AT&T Throttling Unlimited Data Users After Only 2GB of Monthly Usage



  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    I had the same issue and when I called AT&T to **** and have it rectified they didn't want tO do anything for me. So I said **** you and went to sprint. Monthly bill is now cheaper and is truly unlimited.
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    When all of us unlimited data users start getting throttled we need to have huge downloads going 24/7 to get thé top 5% usage number to raise. You can get close to a gig downloaded overnight and anytime you're plugged in start a huge download. If we keep this up for a long time it should raise the throttle limit significantly. Get my3g for lifting the 20MB cellular limit and there's multiple download programs in the app store that have no limits when using them to download files. This needs to go big to make a big difference though. Good luck
  • Appleguy1632
    Appleguy1632 Posts: 3
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    If anybody has the guts to start a petition, I have a guaranteed 500 + signatures ready to sign! Less yap yap yap and more action please!
  • T-mobile 1.59.00
    T-mobile 1.59.00 Posts: 18
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    I hope AT&T goes bankrupt
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    What is wrong with AT&T.
  • T-mobile 1.59.00
    T-mobile 1.59.00 Posts: 18
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    I have a factory unlock 4s in the states, useing T-mobile monthly 4g plan unlimited talk,text, 100mb at 3g then they trottle after $47.50 a month.... 2gb for $60... Not sure what u fanboys AT&T r paying but it has to be $70-80 for crappy service unlimited... And yes i save more money in the long run not signing up for a contract
  • Chet
    Chet Posts: 4
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    I've gotten the top 5% message after using just 4gigs when my average is 6-7 gigs a month but was told if I purchased the 5 or 10 gig plan I would not be throttled. When asked to explain why I'm getting this with an unlimited plans I only got told it is a fair use policy.
  • ^^So start a petition
    via Wordpress
    If you have 500 guaranteed signatures then have the guts and start a petition
  • Charles
    Charles Posts: 37
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    I received the same text over the weekend. What's going on?
  • O'Keefe
    O'Keefe Posts: 2
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    Although I dont understand how anyone can pull 2gb a month when I basically live on my phone for my profession and only pull 220mb/month on average I will say its BS. The thing that gets me is this country has gone to **** and the major companies have to have all these clauses and such. The funny thing is shen I signed up my iPhone many years ago ATT made me get this unlimited plan. I had no chioce $30 or no iPhone. Now its the total opposite. There isnt a plan like my "grandfathered" plan and even if there was they would put the cibosh on me. Im only 39 but when i was growing up when a company said stuff like "unlimited" the customer wouldnt have to worry about 15 asterisks and fine print. That is sad! Unlimited is unlimited. Unlimited isnt 1.7gb, 2gb, or even 10gb. Its a sad day when a company in the USA cant get away with such marketing practices. Whats more is now they are "whoring" themselves and their bandwidth out to companies such as H2O wireless for alot less! I have been a loyal customer since the inception of Cingular, then for reasons beyond my control overnight became an ATT customer. 10 years later I have 2 lines, 1400 mins, pay a premium for unlimited text and have unlimited data and 250mb data respectively. Meanwhile some thug can jump ship from Metro or Boost mobile and come to H2O who will use ATT in their sales pitch, pay 50 or 60 month for The SAME exact that I pay 180/ month. To be fair lets do this: i have 2 lines. 180/2 is 90. My girl has half of iur plan: 700mins, unlimited text and 250mb data. Inversly anyone can walk into H2O wirelss slap a 50 down and get unlimited talk/text and 250mb per month, no contract!!!! For 60 that same person can get 1gb data instead of 250mb. So WTF is that? A company I and most of you have been with forever is screwing us in so many ways! Not only that wait until every thug finds out he can leave a 2g network at best and get 4g speeds for 50/month. Meanwhile the whole country slows down the network and loyal customers whi pull 2gb on an unlimited plan pay for it. I have tested thus H2O many a day and uts indeed Att. Trust me. If not for my 8 months left i would have anH2O simcard in my iphone and save 80per month for actually more bc remember I only get 1400 mins vs unlimited. Now that is F'd up. Screw the loyal customers who havent missed a payment, have good credit, and contribute to society....lets offer the low demographic unrespnsible 6 kids 5 babt daddys a killer deal! Man I wish i didnt read this as Im fired up atm. Fir those of you with contracts almost up----- is where I would go now bc its ATT's exact service disguised to try and trick peopke like you and i. Wtf did they think I wouldnt find out?
