Siri Not Working For Some iPhone 4S Users [Updated]



  • wes
    wes Posts: 53
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    i know this is supposed to work over wifi and 3g, but, it only seems to be working over 3g. the minute i lose 3g coverage - no more siri. Otherwise network connectivity is fine, safari works fine etc. etc. This is as of noon on Oct. 17th.
  • Jeri
    Jeri Posts: 1
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    Me too I tried restart and disabling Siri but still not connecting to network .. My Moms phone and dads both the same.. Good going apple!!
  • Tina
    Tina Posts: 6
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    Siri has been working fine up until this morning. I followed the rebooting steps, but it's still down. When it was working, I really enjoyed it. Hopefully it starts working soon.
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I've rebooted several times but still not working. By the way, on the fail messages I got was siriously funny - "my mind is going David. I can feel it. I can feel it". Has anyone else seen this?
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
    via Wordpress
    try disableing siri in general settings. then reboot. then reenable siri. give it about 2 minutes to reload data to siri servers and it should correct the problem. worked for me anyway good luck.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
    via Wordpress
    go to general - siri. then just flick the switch to off. then reboot. then reenable.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    people refer to inanimate objects using genders all the time. cars, boats, machines in general even computers. Especially the ones with female voices. Call "Her" what you want...
  • 4seer
    4seer Posts: 1
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    this is my issue! I have no accent, I find she can't function outside ? just quiet in my car and doesn't understand a simple command, TEXT husband? phones my harley davidson place? WTF? she better "smarten" up soon or she will be disabled for more then 2 mins!
  • Shermanus
    Shermanus Posts: 1
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    Mostly not working here in California on Sprint. The fix (Siri off – Network Reset – Siri on) worked only sometimes. Since last night (Monday) no Siri at all. As far as I am concerned, having a 4 as well, this is one of the highlights that made me buy the 4S. Sri is impressive when it works, and the way of the future. I could understand that with 4 Mio 4S out there and everyone going on Siri at once, the servers could have a problem similar to a DOS attack. Apple needs to at least acknowledge the problem. That would put me at ease.
  • bq
    bq Posts: 1
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    Was having a problem with Siri less than 24 hours after activating my phone. I used your method of turning off Sire, rebooting and then turning it back on. That was the ticket. Thanks!
  • RJ
    RJ Posts: 13
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    Reset worked - Thanks
  • Cat
    Cat Posts: 10
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    My Siri stopped working a few days ago. All the suggested fixes haven't worked. I can't even use it to voice request calling from my contacts list. Very frustrating. Must do everything manually now.
  • YoAlp
    YoAlp Posts: 1
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    I try all the options above to get Siri working. No success.But this worked for me. Turn Siri off and stay where you are at same Siri screen and then press the home button (only) 10 second (like to talk to Siri) and since Siri is off then the voice control started (animated blue screen) and press red cancel bar to cancel it takes you to home screen and from home screen press home and to power button at the same time for about 10 second. The phone will re-boot and turn Siri back on and Siri will start working again. I had success on 11 other IPhones.
  • Magdalene
    Magdalene Posts: 1
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    did the'fix'. still doesn't work. it was working up until yesterday.
  • rohan
    rohan Posts: 6
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    Hmmm - so I had a 3GS before the 4S and I restored my settings from the 3GS onto this new phone.Siri has been working fine, then all of a sudden it stops working and has a 100% fail rate regardless of my reception or whether I'm on 3G or Wifi. All other network traffic works. No voice recognition features work at all. i.e. I can't dictate using the little mic button on the keyboard anywhere. It just shows the three little dots - and then nothing.I thought this might have something to do with the OTA update to 5.0.1. So I did a full restore on it last night via the 5.0.1 ipsw file in iTunes and it was working again! I was well pleased cos I though I'd addressed it. Then today it stops working again. Nothing I try seems to fix it. All I get is "I'm really sorry about this..."I have a feeling that this has nothing to do with my network settings or resetting them, my reception, whether I'm on 3G or Wifi or whether I toggle Siri on or off and reboot or do any other thing. Nothing fixes it.Now I'm torn between waiting for the 5.1 update and resetting the phone again and not restoring from backup...
  • Fredrick
    Fredrick Posts: 2
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    Siri not working early this morning. Yesterday I tried to send a very simple text message 10 different times, and ended up doing it by hand finally. This has happened a lot over the past two weeks. Sometimes you can tell Siri a message for something, & it looks like it's recording it but when you hit done nothing comes up! I had to do the phone and Siri reset thing to make anything work. Oy vey! I miss my Android phone for several reasons.
  • Melissa
    Melissa Posts: 8
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    Siri doesn't say that it can't connect to the network but it doesn't respond to voice controls. If I tell it to call x; it will say calling x, but doesn't connect to make call. Similar if i tell it to play a song it will tell me the song is playing but not actually connect to play the song. I tried turning Siri off & rebooting the phone & reinstalling Siri but that didn't work either. Any other fixes or suggestions you can think of?
  • HeroscreameR
    HeroscreameR Posts: 1
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    1. Settings, General, Restrictions, Siri(at this point ensure switch is 'ON').2. Settings, General, Siri(ensure switch is 'ON').Double check these settings and I hope it works for someone, good luck!