Samsung Galaxy Note Super Bowl Ad Mocks Apple Fans



  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I lok at specs before purchasing anything , but sometimes specs aren't all they are cracked up to be. Sometimes you just need to feel the device and interact with it before making a decision. That being said; I found the samsung product line a bit sluggish compared to the iPhone and iPad. Better looking screen, a bit crisper than the iPad. But when it comes to phones, I think I would sooner go with the Motorola Razor than Samsung, if I was in the market for an android device. Right now I have a Mac, Macbook, and iPad; So the natural choice for me is iPhone for ease of integration. If I was still primarily using my PC and alienware laptop, motorola would win out vs samsung.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    same could be said about people that got the 4s from a 4
  • JohnJackson000
    JohnJackson000 Posts: 7
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    The 2.5 year old 3GS has the latest iOS5. Any update is better than none, am I wrong?
  • JohnJackson000
    JohnJackson000 Posts: 7
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    Better camera? Better sound quality? Better support? Better GPU? Bettery battery life? What a joke.
  • JohnJackson000
    JohnJackson000 Posts: 7
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    Comical? Did Apple invent queue lines? The only thing I find comical is that the Note comes with Gingerbread.
  • JohnJackson000
    JohnJackson000 Posts: 7
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    Yes the 4S is a worst phone than the 4... whatttttt...
  • JohnJackson000
    JohnJackson000 Posts: 7
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    Yes people should be focused on that because Samsung DOESN'T design their devices to look anything like iDevices.. I mean white phone? ORIGINAL!!!!11
  • JohnJackson000
    JohnJackson000 Posts: 7
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    Superior? Specifications are a pretty shallow way to compare devices. There's more to a phone than that. For example look at this RMAA audio benchmark:
  • JohnJackson000
    JohnJackson000 Posts: 7
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    What business doesn't want to make money?
  • DJScope
    DJScope Posts: 38
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    HAHAHAHA "Freedom!!!!!!!" Thats classic.I dunno about you guys but I personally like the Samsung ads. Nothing wrong with healthy competition. At least theyre not suing Apple and trying to get them off the market.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    A pen. I would never go back to a pen based smart phone. I went with an iPhone because of HTC, Microsoft, and that damn pen.
  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    LOL I'm pretty sure Apple wasn't the first to put out a white phone.
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    thats a hardware constrint. plus, thats what you pay extra for in the 4s
  • @iTaos
    @iTaos Posts: 18
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    OH a pen!? Wow samsung you really got apple this time!
  • Hopstradamus
    Hopstradamus Posts: 3
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    Apparently il Santi either works for Samsung, or is blind. Galaxy S2, as with most Samsung products, are cheaply made. And correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't we spend the last 20 years of cell phone development making smaller, nicer products? Why is Samsung trying to convince people a bigger screen is better? If I wanted to carry a laptop in my pocket, I would. And let's not even get started on the fractured OS that is Android. I have 5 friends who had an iPhone, went over to Samsung thinking "bigger was better" and are now pleading with anyone to take their S2 so they can go back to iPhone. Cheaply made is cheaply made, no matter what kind of commercial you pay for.
  • jieshi
    jieshi Posts: 5
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    samsung is just a F*cking copycat!
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    There is something that Samsung will never get. No matter how hard they try, they will never understand while Apple is on the top and they will never beat this. Apple is NOT selling a product. Apple is selling a service, and the service is called: User experience and satisfaction, the total value of Apple, which Samsung and other competitors are too blind to see it.
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Contact me! Why are my comments "awaiting moderation"?!?
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Apple fanboys dissing the samsung commercial very typical anyways the commercial was funny and I will be getting my girlfriend and myself a Galaxy note.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    apple's adds are all about what the device can do in a every day world either in a work environment or as entertainment device. They show you what the device can do and what is made to apple device is made from apple from the ground up. from parts to os to the box apple owns the co's that make everything in there products so they have control of the user experience. also every year apple makes the device more and more environment friendly and recycleable. Yes samsung has a point waiting in line sucks and it is boring however if it was not worth it would we wait for 7 hours to get a phone.....Yes some people see a iPhone as a status symbol but the amount of people that buy them are mind blowing is retail sales $$$$. So if they must make fun of the people that are in line for the next idevice let them, not like there will be a 7 hour line to get a note when it ever gets to the usa....I will say one last thing...i watched a youtube review on the note and it looks amazing it is the perfect blend or a iPad and a iPhone if you can deal with a android os on your phone it will get ice-cream sandwich update when it drops and is a beast in the spec department and to tell the truth after the review i thought a bout many getting one as a work line however after the anti-iphone line adds they lost my business because to me the add is all about them getting back at apple and not there proud of who and what you are samsung take the high road and tell me what your phone can do and how it fits in my life and maybe you might just sell some phones.....but he said she said,mine is better then yours, and haha you have to stand in line is just high school drama i left behind years ago.....and what do you think apple thinks about your adds they must be laughing there ass off i know i am...just my thoughts
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Its funny how good of a job Samsung did in mimicking Apple fanboys, you sound like that guy waiting in line in their commercials haha.
