Samsung Galaxy Note Super Bowl Ad Mocks Apple Fans

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageSamsung Galaxy Note Super Bowl Ad Mocks Apple Fans

While the patent war are playing out in the court rooms, Samsung has aired another TV ad  as part of the “The next big thing is already here” series during the 2012 Super Bowl last night, which again pokes fun at Apple fans standing in the line for the new iPhone.

Read the full story here



  • lol
    lol Posts: 79
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    Not only will it not work it will only make the rift bigger
  • lol
    lol Posts: 79
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    Not only will it not work it will only make the rift bigger. They don't realize the only way to win over a fan is to actually build a better product...
  • Thatsgr8
    Thatsgr8 Posts: 6
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    I have owned a Samsung product in the past. Wait until there is a new operating system on the market. The Samsung phone WILL NOT get the update. My product was less than 3 months old when the new op system came out. Samsung said it was up to the carrier to upgrade it. The carrier said it was up to Samsung to update it. Still no update. GO APPLE. P*ss off Samsung your terrible.
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    My first thoughts on seeing that commercial were, wow that's too big, and, why would I go back to using s stylus?
  • Thatsgr8
    Thatsgr8 Posts: 6
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    Wait until there is a new operating system on the market. The Samsung phone WILL NOT get the update. My product was less than 3 months old when the new op system came out. Samsung said it was up to the carrier to upgrade it. The carrier said it was up to Samsung to update it. Still no update. GO APPLE. P*ss off Samsung your terrible.
  • Thatsgr8
    Thatsgr8 Posts: 6
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    Wait until there is a new operating system on the market. The Samsung phone WILL NOT get the update. My product was 3 months old when the new op system came out. Samsung said it was up to the carrier to upgrade it. The carrier said it was up to Samsung to update it. GO APPLE. P*ss off Samsung your terrible.
  • Mchael
    Mchael Posts: 0
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    Stylus really??? Doesn't the next big thing means going foward not back to a 10 year old technology that everybody ends up losing anyways and they were point less... Samsung u suck.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This ad is the joke of the year.
  • Ratheart
    Ratheart Posts: 2
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    It has a PEN!?Wow by all means lets flock towards a pen....
  • Mikey
    Mikey Posts: 24
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    Ad is a little shallow. But I picked up a Samsung tablet a few months ago. I'm open minded enough to enough both. I like that Note though... Hmmm
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    Seems like Samsung think its a good idea to rip on the very people they are trying to win over. They need to concentrate on building a better product not one that feels all plasticky and sh*tty in your hand.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    Seems like Samsung think its a good idea to rip on the very people they are trying to win over. They need to concentrate on building a better product not one that feels all plasticky and crappy in your hand.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    Seems like Samsung think its a good idea to rip on the very people they are trying to win over. They need to concentrate on building a better product not one that feels all plasticky and breakable in your hand.
  • leo
    leo Posts: 47
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    Samsung really needs some of that apple's good taste
  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I have owned both devices, right now I have the Samsung Infuse. I have seen good arguments from both sides. Apple needs to step up their game, and Samsung needs to better support their devices instead of just throwing them away. I love my Infuse and I'm running a custom gingerbread port cause Samsung/at&t suck at support. Can't wait to get my hands on the Note.
  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    I love the commercial lets face it, it's pretty comical how us Apple fans stand in line for their products.... I will be purchasing one of these for my wife.
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    The Next Big Thing is Here - coming 2/14/2012 (at least that's what it had at the end of the Canadian version). So it is NOT here! And why aren't there line-ups? Because people aren't flocking to their products.Those dim enough to fall for such advertising deserve what they get - an inferior product.
  • Dinks
    Dinks Posts: 2
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    Come on people these ads are tired and all you can see is a cheap imitation of an Idevice, this is tasteless...Copy Cats!!!
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Not that I stand in lines .. I just wait a couple days ... I have some pertinence... However, there is a reason there are lines for apple products..... Its not fanboyism, its the demand of the product. If samsung was making a decent dent in the industry, people would be waiting in lines for their products too. Its a simple factor of supply and demand. Less people demand samsung hence larger supply no lines... More people demand apple products, hence supply shortages, hence lines for those not willing to wait a few extra days or couple weeks if need be.Myself ... I wait a couple months until the bugs are worked out of any system and actual consumer reports are published.. Operating systems from Windows to OSX. Electronics from tablets to phones... the products rarely are released without significant bugs. as for reports... we all know beta testers, and review forums with early reviews often are biased. I am more interested in what the people using the devices have to say. The "note" seems nice at first, and could be good competition for kindle fire and smaller tablets. As a consumer that utilizes my tablet like a laptop/netbook in the classroom, I think I would still prefer the larger screen of the iPad. For your wife who wants something bigger than a phone but can still slip it in her purse .. by all means this looks like a wonderful product....
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Is there a 5.3 inch iDevice?Its nice for what it is, but the add should reflect on the device not at apple products. Its not related to the apple marketplace as it currently stands. Its in a class of its own or maybe in the class of Kindle Fire or PDAs. I agree the adds are however ludicrous as they focus more on what apple is not than what there device is. I would not buy any of these devices based on what was demonstrated in any of their adds. From a marketing campaign they "fail"" in my opinion.
  • il Santi
    il Santi Posts: 40
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    They've already built a better product, I guess you didn't see the Galaxy S2...
  • il Santi
    il Santi Posts: 40
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    Yeah, because the "new" notification bar on the iOS 5 is an original idea. Android has it since preliminary launch.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    You guys are nuts. That commercial was awesome. The made a whole since and dance number while one idiot stayed in line for a f'n iphone. I don't need to tell you that was based on a true story :S.
  • Gerard
    Gerard Posts: 29
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    Let me get this straight, Samsung realizes Apple products are top notch. So they come by the lines to give theirs away. The people that left the line went to sell the those free Samsung products on eBay do they can save some money on the iPhone. Funny how all these companies are making white phones now. They will never have my respect because they take no chances, they copy the hit product and try to act as if they pioneered it.
  • fuck cats
    fuck cats Posts: 2
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    Wanna see a picture of my cat.No.hahaha so true
  • fuck cats
    fuck cats Posts: 2
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    oh btw, i like how you only moderate out non-apple-fanboy comments. I also like how maybe 1/10 of the complete **** on here has nothing to do with hacks. Also **** you.
  • Danny Kennedy
    Danny Kennedy Posts: 43
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    Apple Sucks just want to make the money. For Samsung Android for free watching??
  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    Okay, this is not exactly how you go about wooing new customers or existing customers of Apple products. This taunting, making fun of, teasing, etc., is cute to all those Galaxy fans, but that is it. I now will be sure never to try a Samsung product because they are making fun of "me". I do take it personal (...well not really), but if that is the best Samsung's marketing can come up with, then it is clear they need to go back to high school and work out some of their personal issues on the playground! That "Pen" reminds me of the days of HP iPaq and Stylus's, which were also used when I was in high school! Wow, not really inventive Samsung! Get with the times and stop ripping off the idea's and come up with something original. Even your OS on galaxies is Googleware! Which by the way those owners of Galaxy variations, good luck getting an updated OS!
  • il Santi
    il Santi Posts: 40
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    It's funny to read this, iPhone 3G/3GS/4 users won't get Siri... Sounds familiar?
  • iWontReplyBack2u
    iWontReplyBack2u Posts: 3
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    You must admit that Samsung has been making SUPERIOR products than Apple for past 2 yrs or so (coming from an iOS guy), don't bash me, just research its technical specs Samsung phones and you to it that it is truth.