AT&T To Throttle Top 5% Of Unlimited Data Plan Customers From October 1st



    ATT-SUCKS Posts: 3
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    ATT-SUCKS Posts: 3
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    I'm taking a wild guess! YOU DIDNT GET GRANDFATHERED IN WITH UNLIMITED DATA :(Stop being
    ATT-SUCKS Posts: 3
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  • Da1 smokey
    Da1 smokey Posts: 4
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    I think they are full of it! When I signed up for unlimited data plan there wasn't a problem. Now u wanna slow our Internet down if we use to much. Wow they need to change the definition of unlimited in that case. I signed the contract for unlimited data service and that's just what they are going to provide for me. A contract is a contract not to be changed at your leasure.
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    bunch of bullshit.. makes you wonder how much will fall into that %5 when 4g finally arrives on the iPhone
  • fact
    fact Posts: 2
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    i average 6-7 gigabytes of data transfer per tether my laptopdownload music all dayvideo chat friends who are out of town all the timeuse my internet capable phoneget on my level.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    if your buying an iPhone 5 with cloud services you soon will be LMFAO. Over the air updates there's 500mb for starters.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    you could also argue that you are being penalised for using the service you paid for.
  • AT&T
    AT&T Posts: 0
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    S.T.F.U. and give us all your money. Every last single cent of it. coz we're greedy Corporate Bar Stewards.
  • AT&T
    AT&T Posts: 0
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    We would like to appologise to all our valued customers for the above statement.Due to an administrative oversight a draft copy of the following statement was released in error."We here at A.T.& T. Aim to provide an excellent user experience to all our customers and in doing so may be required to limit the bandwidth to high volume users. Customers willing to pay an excessive premium will not be affected in any way whatsoever."
  • Mundo
    Mundo Posts: 0
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    The problem with the 5% is it's a moving target. And as anyone astute in math will tell you it will become smaller with time as the throttling turns 10gig users into 5 gig users the top 5% will move from people who use 5 gigs to people who use 3 gigs. This moving target will move itself down on it's own based on population usage. If the top 5 % become less than 2 gigs then suppose it one way of telling you it's time to jump on the tiered plans
  • Hidden96
    Hidden96 Posts: 1
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    So when they stop the top 5 percent, who becomes the next 5 percent. If they list a cap then that's it (still wrong to do) but if the 5 percenters become a moving target then that would be just plain wrong to do.
  • Beaugart
    Beaugart Posts: 0
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    What I find COMPLETELY ridiculous is that AT&T still offers an unlimited talk, tex, and data pre-paid package... When my contract is up, I may be switching to pre-paid.... and funnier? If my husband and I both did that, our bill would be much cheaper than we pay for the lowest minute package, text, and unlimited data we already have on contract. Start throttling the pre-paid users instead... shouldn't those with contracts get the best deals???
  • CSaint
    CSaint Posts: 1
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    If AT&T changes the data plan or any thing on your contract, isn't that grounds for terminate your contract without the termination fee.? If Im not mistake this is the best way to get out of AT&T without paying that Frea..... Fee..
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    same thing, if not worse, goes for verizon
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    Wifi coming from a broadband connection is twice as fast and sometimes more then that compared to the HSPA+ network. which using 3g of course is slower. so Wifi is a better option all around anyway
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    uh... youre late. Verizon has been doing this since Feb.LOL
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    was this supposed to be humor?
  • Skyline_V35
    Skyline_V35 Posts: 0
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    Lets all just use a TON of data. Not all of us will be in the top 5% but AT&T still has to let us use a very large amount of data :)
  • jwroyer
    jwroyer Posts: 2
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    I see no huge issues with this. I can complain about it all I want, but when it comes down to it, there are tons of iphone users and to get in the top 5% you have to be pretty good, or tethering with a jailbroken app. I can see att trying to create a complete user experience and this top 5% or just screwing up for the bottom 95%. Always with all the negitive side of things.
  • Unlimited user
    Unlimited user Posts: 0
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    I signed a contract years ago and just renewed 2 weeks ago. Unlimited bandwidth is unlimited. Throttle means to limit. I live in a rural area where cable or dsl are scarce , wifi gets trapped and 3G is only highspeed option over Hughesnet ( over priced with a retarded bandwidth cap)AT&T just acquired tmobile's resources.I saw them move in extra towers to SXSW in Austin to handle the techies bandwidth for the week of the conference.Fiber optic lines are being ran to more cell towers. This is a clear excuse to not give back the billions in revenue. A contract is a contract . I wonder if they will have to let people out for breach or if they are just going to snub everyone. Lawsuit sounds immanent but class actions only put money in lawyers pockets.I can agree if you have wifi access just do that but there are some who do not have this. Audio is not that bad but when the world is given a technology like netflix and people are paying for it... Well then people are going to use it.Shame on at&t and the other giant companies holding back our technological evolution.
