through or not, he has nothing to lose.
  • jessie
    jessie Posts: 11
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    Try to say incompetent u faggot!!! haha
  • iUrAs
    iUrAs Posts: 18
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    1) its 3 feet... any phone will break bounced from 3 feet. Drop tests are done from 1.5 feet. 2) any iPhone fitted with a case will break if bounced from 3 feet.3) apple should be backing up their claims of being "ultradurable and more scratch resistant" or be sued. these claims are "an expression of warranty of the product"
  • Chedder
    Chedder Posts: 1
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    "Apple claims that the glass used in iPhone 4 is the same type of glass used in the windshields of helicopters and high-speed trains" if this is his main argument. I'm sure if you dropped a train and helicopter approximately 3ft high on their windscreens their glass will break too.
  • Pagen64
    Pagen64 Posts: 7
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    Don't care about the lawsuit. but I must agree,I had a 3G for 2 years dropped numerous timesnot a scratch...iPhone 4 4 weeks...3.5 foot drop onto my kitchen floor...while in a case...backside glass was completely smashed.
  • kenny
    kenny Posts: 42
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    The phone is made of glass therefore dropping it might break it. This guy is an idiot. I don't think that dropping the phone is considered normal use. If you look up the instructions on how to use the phone, dropping it is not mentioned once. That's not normal usage.
  • NinoSP
    NinoSP Posts: 1
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    Everyone is just dropping the iPhone in the wrong way...Steve soon will teach us how to drop it properly.
  • lou
    lou Posts: 35
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    I owned my 3g since 3g came out .. dropped it once in all that time.... If it broke it would be my fault. Phones are meant to be used to make calls .. not drop on floors. If your concerned you may drop a phone then buy a cheaper phone, or one of the sports motorola ones that are armored and waterproof. The iphone 4 is an expensive phone that one may think of as a fine watch. Treat it with some respect. Parents .. real simple .. your kid doesn't need top of the line. They drop everything all the time. My ex GF bought her daughter 3 blackberries in one year .. because they "broke" with "normal" use. Not at all her 14 year old daughter's fault. Rubbish...
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I dropped my 3GS from 3 feet, the the glass screen shattered and the back cracked, I dropped my iPhone 4 from about 4 feet and it's fine. It's pure pot luck, some will break, some will survive.
  • Tbv
    Tbv Posts: 14
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    I agree with you. Any of these new smartphones with large screens will break easier if dropped. It also depends on the angle the phone hit and what it hits when dropped. With these expensive phones, I always buy a good protective case and screen protector. In the case of the iPhone 4, I bought the front and rear screen protector for it.Also, do not let your little kid play with your iPhone.
  • bfd
    bfd Posts: 3
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    Interesting how Donald LeBufn considers dropping an electronic, glass screened device from 3 feet as "normal" use. WHAT A TOOL !!!!
  • bfd
    bfd Posts: 3
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    Wonder if he also considers smashing dishes off his 60" plasma screen TV "normal" use too. Maybe bashing his keyboard when Windows crashes is "normal" use to him too.....
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    My wife dropped hers a week after purchase from less than 3 feet onto carpet. The back completely shattered.
  • Leandro
    Leandro Posts: 4
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    Well...It all depends, I would give an example with laptopthe most high cost laptops with protection are from HP, and u can drop it and HP does covers if it damages. Of course if apple says it´s resistant it supposed to be, the problem may be different and could be an out of quality control. No company has their own fabrics anymore so assembly are done by 3rd party, with lot of pressure for increase on revenue and decrease of cost I would not be surprised if that something the assembly company did to get a few dolars savings per unit, and made apple to be the bad guy that the glass now cracking for a simple drop.PS I had other smartphones before and anyone that uses it day to day will drop it once in a while.
  • You're and idiot!
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    Maybe you should blame the person responsible for dropping the phone. If you drop it in water are you going to sue them for it not being waterproof too?
  • USA
    USA Posts: 16
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    you're stupid for dropping're stupid for the way you dropped're stupid for being stupid!now it's apples fault for having holes on your and tell that.... stupid
  • USA
    USA Posts: 16
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    "his daughter accidentally dropped it" use your daughter as an accessory..... blame the child.... this is crazy
  • nicacolo
    nicacolo Posts: 27
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    I bought a gel case for my iPhone 4, it slipped out of my hands as I was running late to work one morning, it bounced and rolled on the concrete, I almost died! It all happened in super slo mo! "Noooooooooooooooo" I yelled! It landed on it's back! I picked it up and peeled off the gel case, checked for scratches and cracks, to my amazement, no damage!!! Wow! I no longer run with my iPhone in my hands! And I love my gel case from amazon!!!