Step-By-Step Guide to Jailbreak iPhone 4S Using CLI Tool For Windows



  • yus00
    yus00 Posts: 1
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    Finally JB my iphone 4s.Hopefully a fool proof guide.1)Before you start, reset all setting and erase data.2) After this is done create a new iphone in itunes (do not restore from back up)3) Extract CINJECT_0.4.3 to c:\cinject_0.4.34) Open CMD5) Type cd \6) Then type cd cinject_0.4.3 and press enter 7) Execute the command: cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig8) On your iphone you should get a window prompting you to Install Profile on your iPhone. Tap on Install, then on the Install Now button, followed by Next (don't need to enter any password) and then the Done button9) Execute the command: cinject.exe -j payloads (provided you did not do a restore this step should be quick)10) execute the command: cinject.exe -wIf this step takes a long time (more than 30 mins - Then go to next step)11) Toggle the VPN switch in settings on your iphone12) Restore from Back Up13) Enjoy
  • kartman666
    kartman666 Posts: 1
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    Worked a treat.... Thanks To the dream team for all their hard work...... Everything worked first time... Very easy to do.....
  • xDimitrii
    xDimitrii Posts: 3
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    Woohoow it worked perfectly on my iPhone 4S!It only failed the first time, but then I deleted all settings & content and set it up as a new iPhone and it worked like a charm!
  • jinjin
    jinjin Posts: 5
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    how would u restore from backup if u set ur iphone as new iphone?..
  • nima
    nima Posts: 9
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    finally the GUI for windows users realesed guys, u can find it in below link. it work like a charm!
  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    disconnect and reconnect your iphone 4s
  • t@r1k
    t@r1k Posts: 1
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    Thanks a lot dream team!If you get a FATAL error just erase all content and settings and do the steps again (don't forget to backup!) then restore from your backup and all is fine!Where can I donate?
  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    when the scrolling takes too long i turn on vpn connection and cancel it after and it speeds up the process.
  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    This is nuking my battery!!!!
  • DC
    DC Posts: 18
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  • buuju
    buuju Posts: 6
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    If ur passcode on...Turn it off..Then u can JB without problem...
  • kibo
    kibo Posts: 0
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    this works the same for me. dont wait too long.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    biggiechubbs, thanks for the advice! Worked perfectly! And thanks for the CLI, iphonedev!
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    i get A "Assertion failed (1029)i am in admin rights with cmd. my 4s has been reset, alll content and settings\
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    rebooted laptop, that fixed it
  • Girish
    Girish Posts: 4
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    the jailbreak happened successfully... however have one question. I installed OpenSSh through cydia and used winscp to connect to the iphone4s and i copy some apps through that on the phone... the apps starts and shows the loading screen and comes back out...what can be the issue... how can i solve this problem... kindly advise asap... thanks for your help in advance.kind regards
  • Girish
    Girish Posts: 4
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    also i forgot to add... i installed the **** app and from that i installed a game and tried it works fine... pls help me with this openssh issue i am facing... the games gets copied and once i starts it loads and comes back out...
  • Girish
    Girish Posts: 4
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    Sorry forgot one more that i have iphone4s with firmware 5.0.1 factory unlocked
  • nalapoke
    nalapoke Posts: 1
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    All appears to have gone well! Jailbroken 4S = winning
  • asdfasfdasfd
    asdfasfdasfd Posts: 8
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    No.Restore from backup (in the menu you get when you right-click your phone in the list in the sidebar) keeps it jailbroken.Restore (in the full size property pane) replaces the firmware and un-jailbreaks it.
  • asdfasfdasfd
    asdfasfdasfd Posts: 8
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    All cinject -w does is monitor the system log.It's not going to finish unless you turn your phone off.
  • asdfasfdasfd
    asdfasfdasfd Posts: 8
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    What to do is wait.It is backing up your entire phone (just like iTunes), and it has more to do when it finishes. This is the step the actually performs the jailbreak. Don't cancel it.If cinject crashes after making a backup, back the phone up in iTunes, transfer purchases, put it in DFU mode and restore, jailbreak it once it's restored, and then "restore from backup" your data back on.All cinject -w does is watch the system log. You don't need to run it at all, but you should so you can see what's happening.
  • asdfasfdasfd
    asdfasfdasfd Posts: 8
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    Don't run as administrator (it's completely unnecessary), run as whatever user you normally run iTunes as.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Im stuck on creating backup
  • asdfasfdasfd
    asdfasfdasfd Posts: 8
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    Before executing the cinject-w command, delete your wifi profile. Also disable 3G, but leave wifi on (not connected to anything).That's just Cargo Culting: you did X, and it worked, so doing X made it work.The jailbreak has nothing to do with WiFi or 3G, and works fine when both, either, or none are enabled. An out-of-the-box iPhone will have one or the other connected, as it's necessary for activation, and you need to activate before you can get into Settings, and yet hundreds of people have jailbroken OOTB iPhones.A known issue (as in "documented in the README") is if you've set a passcode on the phone, you need to disable it before you start jailbreaking. The only real issues that weren;t discovered until release are that huge backups tend to make injecting the jailbreak fail (solve by properly wiping your phone, i.e. DFU or delete all data using Settings), and that loads of people are terrible at CMD.EXE and RTFM.Finally, cinject.exe -w doesn't modify the device in any way, it just monitors the syslog. It's turning the VPN switch that performs the jailbreak. I believe this will stop the ipad from contacting apple for executable signature verification.Signature verification is done offline, every time the executable is loaded. If it were online, you'd not be able to launch apps without an internet connection. If it were done only once, you'd be able to switcheroo them once they'd been verified online.There are no executables involved anyway: the exploit is a carefully-crafted VPN configuration that smashes the stack on the (already signed by Apple and shipped with the iPhone) VPN client, and makes it configure the corona exploit instead of setting up a VPN. (The corona exploit does the same thing, but at boot time, to make the (signed) VPN client perform a kernel exploit).And if you were meaning install-time verification of the IPSW, if you prevent that, you prevent your iDevice from getting the SHSH it needs to boot.
  • kingplayer
    kingplayer Posts: 1
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    i am trying to run the command cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig and i the result is "send 1: Result too large" is it something im doin wrong....... i followed the steps like a map i need help please
  • Chet
    Chet Posts: 4
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    when I type in the command, it's say result too large... anyone know why that is
  • hongbit
    hongbit Posts: 1
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    can we unlocked it after jailbreaking?
  • Eheieh
    Eheieh Posts: 1
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    i have the same problem... it could be that my IOS is 5.1??
  • softtop350
    softtop350 Posts: 1
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    After -j command it saysFinding slide...failederrorand then does nothing