AT&T To Throttle Top 5% Of Unlimited Data Plan Customers From October 1st



  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    Just got my email from AT&T this past Friday. I'v been on an "Unlimited" plan for years, but apparently the 5.1gb I've used of data this month puts me in the top 5%?! Top 5% of what? Unlimited=Limitless, there is no top. Oh, and for those babies that say, "You're still getting unlimited, just at a slower speed", I have an unlimited plan on a "3G network", as advertised, I would assume I would received the same 3G speed as some johnny come lately that pays for a tiered plan.Been a loyal AT&T customer for 8 years, but they are really crossing the line. I think a 2 day campaign of constant customer care calls by 10's of thousands of customers would get a better response then a 2-3 year class lawsuit, one they expect, the other they couldn't handle.Lawsuit is worthless in this case, as AT&T has already decided they will be sued eventually and after a few years they will settle for about 10% of what they saved by ripping us off. The class attorney will get paid, and we will get some sort of certificate to buy more AT&T products, always a win win for the company.
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    You guys are missing the point, we do pay for unlimited and that's in our contracts. Instead of figuring out the best workaround you guys should be angry at at@t. If at least they gave an actual date threshold I would understand it, but top 5% doesn't make sense. Even if everyone collectively reduces their data usage, there will always be a top 5%.
  • Logan
    Logan Posts: 10
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    lets say I use 6gb a month to do what ever, youtube, slacker radio, email ect... on a set schedule. meaning to and from work, on breaks and so on. After the initial 2 gb when they start throttling if you stayes on the same schedule you might hit 3 to say 4gb. If you run this logic then in essence they are limiting an "unlimited" plan. if time spent and content are a common factor and speed is slowed you will be forced into a limited lower amount of data each month
  • Lab
    Lab Posts: 1
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    I'm strait up YouTube, Netflix & pandora.Got limited end of Dec and stillLimited right not "after my damn billing cycle"They are got damn crooks. My phone speed has been reduced by 90+%. do the speed tests and you will see it. Went from average of 2.50mbps down to .07mbps down. Att says they won't slowthe tiered people down. Only unlimited users. I bet they will slow tiered people down. I'm not a jailbroken phone. But it doesn't matter if it was or not. iCloud is going to use up your limited data. I say it is a breech of contract.
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    I'm 49 years old with a full time job and six days a week at the gym. In other words I am not someone who spends the whole day on YouTube. I have streamed a few shows, listened to internet radio, checked e-mail, bought stuff on Amazon. I have used my iphone the way that it was intended to be used. For a second time I was ratcheted back because I was allegedly in the top 5%. I find that strange.......and what do you know....a co-worker right down the hall in the same demographic was also slowed because he was allegedly in the top 5% as well. It sounds like the only thing that is going on is that AT&T is trying to strong arm those who still have unlimited data blans/////you will have unlimited data, but.......They attach phrases like ////data hogs\\\\ on to us to make us feel remorseful, like we have been bad little boys. The fact is that AT&T does not feel like it is making enough money and wants more. The fact is that they are supposed to be providing a service and if they cannot then a whole lot of us will be going over to Sprint or filing a class action law suit.
  • Madison
    Madison Posts: 6
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    This has to be illegal. I pay for unlimited and Dam it I should get it.
  • Lola
    Lola Posts: 1
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    After YEARS of trying to deal with AT&T's miserable service, because they had the iPhone, I just got one of these notices. We all got these great speaker systems out that play your radio apps out loud. So they told us they would throttle us. My point to them is we PAID for an unlimited plan for the past 5 years, weather we used it or not, we were grandfathered in, we were never able to make calls, or stay on a call because on AT&T the calls drop after 5 minutes. They have oversold their service, and President Bush while in office removed much of the consumer protections that were in place so unfortunately Big Corporations like AT&T are able to rip you off without any consequence. We need to get together and fight Corporate Greed...we need someone to organize us and fight this nonsense!
  • Charlie
    Charlie Posts: 41
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    If what there doing is so wrong then sue them. If you think its that big of a deal and you guys are so right then sue them. I mean, as long as your right then you should win right? It shouldn't be a big deal. AT&T has spoiled its customers with Maddy fast speeds and y'all complain cause your abusing it. Get real.