  • O'Keefe
    O'Keefe Posts: 2
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    Although I dont understand how anyone can pull 2gb a month when I basically live on my phone for my profession and only pull 220mb/month on average I will say its BS. The thing that gets me is this country has gone to **** and the major companies have to have all these clauses and such. The funny thing is shen I signed up my iPhone many years ago ATT made me get this unlimited plan. I had no chioce $30 or no iPhone. Now its the total opposite. There isnt a plan like my "grandfathered" plan and even if there was they would put the cibosh on me. Im only 39 but when i was growing up when a company said stuff like "unlimited" the customer wouldnt have to worry about 15 asterisks and fine print. That is sad! Unlimited is unlimited. Unlimited isnt 1.7gb, 2gb, or even 10gb. Its a sad day when a company in the USA cant get away with such marketing practices. Whats more is now they are "whoring" themselves and their bandwidth out to companies such as H2O wireless for alot less! I have been a loyal customer since the inception of Cingular, then for reasons beyond my control overnight became an ATT customer. 10 years later I have 2 lines, 1400 mins, pay a premium for unlimited text and have unlimited data and 250mb data respectively. Meanwhile some thug can jump ship from Metro or Boost mobile and come to H2O who will use ATT in their sales pitch, pay 50 or 60 month for The SAME exact that I pay 180/ month. To be fair lets do this: i have 2 lines. 180/2 is 90. My girl has half of iur plan: 700mins, unlimited text and 250mb data. Inversly anyone can walk into H2O wirelss slap a 50 down and get unlimited talk/text and 250mb per month, no contract!!!! For 60 that same person can get 1gb data instead of 250mb. So WTF is that? A company I and most of you have been with forever is screwing us in so many ways! Not only that wait until every thug finds out he can leave a 2g network at best and get 4g speeds for 50/month. Meanwhile the whole country slows down the network and loyal customers whi pull 2gb on an unlimited plan pay for it. I have tested thus H2O many a day and uts indeed Att. Trust me. If not for my 8 months left i would have anH2O simcard in my iphone and save 80per month for actually more bc remember I only get 1400 mins vs unlimited. Now that is F'd up. Screw the loyal customers who havent missed a payment, have good credit, and contribute to society....lets offer the low demographic unrespnsible 6 kids 5 babt daddys a killer deal! Man I wish i didnt read this as Im fired up atm. Fir those of you with contracts almost up go to is where I would go now bc its ATT's exact service disguised to try and trick peopke like you and i. Wtf did they think I wouldnt find out?
  • Shawn
    Shawn Posts: 39
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    I got it a couple of months back, but truly I deserved it, I was at 42 gigs in one month.
  • ///MPower
    ///MPower Posts: 14
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    Count me in. Only used 2GB this past month and got the message of being in the top 5% for my area and I have used much more in the past with no problems. This is complete bull... what is the point of "unlimited" if after 2gb you get throttled and can't even load the google home page in less than 5 minutes. Complete and blatant scam to pressure old unlimited plans into the 3GB plan. HEY ATT, lets see some actual data proving that were in the top 5% at only 2gb. I call BS. I asked ATT for some sort of number data or graph about data usage in my area and where I am compared to others and whether or not I am actually in the top 5%. They said that information is not available. I CALL BS!I found a petition against it... There may be others with more people, but maybe if we pass the word around, this one can actually make a difference.<a href=";
  • 4S
    4S Posts: 4
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    Anyone with the iphone 4s, if you have the $15-200mb plan, do u get a stupid extra hidden charge which is datapro 2Gb and charges 10-15 dollars extra?
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    Wow Weidy, do you really expect people to read your fucking long essay?Next time why not just write a book?
  • RLBal
    RLBal Posts: 1
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    We all have to call AT&T and complain. Supposedly they are taking those complaints into account. We'll see.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    This only applies to those that have an Unlimited data plan.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    LMAO what financial reports are YOU looking at?
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    10GIGS?! Where do you get a plan like that? I didn't see that in my selection.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Ditto 120gig's in august, Dang you sweet netflix! Vevo and an incredible mixtape collection.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I filed a complaint with the BBB.
  • TGOD
    TGOD Posts: 1
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    That is not true I'm passed 7 gigs already and I haven't recieved That message
  • Boomerang
    Boomerang Posts: 19
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    It might even get worse if MIT Romney become president. Remember he said he doesn't care for the very poor, so AT&T will even have more powers and start their throttling at just 1 gb, because as we all know that the retugnicant party is the biggest lobbyist for the big corporations. May God bless America.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    They do give u unlimited data but they will throttle u after u pass up 2 gigs. It is still unlimited regardless of how fast the speed is
  • JumpShip
    JumpShip Posts: 3
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    And, if you read the article, throttling is geared toward the top 5% in your area; if, the top 5% in your area is at at 2GB then AT&T's logic suggests you will be throttled. Your punishment for using ( or misusing according to AT&T ) is predicated by what other people around you are doing.
  • SaKo
    SaKo Posts: 74
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    I have used almost 2gig of my unlimited internet and received that message.. second month already...and getting speed of 0.06Mbps. How fair is it? If i had a chance i would've put my message in here for people who don't believe and say it's not true.
  • ATT Subscriber
    ATT Subscriber Posts: 5
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    An easier way to do that is to upload instead of download. I noticed that they are throttling my download speeds but not my upload speeds. So I would upload a bunch of pictures and videos to Dropbox again and again to increase the data usage. I started getting reduced download speeds at 1.95 GB.
  • JumpShip
    JumpShip Posts: 3
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    Finally, someone with a mind! Class action is the only answer and I am really surprised that some ambulance chaser hasn't figured this out because they will win. There is a reason AT&T hasn't just done away with unlimited data usage... they contractually can't. And, until the 'collective' speak out, AT&T will operate in breech of contract. It's like trying to force someone out of a rent controlled apartment in NYC.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    If u plan on staying with tmobile for awhile just sign a stupid contract u will save a bundle instead of paying month to month bs with only 100mb of data.
  • ATT Subscriber
    ATT Subscriber Posts: 5
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    I started getting reduced data speeds at 1.95 GB. As one user has suggested, we need to keep consuming data overnight so that we can bump that 5% higher. Otherwise that 5% of top users will continue to go down as some users leave for a limited plan or use less data. I won't be surprised if the top 5% is reached at 1.5GB next month. Notice that (for now) AT&T is only throttling you download speed but not your upload speed (I get 0.07 GB download and about 1GB upload). So to bump up that top 5% I will start uploading pics and videos to Dropbox overnight every night.Also, we should all file a class action law suit against AT&T. We are paying for "unlimited" and that's what we should get.