AT&T Throttling Unlimited Data Users After Only 2GB of Monthly Usage



  • Shawn S
    Shawn S Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
  • Quantum
    Quantum Posts: 2
    via Wordpress out the like 90 page thread (among many) of pissed off "abusers..." Throttling long term customers for 2gb use is bs. Remember when AT&T axed unlimited? They said "98% of users use 2gb or less per month" so by their own words it would put many of us in the completely arbitrary 5%. Signed, AT&T abuser@2.1 gb. 
  • Quantum
    Quantum Posts: 2
    via Wordpress out the like 90 page thread (among many) of pissed off "abusers..." Throttling long term customers for 2gb use is bs. Remember when AT&T axed unlimited? They said "98% of users use 2gb or less per month" so by their own words it would put many of us in the completely arbitrary 5%. Signed, AT&T abuser@2.1 gb. 
  • JonDough
    JonDough Posts: 1
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    They want us off unlimited so badly, then let us out with no ETF! I'll even give back the Skyrocket. I'll move on to another company and they'll be rid of us "data hogs" using 2.5 gigs in a month. Come on att, there are so few of us that the throttling won't affect 95% of users. If that really is the case, I find it hard to believe there is that much burden from so few people. And if we are so few, it won't hurt to let us out of our contracts so we can get out of their hair.This will never end until all unlimited customers are gone. Once the 3-5 gig users are gone, then the 2-3 gig users are the top 5%. Then once they are gone, the 1-2 gig users are the top 5%, and so on. Why not just cut to the chase and let us out now?I was never throttled before and I knew it was coming when I re-upped in November 2011. I just had no idea that 2or 3 gigs of data would be considered a lot. Plus, I had no clue that att would cut down the bandwidth to make the phone practically unusable for data. I don't consider myself a data hog, but I am in a truck all day with no access to wi-fi and the town in which I work has horrible radio reception. So, I use TuneIn Radio to listen to the radio. I do a little web surfing, etc and use about 2-3 gigs. It simply is not right to cut us down to nothing and make the phone unusable. They have all the technology and could tell who is using gigs in a day versus 2-3 or even 4 gigs over a whole month.
  • Sean
    Sean Posts: 138
    via Wordpress
    I agree , but when I first sign up for unlimited I was told unlimited 3G data, 3G itself determines my speeds, AT&T counting on pol being ignorant and saying "we promise data not speeds" , when that is false
  • J
    J Posts: 131
    via Wordpress
    Actually the meaning of Unlimited by Mirriam webster is below so i would say speed\data should be unrestricted.1: lacking any controls : unrestricted 2: boundless, infinite 3: not bounded by exceptions : undefined
  • hmel0001
    hmel0001 Posts: 1
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    I received the message after 7 days of my billing cycles and the claimed that I have used 2.3GB within 7 days. I m on LTE network that is congested yet, what I don't understand if I am not affecting everybody, why would they need to throttle me from the first place. all these schemes are just about $$$$$. they are trying to get me to switch to metered data. it is not going to happen. after I spoke to them a few times, they claimed they can't do anything about it. I was like ok. I know what I am going to do, I am driving the usage up. I let my phone run at night , playing videos and music by itself, wasting data, I am half way through my billing and I already racked in about 9GB, I will end my billing cycle with about 20GB, rest assure I will get there, I don't care what everybody says, but I am driving the usage up....when I am getting a msg that my speed will be slowed down at 2.3GB. what's left to say.I think everybody should do the same and drive the usage up.
  • Brandom
    Brandom Posts: 1
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    Hell yeah just because they keep throttling you ..keep on using the phone download as much as u can lets get them mad
  • Anastasia Stauffer
    via Wordpress
    So if I live in hicktown, usa, and I am a top 5% at 1 gig, I will get throttled. BUT if I lived a huge tech savvy city and usage is higher and the top 5% is like 10 gigs, than 10gigs is allowed before slowing the speeds. How is that fair? PLUS... At what point to they decide what is top 5%? Beginning of the month, end of the month, last billing cycle?
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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  • Mat
    Mat Posts: 15
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    Hey I've also been throttled and I'm on the unlimited plan. Been looking for a class action lawsuit to join but haven't found one. If anybody knows of one let me know otherwise If people want to send me an email so we can get a group of us together, maybe we can start one up. Also, I like the idea if your speeds have been reduced leave the phone streaming on pandora or something all day so you use even more data. Maybe then they'll get the ideaAnyway my email is
  • Armen
    Armen Posts: 2
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    I got the same MSG. That's BS I wish we could do something about this I pay $30 I have unlimited nobody should lower my speed.
  • spire20000
    spire20000 Posts: 1
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    btw you know all the rumors that at&t throttles you if you go into the top 5% which is around 2 gb of data its all a rumor its not true my dad went to 3gb of data on his unlimited plan and he was not throttled which i think is very unfair for the new costumers which is the minority because why should the unlimited users be allowed to be data abusers but the new costomers can only use 2 or 3gb so i think its unfair and i know you unlimited are complaining sence you here rumors all over the internet that they throttle unlimited users but its not true so be happy your unlimited and btw im not and im kinda jealous thinking its unfair they should kick off the unlimited data users when there contract ends and force them to a tiered plan