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
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    As an employee of the landline side of things i can tell you that the fiber infrastructure is there. The problem is the equipment to run it is typical of any business, cheapest, and does not fully utilize the amount of traffic the fibers can handle. Why? Because in doing this they can announce 29billion in profits. How do you stop it? get rid of your smartphone or even nonsmartphone for one month. If everyone did this then they may take notice. Otherwise bend over.
  • Gregor
    Gregor Posts: 2
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    I signed up for the 4g unlimited plan with T mobile. After 2 weeks of use, mostly streaming sirius xm my data slowed down to 70kb which in affect makes my I phone useless. I canceled my contract but was charged $400 cancelation fee. See you in court t mobile !!!!!
  • LisaKay
    LisaKay Posts: 0
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    To those saying that AT&T isn't breeching the "unlimited" nature of the "unlimited data plan" by throttling it's top users, you are wrong. Throttling is, by definition, a means by which ATT seeks to "limit" the data a user on an unlimited data plan can pull. The intent is to reduce the amount of data being pulled by unlimited data plans - thus the intent is, in fact, to "limit" which is the opposite of "unlimited" which is in breech of unlimited data plan contracts.
  • Jesus H.
    Jesus H. Posts: 1
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    I listen to Spotify off of my phone because I have Clear wireless internet, and THEY throttle you if you use too much data. So I figured I'd use my unlimited, grandfathered iPhone to stream Spotify. I use it at home for a few hours a day, and on my bike ride to work. I also like to use it that way at the office a couple days out of the week, because I can keep my music in my pocket, and going 3G prevents it from cutting songs off in the middle when I walk out of the building to grab something. I also have to pull things off of Dropbox (tons of .PDFs, I'm a graduate student who needs to pull things up to cram reading in on the bus, etc), and review tracks that my girlfriend is working on via email (we're in a band together). So yeah, I guess I use a lot of data. But now they told me to cut down my usage or I'll see reduced speeds next billing cycle. Because I'm using my iPhone (running official, proprietary software!) to do all the wonderful things it was meant to allow me to do.Man, fu** those guys...
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    I work on a boat 28/14. I have no wifi! I use it at home on the 14. Has to be a way around it?
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Use Spotify as well... Works great on the phone... But I did get the warning this month... I was in the top 5% of data users... And they trottled me back. It wasnt a big deal, I only get 3 bars where I live anyway. Just so people know, I used 12.3 gig in November. That is streaming a ton off of If you dont stream video, you are probably ok.
  • Serge
    Serge Posts: 1
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    Ok. Since all of you have no clue what att is doing. I just had those f*ckers throttle my bandwidth. If youre grandfathered in to unlimited data. You use 2gb of that and finitto. I get 0.06 mps right now. Compared to 7.0mps i had during the initial 2 GB.This is so low for att to do. Totally lame. An i just got two 4s iphones with contract renewal. Contract says att can throttle your data whenever and however they want. So technically theres no lawsuit. But if you look at how theyre doing this is rediculous... A bunch of greedy f*cks. And no you dont have to tether to be in top 5%. Pandora, youtube and email will get you there. I feel atts hand on my b*lls. But im cutting that hand today, hello sprint. And not paying a dime to att. F*ck you! Att yould be #1 worst provider in usa.
  • oldorange
    oldorange Posts: 0
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    my kid was sent a sms and I was sent the email about the arbitrary "top 5%" (WTH does that even mean?) . Been on the unllimited for 2 years 3 months with 3 iPhones. His usage for data in the phone said 25Gig, never reset. So for that phone a 3GS it been live for a year. so 2Gig a month average. Thats top 5%? Not sure what just the last month was though. Just sayin.... SUE THEM ASSES!
  • HervB
    HervB Posts: 1
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    To be honest I'm mad as hell. I too have the unlimited plan and was "grandfathered" in. This month I used 4.7GB's of data.Like most users of today I stream movies when commuting, tether with my phone and download files quite a bit. I find it quite chicken $@() that my connection speed went from 6.8mbps to .13mbps. In my book that's criminal to do customers like that. Especially someone like myself who's been with AT&T for over 15 years. t