AT&T Throttling Unlimited Data Users After Only 2GB of Monthly Usage

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imageAT&T Throttling Unlimited Data Users After Only 2GB of Monthly Usage

Although AT&T's policy of throttling the top 5 percent of its unlimited data plan subscribers has drawn a lot of flak from customers, wireless experts always defended these practices citing the wireless spectrum crunch.

But it seems, that over a period of half a year since throttling started, the lower limit for falling into the top five percent has drastically reduced from double digits to a mere 2GB.

Read the full story here



  • AT&T rapes me
    AT&T rapes me Posts: 29
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    Let's sue those bastards!
  • Ticked user
    Ticked user Posts: 1
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    Yeah, I got the same thing on Friday. I'm sitting at about 2.1gb 13 days into my pay cycle. I think it's the first time I've EVER gone anywhere near 2gb and I've been unlimited from the start. I will not be a happy camper if/when I get throttled.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    UnFuckin Real. That's all I have to say. I'm shocked by this ****.
  • Dakid15
    Dakid15 Posts: 2
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    I only used 1.2 GB and I also received the message twice! So what is really the limit? Becauae it obviously has to be less than 1.2...
  • Dakid15
    Dakid15 Posts: 2
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    I only used 1.2 GB and I also received the message twice! So what is really the limit? Becauae it obviously has to be less than 1.2.
  • Wedding Cake Topper Dude
    via Wordpress
    That's weird.. I'm at over 3GB and I haven't gotten any notification from AT&T. Now that I say something, of course...
  • Wedding Cake Topper Dude
    via Wordpress
    That's weird.. I'm at over 3GB and I haven't gotten any notification from AT&T. Now that I say something, of course..
  • Wedding Cake Topper Dude
    via Wordpress
    Apparently the mobile version of the site is saying comment post failed when it actually succeeds.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    I have some good friends at AT&T and was told APPLE is pissed at this 2 gig throttle speed for there iphone users this should be a class action law suite be cause if you ask for your old cantract it states know where about throttling speeds
  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    This is completely stupid! I got the same text a week ago. Im half way my billing cycle and I'm already at 2321.18 mb how do they expect me to use no more than 2gb?
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 63
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    I think they are throttling people as a scheme to get rid of users of the old unlimited data plan cause I used only 1 gb and got a message. My speeds are at .12 Mbps :( I wish I could afford to move to sprint.
  • Unvaluablespace
    Unvaluablespace Posts: 2
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    I can confirm this to be true and also complete BS! Kind of glad I'm not the only one that got struck with this. I received an email on January 25th last month stating I was in the top 5% so I checked my usage immediately after and it says I only used 2085.3 MB of data! Thats ridiculous, considering my speed dropped down so low that even simple websites took minutes to load when they should've taken seconds. How is it that I could be within the top 5% when im sure AT&T has plenty of users I'm sure we'll above that range. They better switch this up real fast. I refuse to switch to a tiered data plan just so they can suck an extra $30 or whatever out of me for going a few kilobytes of data. Oh and for the record I currently have the so called "unlimited" (my ass) data plan. Thanks for showing me what a loyal customer I am, AT&T.
  • RLBalt
    RLBalt Posts: 16
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    This is BS. I agree with what everyone stated above. 2gb is crap. I thought it was 5 GB at first. Then AT&T said that if wAs top 5% but a min of 2GB. They said its just a "trial". I think we have to put together a petition or something. Or get Anonymous involved. :)
  • iPhone5
    iPhone5 Posts: 9
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    Think about this, when all those super high data users were getting out by the top 5% rule. Next month they use less and another 5% users use less than the previous month 5% users due to the speed limit. Ultimately the top 5% figure is controlled by AT&T and under 3GB. And does AT&T combine the unlimited data plan users and the limited-data plan to calculate the 5%, if they do, that even unfair.
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    So what is everybody that got the message going to do about this? Anybody got a solution or is everybody going to just rant about it?
  • Still New
    Still New Posts: 2
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  • Still New
    Still New Posts: 2