  • jer
    jer Posts: 5
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    I once too walked around with an apple stamped on my head.....and after the same phone being released 4 years in a row I saw the light, or should I say saw the little green man lead the way
  • anomynus
    anomynus Posts: 2
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    At least they did give updates to 3GS. Most other manufacturer didn't have this "firmware updating" built in mind for most of their products anyway. You can argue that more variety, but what is with variety if there is no maintenance to the system? At least Apple did care about about the products they put up for sale and took the responsibility to manage and maintain it. Unlike other companies that just sells phones for money and when you get it, that's it. You know why there is Apple cult thing around? Because they care about customers, that's why. They connect to people in many ways sometimes through things like updates. updates might be a small thing but it shows how much you care about your customers. Other companies should really learn from Apple in firmware updates and maintenance. They didn't even do it for their "Premium" phones most of the time and they expect people to be loyal to them. Shame. "If you don't know people, you don't know business."This is the thing most companies don't get and keep banging their heads on the wall why the could not keep up with Apple's sales in smartphones and tablets. tsk tsk tsk. shame on the big companies that didn't get it and end up whining losing to Apple.
  • anomynus
    anomynus Posts: 2
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    It is very true my friend. Apple is selling User experience and satisfaction, the total value of Apple, which Samsung and other competitors are too blind to see it and not just Apple, but most big companies around the world. They, most of the time, put profit before customer satisfaction, which is not really good idea in the long run. You see, Apple spend time building a brand and product that is good and special. They might have ripped most of the things the have now off others ideas, but they have beautifully executed it. We live in the world where we share all the things around us. It would be absurd to apply copyright laws and patent rules in every aspect of life. You wont be watching movie with your friend if you go just by the copyright law. the copyright law practically says that you and only you can use it and any sharing without the consent of the copyright holders is illegal. get what I mean? Tablet has been around even before iPad and smartphones has been around too before iPhone, in fact you have blackberry and others. But what made it a success? You must start thinking about it. Resistive touch screen smartphone, who would have thought of making such a phone before iPhone came out? NO ONE! NO ONE is willing to take risk. Do you know that Nokia, the biggest phone making company out there actually rejected the what would be "iPhone" idea outright when they 1st propose it to the higher ups in Nokia? Then Apple came with the world's 1st touchresistive phone "iPhone" and made billions on it and what do the other companies do? They start panicking. and started to want to do things like apple but don know how or need to much time to get to what Apple is now.The point I am trying to make here is, if you put money making forward 1st, you will run out of money. however, if you put your product forward 1st, making sure that it is a good product, then the money will come AUTOMATICALLY. This is the 1 thing Apple did right. Most companies just wanna make money and dont care about the thing they are making most of the time. And they whine when they dont make enough money."If you don’t know people, you don’t know business.” Business starts from people, this is what Apple got right. They value customers and give them a sense of superiority and a sense of power in their products. This is what made successful. You should ask yourself : How did this Apple fanboy and cult started anyway? Why no Sony people , Dell people, Samsung people but Mac people? And note that Apple did not participate actively in forming these cults and fanboy groups, they gather together, and there is not that much of choice in Apple's arsenal in terms of product variety. But why is those with so much to offer failed to have such things? Think about this before you throw out statements with "Fanboy" and "cult" things, be it those siding Apple or not. You are all missing this point. You DONT GET IT. that is why you sprout nonsense and sh!ts.
  • City023
    City023 Posts: 55
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    Samsung is way too big! Looks like a tablet! And really...were going backwards in time with the stylus.
  • Investor
    Investor Posts: 16
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    Apple wins...easy. There will not be a line wrapped around the mall for the "note" or whatever its called.
  • Patanjali
    Patanjali Posts: 9
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    How do you know that they will not get the update, when they have stated the Note will?You are stating your conjecture as fact.
  • Patanjali
    Patanjali Posts: 9
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    Since the Note can be fully operated by touch, the stylus is an additional means of input for those situations where it is of advantage.It is a full Wacom digitiser stylus, which allows fairly accurate and FINE drawing with pressure sensitivity. Consequently, it can be used to do notes at more than a few words on a page and sketches or annotations which would be very difficult with fingers.The point IS the point!The stylus also is very securely held in the device.
  • Patanjali
    Patanjali Posts: 9
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    On the contrary, they are mocking the very people that the great majority of current Apple mobile customers would NOT identify with.Even then, the ad intimates that that very small minority don't have to do that.
  • Patanjali
    Patanjali Posts: 9
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    It was meant to be!