  • Charlie
    Charlie Posts: 41
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    If I buy a corvette, and get pulled over for speeding can I sue the dealership for selling me a car I can't FULLY use? God what's next.
  • Blake
    Blake Posts: 17
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    Hey Brandon I dont even know your **** ass and i NEVER leave comments for anything but who the **** are you to say get a life you fucking 18 year old ****. I work as a nurse and i work 12.5 hr days 3-5 days a week im stuck in the hospital. I use my smartphone for looking up meds. playing music off pandora for my pts and youtube for me on break. i used only 2 gigs this month and im already in the "top 5%" ITS A SCAM cant you fucking people see if EVERY SINGLE PERSON on att cut there usage substantially 95% there would still be a "top 5%" i DO NOT feel like i use the service THAT much but now can BARELY send and email and even 10 second youtube clips wont play. SO i say **** you keep your god dam mouth closed. and **** you att. got a prob bro im right here near majic mountain in los angles. ill come to you... ****
  • Blake
    Blake Posts: 17
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  • Vanessa
    Vanessa Posts: 3
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    When I got a txt saying I was in the top 5% I laughed. I honestly didn't think my utilization of my iPhone put me anywhere near the top.  Yes, I am on my phone a lot for 2 reasons. I'm a freelancer currently looking for work, and I'm an advertising digital art director. A big part of my job is to be online reading things, learning about new things. Then tweeting them. Blogging about it. And posting it on Linkedin. I'm expected to entrench myself in anything and everything labeled 'social media.' So instead of sitting at my work computer surfing the Net, getting on Twitter, watching videos and listening to music while I do my job, I have to do it on my phone. And now I'm being penalized for it even though I was grandfathered in on the unlimited data plan. (And no, I'm NOT tethering and my phone is NOT jailbroke.)Yes, I do have a computer. But I'm very often out looking for work (Googling locations, using maps, etc) and it's not just as easy carrying around  a 15" laptop as it is an iPhone. I paid for unlimited data, but now I HAVE to limit my data. Being forced to use a wi-fi network is bullsh*t for anyone that has any concern over security. Your phone can easily be hacked into when you're connected to a public network (if that's your only means).I agree that AT&T never guaranteed the speed at which you can use data, they just said it was unlimited. But I still think it's unjust to throttle data usage because it serves their interest. Obviously, all they want to do is sell more data/tethering plans to make more money.And to Charlie's point about suing them - unless they're breaking a law you obviously are sh*t out of luck. And that's the bigger issue as Lola mentioned. There is no gov't watchdog to do anything about it. 
  • Howard436
    Howard436 Posts: 1
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    So At@t think users should pay for 2 unlimited plans 1 on a mobile device and 1 on a landline. They force you to take a data plan to use the iPhone and pick up another if you use a lot of data. Users who pay for unlimited data should use what they pay for if they wanted to use less they would pick up a smaller package.
  • Glow
    Glow Posts: 0
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    They want you to leave, get it? They don't want to offer unlimited anymore and this is their way of forcing you out. The best way to fight this is call customer service every chance you get every day.
  • UpsetATTCustomer
    UpsetATTCustomer Posts: 1
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    All customers, regardless if they have a tiered plan or unlimited should start a petition and force the major cell service providers to start being fair. They do not want to upgrade their equipment so it can handle all of the traffic, therefore they should not take on more customers if they cannot provide the service. At the same time if you want to use a smartphone, they are forcing you into a data plan, once the contract is up, no one has the right to tell you if you need a plan or not, you can choose to use wifi or mifi. When the service providers change their policy, mid contract life, therefore that contract should be void. Us as consumers are allowing the big companies to do what they want, one young girl stopped major Bank from making unfair charges, we should do the same.
  • G
    G Posts: 25
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    i somehow fell into the 5% yet i dont stream any music, dont listen to pod by just going on facebook and instagram im getting my internet services held hostage? (they maxed me at 852mb)
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    the top 5 percent statement is a lie. If you go over 2gb per month, chances are you will get the text message.
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    About 2 gb per month will get you the threatening text...Their "unlimited" plan is basically the 2gb plan now. Notice they are the same price?