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    Start a pettition and stop complaining
  • Djamond
    Djamond Posts: 2
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    Action has more depth. Start a pettition and stop complaining
  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    Agreed! Define the word UNLiMiTED. They need a dictionary!
  • Djamond
    Djamond Posts: 2
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    Action has more depth. Start a pettition and stop complaining. Post complaints will not move AT&T. Get the right number of customers that can catch their attention.
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Hmm. My earlier comment is gone, it looks like. I don't have a solution, but I, too, am in the 5%, having used 2.1GB in 13 days. My e-mail said that I wouldn't be throttled down this month, but next month (or, I assume, the next time I'm in the 5%) it would be. This is the first time I've even been CLOSE to 2GB, I'm usually just over 1GB. I think the whole thing is stupid. They should charge for SPEED, like home internet, not quantity. It should be all the data you want, at "X" Mbps.
  • Ira
    Ira Posts: 2
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    I didn't see anyone stating the obvious, but the reason the 5% threshold is dropping is because more and more people have signed up for the 2GB (or lower) plans and these people use less than 2GB to avoid getting hit with another $25 charge. Users that go over 2GB are going to fall in the top 5% (or lower) percentile. I totally agree that AT&T are scum for throttling us at below 3GB, since we are paying the same as that currently available plan. I have a hard time believing that the will be able to get away with this for very long, and with more users signing up for the 3GB plan we should start seeing the throttling limit increase in any case.
  • Zach
    Zach Posts: 38
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    Yep, count me in as one of the top 5% of data users at just 1.7 GB's last month!!! The month before I got throttled at 2.1 GB's. There needs to be a class action lawsuit filed soon. Since "unlimited" users pay the same 3GB users, we should at least be allowed to reach that limit. This is criminal of AT&T. I've exhausted myself with calls into their customer service department. It's like they are trained robots to tell you the same lame excuse over and over again, while it is crystal clear they are trying to get everyone on a tiered plan. Is there a lawyer in the house???? I'm sick of getting pushed around by AT&T!
  • Weidy Chiou
    Weidy Chiou Posts: 5
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    People need to stand up to corporate ATT. I, After my travels to taiwan. I have realized that all the US wireless carriers are robbing americans blind!!!!!Allow me to explain the difference between a foreign carrier such as in Taiwan, Chuanghua Telecom. Having cellular service in Taiwan has open my eyes to how much I or all americans have been over paying for wireless service. In taiwan, just a basic wireless serivce cost as low as $10 a month. You don't pay for a huge monthly plan for 400-900 or whatever mins a month for $50-100 a month. Instead, you you pay for mins used, and in contrast if you do used 900 mins a month then yes you pay for 900 min, but it still comes out to what you pay in the US monthly plan cost for your monthly mins most times even less. Also. Taiwan 3G coverage is far more faster then the coverage I have in Hawaii. I get over 2 megs consistently where as in hawaii, i avg half a mbps in lot of the area. Hawaii is getting robbed more than any other state i believe. In taiwan they have unlimited and limited data plan, and its only like $10-20 a month, and really is unlimited, no throttleing. They dont care about tethering either, or charge you for it. My monthly cell phone bill in taiwan is $33 a month for $15 worth of mins, and unlimited reallly fast 3G internet. In hawaii I was paying $100-$150 a month. What a JOKE!! We as american should stand up against corporate america and demand fairness and restructure! Come on people we are wasting money. Look at the difference $33 vs. $150 . We are over paying!!! ATT are banking on mins we dont need, even with so call rollover mins, thats just rediculous!!what the hell do I do with 13,000 rollover mins? and limited data plans? come on they just want more profits...on top of the profit they already make. and throttling Unlimited uses,, they just want people to pay for data usage that they already pay for. Stop pleasing the shareholders, our economy is in the toilet! This is why american is going no where with its debt, we keep paying out money unnesscessarily to huge companies that just blow money on advertising, and huge bonuses, and other things that dont support the economy, americans are in debt because we are suck in to the habit of overspending and over paying life style. Cost are rising, value of the dollar is dropping. why even go on anymore. Stop the monopolizings, stop the high costs!! People dont need to make more money, and