Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak For iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Progress Update
Thank you guys for all hard work!Great Job!
We need Geo back
what great news, ive always admired jay's work, and had cydia on my 2g, even had installer before cydia became the enity it is today. reading this i now have strong faith in this becomeing a reality. Thanks all who are involved. cant wait to see cydia on homescreen
"Btw I’m laughing at you not with you… D*ck" ??How old are you 8? I haven't heard that line since elementary school. Keep saying thanks to the dev team every week for another 3 years buddy you'll get your jailbreak then when apple does it for you at the store for free
My friend...you just got fked by @dog2g because he doesn't have it so there won't be a release haha
Yup :( If only he didn't lie about it. Perhaps in a week he'll make a post saying it will be release in a week again and then...3years later
How is this great!!! They posted last week that an untethered JB would be ready for this week! Now they say sorry but it looks like no JB anytime soon. WTF!!! Im jailbroken w/ my iPhone 4 but this must suck for 4S users.
Thanks for all your hard work guys :))
I Can't wait. keep up the good work guys!
a part of me believes that unfortunately
OH SHUT UP TROLL!!! God so annoying.......
The jb should be released after 5.1 , imo. Btw, keep up the good work guys.
HelloThanks to all the hard work.I was wondering if anyone knows how to upgrade 5.0 with no sim card which is stack in the activation screen so I can be ready for upcoming big day.Thanks
Pod2G = Jason on COD2
And when apple decides to put that one new feature on IOs 5.2... waiting for a relase emans nothing JB needs to be an going thing with every version Apples releases, and these guys do a damn good job at it imo. Do you think you will keep your Iphone 4, 4s, 3g, 3gs, iPad, iPad2 for ever?? What happens when the iPhone 5,6 xx comes out along with iPadxx and USB/firewire support? JB is an on going job and thnak god we have coders that are willing to do it for free and i comend every single one of them. Troll are trolls and ingrates are ingrates, dreamteam keep up the good work!!! release when ready!
so you staying on 5.1 for the rest of your devices life?
Great news on overcoming problems with sandbox now it looks like a finish line and end is near. On future versions of iOS I think if exploit will work or currently working on 5.1 (Beta) in that case Pod2G+Team should wait and release JB when 5.1 is out. About sceptics that saying that this may not be true other proven JB developers like Saurik and M.Nerd and others would of said something by now and I am not even saying nothing about Pod2G came up with 5.0.1 JB when noone could.Keep up good work and we can't wait for JB to came out.
this is great news 0.o better then AH OMFG APPLE PATCHED IT!
Lol, does dev-team even have a donate option on their website? I tried one time didn't see one so bought a couple apps by the devs heh.
I think the idea is that 5.1 is a major update vs a small .0.1 type. Use it on te major update then stay on that one through the 5.1.1 5.1.2 etc and hope a new one Pops for 5.2. I care less either way, let them think it out and do what they do! I'll get it when I get it.
Guarantee "Musclefag" is typing his obnoxious (and useless) comments, while his mommy is screaming for him to come downstairs for dinner. What a pathetic little troll...and I am sure you know it. You clearly belong on the droid platform where you'd fit in quite well. Now scoot along little fella.
No. I'm typing as your mom is giving me head. Also, you should go ask her to take that di ck out of you're as s because it's really showing.
I'm sure that would be funny if it made sense... Anyways, you enjoy BJ's from old ladies? Beggar's can't be choosers i guess...
GeoHot...save us from these rookies!!!
Why dont you? Losser. It is my life, my freedom.
Why dont you? Looser. It is my life, my freedom.
well said :)
Well done guys keep up the great work , thanks for all your time and effort :)