AT&T Explains Throttling Unlimited Data Users at 2GB Of Monthly Usage

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imageAT&T Explains Throttling Unlimited Data Users at 2GB Of Monthly Usage

AT&T's practice of throttling their top 5 percent unlimited data subscribers for monthly usage as low as 1.6GB didn't go too well with users, and understandably so.

Brian X. Chen of The New York Times spoke to an AT&T representative about this. The rep says that the average usage by the top 5 percent unlimited data users, indeed comes to around 2GB per month, but that isn't the only criteria to throttling:

Read the full story here



  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    That's why the name AT&T. Always Throttling & Throttling.
  • City023
    City023 Posts: 55
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    Or Alawys Throttling & Taxing.
  • City023
    City023 Posts: 55
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    Or Always Throttling & Taxing.
  • Numbers3134
    Numbers3134 Posts: 1
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    Someone create a jailbreak tweak that circumvents the throttling process. They will make a killing!
  • Roderick
    Roderick Posts: 25
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    That's why I left them fools!
  • Roderick
    Roderick Posts: 25
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    That's why I left them crooks!
  • Roderick
    Roderick Posts: 25
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    That is why I left them crooks!
  • Charlie
    Charlie Posts: 41
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    Couldn't this, if really pushed, cause a lot of trouble for AT&T? If I recall correctly, Amazon lost a fairly major lawsuit against someone for modifying the content of a Kindle based on Amazon's wishes at a software availability update? AT&T is effectively modifying your digital device, without your permission. The grandfathered Unlimited Data plan did NOT originally come with the stipulation "Should you use too much data we will slow down your connection!" It was unequivocal, you have unlimited use of our data service at the speed your device is designed to use. I have the Unlimited Data plan, as I've had an iPhone since zero hour, and I've NEVER had an issue with throttling, but I hate it for those that do. Shouldn't someone really start to push the issue with AT&T that what they are doing could possibly not be legal?
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Simple AT&T Sucks....!
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    And iPhoneHacks Fix the "Fail Post comment" very annoying!!!
  • Boomerang
    Boomerang Posts: 19
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    Ok, so if I'm on a tier plan and im in an area where there's insufficient spectrum, it doesn't matter if I used 100 gb of data because AT&T will be getting rich of me, and my speed wouldn't slow down, they would encourage me to use more instead and keep the money coming in to them. The spectrum wouldn't affected at that point I guess. What a f*cking crook they r. We need to get serious and start a law suit against AT&T.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    everyone throttles, even Sprint though they claim they dont, but their speeds suck anyway
  • The guy
    The guy Posts: 2
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    3G Unrestrictor curcumvents the throttle.
  • The guy
    The guy Posts: 2
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    3G Unrestrictor curcumvents the throttle
  • JJ
    JJ Posts: 48
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  • Googz187
    Googz187 Posts: 8
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    I was throttled once already by AT&T. I used 11GB of data. My iPhone was simply unuseable. Maps, forget it, a paper map was easier to use than to wait. Pandora, about 30 seconds to skip to next song and constant buffering throughout song. Mainly my fault though, I did tether using PDA NET, which I might add blocks AT&T from catching me using unauthorized tethering. Although AT&T's network has been reliable and with iPhone 4s I'm getting speed tests from 5-10 megs which I'm happy with. I suspect when iPhone comes out with next gen on LTE say goodbye to my grandfather data plan.
  • Phong
    Phong Posts: 3
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    Your credibility takes a giant dump when you put quotes around idiotic, exaggerated stuff you made up and try to attribute it to an official company representative.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This wont happen in India but then no unlimited here.
  • ExRoot
    ExRoot Posts: 3
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    I have 3G Unrestrictor and it's my understanding that the purpose of the app is to trick certain apps like Facetime, downloading apps from store greater than Apple's restrictive 20mg, and other wifi only apps into thinking it's using wifi when in fact it is using 3g. I could be wrong but I don't think it has anything to do with what you think. If so........OMG. In any case
  • ExRoot
    ExRoot Posts: 3
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    Interesting explanation. Thanks. If your an attorney count me in on the Classaction.
  • windowsGUY
    windowsGUY Posts: 1
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    3g unrestrictor does not stop them from throttling your data nub.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Hello!!! Why aren't the ambulance chasers reading stuff like this!!!
  • ATT Subscriber
    ATT Subscriber Posts: 5
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    In retaliation, I'm using even more data. 6.5GB so far and plan on getting to at least 10GB this billing cycle. Next one I plan on using 20GB. Hopefully this will help raise that 5% threshold. The way to do it is by uploading a bunch of videos since upload speeds don't appear to be reduced.
  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    Or "Alawys Throttling & Taxing". Lol that's funny and true!!! Plus they just want people with unlimited data to change plans so AT&T can extra if u exceed the 2gb or 3gb plan. Unlimited is unlimited should not be penalized because the plan was offered to begin with.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Not so, the alteration doesn't come from the devices end. In theory if you switch carriers this problem would be fixed. This isn't a device specific problem in as with the kindle. Even if you switch your sim and device this would still happen because your throttling your actual account on at&t's side.
  • Rich
    Rich Posts: 35
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    AT&T I have had you for what it seems like is 12 years even when you bought cingular and now you are punishing me because I use IT TOO MUCH!! WTF@My data speed is topping at @ .10mbps in 3G where i had got speeds of over 6Mbps after they capped me, all my internet radio cuts out and anything else that needs data it's because a hassle now! This is exactly what they want us to do and switch over to a non unliminited plan or jump ship and go to another carrier that still offers it like Sprint for the iPhone.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I just blow the 2gb limit in the first two weeks and keep going as best i could. I use wifi when necessary.
  • paulg
    paulg Posts: 29
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    Once again, where is the unlock software? If we had the opportunity to take our iPhone and business elsewhere, this monopolistic handle from AT&T would loosen up
  • FeelinLuke
    FeelinLuke Posts: 1
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    This is very bad business, I don't understand why AT&T would think that bullying their old loyal customers into switching plans is a good idea in the long run. This whole ordeal has left me felling betrayed and I will be looking at my options as soon as my contract is up. I received the text stating that I was in the top 5% at 2.4GB, since AT&T offers tiered plans for 3GB and 5GB without throttling those customers, I defy them to prove that my 2.4GB is adversely impacting their wireless network.