ask for raises, goverments and companies need to stop raising costs. and stop blaming raising cost dues to raising cost of business. if cost of business go up for the business, take it up with the governments, they have the power to control cost, they control the oil, they control the interest rates. refered the cost to them, dont pass it on to the people, people are ignorant, and stupid, and believe what ever they see on TV. And believe life is what the government and the companies tell you it it. Governments and company don't support the economy. They support the government and the companies. We as people are just on the bottom of the food chain. If corporation were looking out for the economy, they would start giving money back to the people. Put money back into americans pocket. Would we be able to pay off out debts better if we had to pay $500 less on month in bills. If american can all come together, and I really mean the big corporations and the government, and stop profiteering, and help reduce cost of living for all americans, we can reduce our national debt, get out of proverty, save money for the future, and reclaim our pride as americans. living the american dream. I know we can't control oil prices in america, but american companies can stop sucking the dollar bills in our wallets. I challenge all us wireless carriers to operate like Taiwan wireless carrier companies. I challenge all telecommunication companies to stop looking at profits for the company and shareholders, but look at what is good for quality of life for all american. rent, food, gas, ultilities, misc. cost the cost please!!if it didn't cost $1500-$2000 a month to survive in the US, the goverment would have to worry about being in debt. I want to see someone change our nation. Challenge the companies and the government to do better for less. To Be selfless, I wish people would stop and open there eyes and see 90% of americans will be taken advantage off and be at the merci of the government. Americans need to take care of america, we have let it rot long enough. As fast as facebook can spread a message, i want someone to let world know, we want a better country. we want a cheaper country, a frugle contry, a prosperous country. The goverment is gonna keep doing what its doing, because americans have forgotten how to get together as one nation. And the government thrives on thats. as longs as the governenment think people are ignorant, they can keep doing thing the way they want. Sometimes I wish one right person can just go in there and just stop the curruption, stop the governments uselessness, unified the people, work at our problems, fix them, get back on track, and get back to reasonable comfortable living.
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    They throttle me down and I'm leaving for T-Mobile. Sure I'll have to give up my iPhone ... for now. T-Mobile is currently offering Unlimited data/text/talk plans for $90 & $120 including tethering. They throttle down too but at 5GB & 10GB depending on plan. That's what I pay AT&T for their "Unlimited" plan and I don't even have unlimited talk and they want extra to text and tether. There should be an iPhone out soon that will have 3G/4G capabilites on the T-Mobile network. When it comes out I'm gone from AT&T regardless. Besides, I want the hot girl in the pink dress to keep working. Thank goodness the merger was cancelled.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Our country really Fucked themselves over by Breaking up AT&T and deregulation of the telecommunications. Oh well nothing you can do now except ****.... Or tell our government what to do and expect them to do it because that's what their there for, oh... Wait... Congress is so full of themselves it's now impossible to do any of this ****. It's getting to the pint where our country is going to have a reveloutionary war. But until people see what our government is actually doing wrong this will never happen. People need to realize that our government is for us not to control and steal from us. All you need to do is get enough people to tell them enough is enough and **** will happen. But no one does this so it never will. Get what I'm saying? Take action instead of **** on forums and blogs all day. Use social media to get the real information out there and have everyone rise to action for what's actually right instead of what our government says is right for us. Rant done
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    what a socialist ramble.
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    I got the same msg..! F**k
  • Merlz
    Merlz Posts: 1
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    Im certainly in that top 5% but using international data, almost 11 Gb this month but have never received a txt message from AT&T. I am on the international unlimited for $65/month that is no longer offered, I'm interested to hear if any other people with this plan have received txt's or been throttled?
  • lol
    lol Posts: 79
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    You sir are a communist.