Redns0w 0.9.10b3: Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak Updated To Fix Problem With MobileSubstrate Based J



  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    Apears to JB, but simply does not, Cydia cant get sources, jb apps crash or do not run. Tried about 7 times to jb. Thanks for the effot guys. Perhaps it will come in time.CheersSteve
  • kai
    kai Posts: 16
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    can you update straight from 0.9.10.b1?
  • jigy
    jigy Posts: 3
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    redsnow crashes while patching kernel....Pls help help
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    UPDATE The above fix works and iBooks 1.3 seems to operate OK
  • mush
    mush Posts: 1
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    I Jail braked my Ifone4 IOS 5.0.1, everything went fine and fone started normally, one thing i noticed that the sleek smoothness in scrolling the pages was no more there.i was dishearten and restore back to non jail breaks :-( Any solution plz
  • emash
    emash Posts: 2
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    had a problem, ibooks won't start when jailbreaking with b1 redsnow. so i restored my ipod touch 3g to clean 5.0.1 via itunes, then run a redsnow b3 with hope that it will fix ibooks crash.but nope no fix still crashing saying ma configuration is bad. i tried to use some cydia fixes but they seem to break itunes sync, causing it to behave very strange and sometimes funny (i'm saying about checking and unchecking some boxes in tunes :-) so, is there any durable and clean fix to the problem without installing ibooks as native from cydia and ssh'ing into device from desktop machine?? thank you and sorry for poor english.
  • shayrikh
    shayrikh Posts: 0
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    Install iBooksFix2 from instanelyi repo. Reboot. This fixed the issue.
  • emash
    emash Posts: 2
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    nope still no luck for me
  • r0bErT4u
    r0bErT4u Posts: 4
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    Perfect timing. My iPhone 3Gs crashed and got stuck in recovery mode. I tried to restore back to 4.3.3, but no go. Step by step instructions worked flawlessly. Thank you very much =0p...
  • ImadsMoon
    ImadsMoon Posts: 18
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    i have a question , after upgrading the itunes to 10.5.1 and ip4 to 5.0.1 , i can't sync Movies anymore ?!!!! is there anyone to help me please ?! Thank you
  • DarkmanTu
    DarkmanTu Posts: 6
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    I've updated using just the mobile substrate update in Cydia. Do I still need to re-jailbreak to ver b3?Lockdown Pro still not updated to support iOS 5 - keep getting safe mode loopiBooks fix for iOS 5 can be installed from xsellize repo "" works a treat for me.
  • ImadsMoon
    ImadsMoon Posts: 18
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    I agree with, but in my case i was on 5.0 so upgrading to 5.0.1 is the right thing to do .the same for lot of ppl
  • iGod
    iGod Posts: 15
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    ok... so after jailbreaking my iphone.. has anyone else noticed that there iphone has made calls to numbers they dont even reconise? im from UK and in my call history its rang america, my phone was in my locker and no1 can get to it, few hours later its rang 0845180809000, but at the time it called that i was taking photos on my iphone.. hmmmmmm somins not right
  • ImadsMoon
    ImadsMoon Posts: 18
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    Fixed , lol it's just easy ONLY MP4 are SUPPORTED :s
  • Emaculant
    Emaculant Posts: 2
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    I have a question that no one has responed to yet, hopefully someone here can. So I have a iphone 4 (not S) on sprint and was running the redsnow semi tethered jailbreak about 3 weeks ago. At that time my phone lockup and needed a restart. Of course with the semi tether I got up and running with basic functions. So when I tried to just boot through redsnow I was stuck in a boot loop for hours. I did get out of it eventually and am back in the semi tether state with email, safari, etc not working. Now my issue is since then my computer has crashed and I had to reinstall all my software on it. My question is can I re jailbreak it over the existing one with this new update, or is there something I needed from the first jailbreak (files blobs etc) that would have been automaticlly saved when I did it back then. Im on version 5.0.1 of course any help will be greatly appreciated thanks again.
  • itworks
    itworks Posts: 2
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    after i installed the ibooks fix from xsellize, it did not workhowever, if you follow by using repair user permissions in SBSettings, it worked for me after that.try it.
  • Faisal
    Faisal Posts: 34
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    Updated Redsn0w3 on iPhone 3gs ! worked well smooth update!
  • Frosti7
    Frosti7 Posts: 36
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    i join in the question
  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    Great job to the dev team. My hats are off to all of you guys for the hard work you all put in and give us for free.After downloading and installing 10b3, only half my apps work now. Most just act like they are opening and then crash and close. I had no problems with 10b1. I might just go back to tethered just to keep all my apps working until they come out with a bug free jailbreakThanks again Redsnow
  • cain
    cain Posts: 3
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    Hi can someone please help. i have lost all my icons on the dashboard after jailbreaking using the 0.9.10b3. when i initially jailbroke my iphone it was working fine for about 4 days, but now just from bringing the phone out of standby, all my dashboard icons have disappeared. i can still access them by double clicking the home button, and using the search function also brings up my PHONE, MESSAGE, MAIL AND SKYPE (which happened to be the four icons in my dashboard). i have restarted my phone on multiple occasion, nothing seems to have worked. please help.
  • cain
    cain Posts: 3
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    forgive me all, pleae ignore my last comment, a friend of mine had moved all the icons and played a prank on me. sorry again all for that comment.
  • lostark
    lostark Posts: 3
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    That would be (note correct spelling.)
    AK-MAROC Posts: 1
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    Jailbroke My iPhone 4 with redsn0w b3 only. now iBooks does not Work. Worse than that my phone keeps going into Safe made continuously. Have Tried removing some cydia apps and installing corona Also iBooks fix. Not so worried about iBooks at the moment just want to stop Safe mode over and over again
  • Dgaf
    Dgaf Posts: 1
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    So is anyone having the problem after getting a jb app that requires reboot, all the apps and settings is miniaturized? Like really tiny. I mean Alice in wonderland type ****. , and I can't get the sinful repo? Need help!
  • Kitz
    Kitz Posts: 5
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    one quick question:i jailbreak my iphone4 with redsn0w and everything work fine except all the tweak n stuff from cydia. none of those things work. does that happen to anybody here and do you guys know how to fix that? Thx a bunch!!!
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    ibooks works now after fixing permissions
  • Sophie
    Sophie Posts: 6
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    Where do you find the link?
  • jeffrey
    jeffrey Posts: 4
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    Hello, just wanna ask i Jailbreak my iphone 4 with preserve baseband of 4.10.01 into 5.0.1 untethered using redsnow 0.9.10b1, but my problem is everytime i try to install SAM,SBsetting, or other Apps when i press the install button it always keep prompting ("Cannot Comply" Note:The requested modifications cannot be applied due to required dependencies or conflicts that cannot be automatically found or fixed.)can someone point me out whats the problem of my cydia? thanks in advanced.
  • e_guru
    e_guru Posts: 1
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    I used b1 and then b3, everything is fine but I cannot upgrade apps from the App store or from ****. I always need to delete the app and then I can do a new install. error msg is invalid api