How to Jailbreak iPad 2 Using Absinthe For Mac [iOS 5.0.1 / iOS 5]



  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    Damn it i have windows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • eladio
    eladio Posts: 3
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    i have an iPad 2 on 4.3.3 and of course jail broke.. I’m trying to update to 5.0.1 so i can jail brake it with this program but iTunes its not letting me, i get an erro 21 ..does anybody know how to fix this issue???
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Hi all, I also failed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd times. Then I follow tips 1 & 2 and try again.Finally it works (ipad is rebooted) after pressing the new icon.ONE thing very very important is that you need to have internet access open (I am via WIFI) at that moment. I did not connect to internet for prevous failed case. Hope this can help the one having
  • rez
    rez Posts: 6
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    Dude . Put ipad in dfu mode n den restore . Make sure u bck up first . After restore , update it n den jailbreak
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Awesome stuff, finally the cat and mouse game resumes.
  • buddha429
    buddha429 Posts: 1
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    ipad2wifi on 5.0.1, ran absinthe on my acer d250 running snow leopard. successfully jailbroken in under 5 mins. thanks everyone involved in getting this jb public.
  • Tobi
    Tobi Posts: 1
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    Fix for music not playing after jb. Disable match, delete all music (via Settings > Usage), enable match & re-download tracks. @tobiaspj
  • Ren
    Ren Posts: 3
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    Worked 1st time and took 5 mins for iPad 2 jb, awesome work guys! Was worth the wait and thanks!!
  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Just jailbroke iPhone 4s, works great but I am having problems with iTunes match and being able to play my songs. I tried disabling iTunes match from the phone and the Mac, hard reset the phone and still doesn't want to play the songs. It displays my playlists from iTunes match and has all my songs but won't play anything associated withe match. HELP!!!!!
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Thank you, this method seems to be the key to this problem. Thanks again!
  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    web is down -> the last part doesnt work
  • Zuhair Tahan
    Zuhair Tahan Posts: 1
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    Plz help me if I press jailbreak after that it will go in restoring progress then after while the jailbreak finishes then I open Cydia like normal and then I got to reset all setting then I it restores then comes to we're you set it up or restore iCloud backup or restore from iTunes then I press iCloud backup then it will restore everythingq from the backup will the jailbreak go if I do that. Plz reply
  • MarvFali
    MarvFali Posts: 2
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    WOW.... It didn't take more than 7 minutes for me to jailbreak the iPad 2... Many thanks to Chronic Dev team and @saurik for the hard-work put into making our dreams come true.
  • Fredd
    Fredd Posts: 1
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    Great - done, without errors! Thanks, regards...
  • Garry
    Garry Posts: 6
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    music not playing after jailbreak. tried the itunes match thing but still nothing.. not complaing but i feel this jailbreak is very far from complete and problems will arise as days go on. I was going to donate but think il hold back just now.if anyone has afix for this it would be great
  • Gustavo
    Gustavo Posts: 34
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    Assuming you're using windows, start a command prompt and type "netsh winsock reset", then press enter. Reboot your computer and try again.
  • Kaveh
    Kaveh Posts: 1
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    I have ipad 2 wifi-3gCan i jailbreak it with this app?
  • Nai1951
    Nai1951 Posts: 3
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    Yes if you're on ios 5.0 or 5.01
  • Nai1951
    Nai1951 Posts: 3
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    Check your Hosts file - if you used tinyumbrella to save your 4.3.3 blobs then run the program, select advanced and untick the option about hosts file on exit (or similar).
  • Mack
    Mack Posts: 11
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    Jailbreak runs. Absinthe app is there, opens and goes to the webpage. iPad reboots. NO CYDIA APP. jailbreak worked perfect on my iphone 4S. Will not produce the cydia app on the ipad. Please HELP!
  • Danny
    Danny Posts: 91
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    Only problem I've had with the JB, is that music (I'm assuming music bought from iTunes as I don't have any music that isn't from iTunes) doesn't play...
  • Mack
    Mack Posts: 11
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    Had to jailbreak the iPad on windows. Ran with no issue. Possible fix for others with the same issue
  • Const
    Const Posts: 0
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    took 2 minutes, zero issues! amazing!!
  • Canuck
    Canuck Posts: 2
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    I had minor glitches but in the end it worked great on my iPad 2.I ran Absinthe through VMware on Lion (no Mac and the Windows version wasn't available, at the time) It took about 20 min. I had white icons and corrupted graphics but after opening Settings my iPad rebooted and it fixed the icons but not the corrupted graphics. I removed and reinstalled Iconoclasm and everything worked great after that.For people doing an upgrade from 4.3.3. -First do a backup of your Cydia setup.-Take screenshots of your sources or write them down (if you've added any). -Install a backup program, such as Xbackup and backup your system. Once it's done, copy the backup file to your computer. -After Absinthe is done, run Cydia and enter your sources again. -Install xBackup and copy the file back to your iPad, in the same folder on the iPad ( i think it was /var/mobile/library/xbackup/backups) So the app can find it. -Run Xbackup and tap Restore.
  • Sidthecat
    Sidthecat Posts: 1
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    Hi all, is it possible to do this without a mac?I only have pc's and my iPadTIA
  • Nanook
    Nanook Posts: 2
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    I'm starting to think half these posts are frauds and lies, especially those who happen to brag how thier JB went along in seconds. Why post it if not to brag. Anyway, tried absinthe on Windows7, XP, and the Mac (lastest OS and latest iTunes) and still fail. Either the app just sits there with grayed out buttons or the returned some dtrap junk on the mac. Tried running it from terminal, still no go. I refuse to clear my iPad knowing full well it will not work. I think this JB should NOT be released until clear instructions are posted in black and white as to how we can get around these bugs. I am highly disappointed as this is the 2nd or 3rd iteration of this hyped up JB that does not work on any of my 4 machines. What gives? Also, what are the requirements? iTunes? what version, O/S? then what version. Just pluging in my iPad is not enough
  • Nanook
    Nanook Posts: 2
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    Furthermore, what state does the iPad have to be in? home? DTU? broken? sick? I've cleared VPN, and even removed my passwords.. still fail. tried 3 different usb cables, even went as fart to verify that my usb comm is not on charge.. still fail. Does itunes need to open just as I plug in the iPad or does this so called absinthe do a port scan and detect the ipad? Every site I go to is laden with advertisements and links to viral sites. Does the windows version of the JB truly work or just for show? Anyway, I'm going to sit here and wait for apple to once again laugh at this JB joke, patch us to 6.0.1 and the cat and mouse junk happen again.
  • Lizard King
    Lizard King Posts: 1
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    Too bad it's not working for you! I just tried te break my Ipad free yesterday....and it did....without any errors. Please note that I'm not quite an expert, but with the tutorial given in Dutch (my native language) it was working fine, and within ten minutes.Hopefully you'll get it working.
  • Canuck
    Canuck Posts: 2
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    I'm not sure why you're having problems but I had my iPad 2 on 4.3.3 and I first did a complete backup, in itunes. Then i did an upgrade to 5.0.1 and then I restored my iPad from the backup. Since the Mac version was the only thing available I fired up Lion in VMware and ran Absinthe and jb'd. At first I thought it stopped working as it was taking a long time but I didn't notice that the program said that the rest needs to be done on the iPad by running the jailbreak program, meaning that you then run the Absinthe app.I had a few glitches, which were solved by going into Settings at which point the iPad rebooted and then removing and installing iconoclasm cleared up the rest of the glitches. It's been a day and half and everything's been working fine.