AT&T Explains Throttling Unlimited Data Users at 2GB Of Monthly Usage



  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    While the choice of your words does suggest that you have some education; I am curious how you see this as a modification of your digital device. It is not the device being modified, but rather a service that is provided. The device is merely a means to access that service.
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    I was throttled in my second week of the billing cycle so in protest I am streaming my slingplayer all night the rest of my billing cycle to see how much data I can run up. Although slow and choppy I've managed to stream 2 gb in the last couple of days.
  • شات يمني,دردشة يمنية
    that's why att is suck..
  • FeelinLukey
    FeelinLukey Posts: 3
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  • Better sue
    Better sue Posts: 1
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    Well it seems that if you signed a contract granting UNLIMITED access to something and that UNLIMITED access was somehow modified or slowed down to an almost unusable point there would be room for recursive action against the provider for breech of contract. Because buy definition unlimited means without limits or restrictions and unless they have had the definition of unlimited in the websters dictionary they are contractually obligated to provide unlimited service.
  • emily
    emily Posts: 12
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    Not true. Unlimited does not meanwithout limits or restrictions. A legal challenge to AT&T on their throttling is not likely going to be successful on the claim of violation of the contract agreement between the customer and AT&T.
  • J-God
    J-God Posts: 40
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    Simple solution. Drop out of at&T and see how they will change. It needs to be a group effort
  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
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    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of my original AT&T contract that states no such throttling clause on my unlimited plan. I will contact an attorney and start a class action law suit. 2nd month in a row I'm being throttled... The iPhone is worthless now. Blame Apple for allowing these companies to limit your iPhone.
  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of my original AT&T contract that states no such throttling clause on my unlimited plan. I will contact an attorney and start a class action L suit. 2nd month in a row I'm being throttled... The iPhone is worthless now. Blame Apple for allowing these companies to limit your iPhone.
  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of my original AT&T contract that states no such throttling clause on my unlimited plan. I will contact an attorney and start a class action LS. 2nd month in a row I'm being throttled... The iPhone is worthless now. Blame Apple for allowing these companies to limit your iPhone.
  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of my original AT&T contract that states no such throttling clause on my unlimited plan. I will contact an Lawyer and start a class action LS. 2nd month in a row I'm being throttled... The iPhone is worthless now. Blame Apple for allowing these companies to limit your iPhone.
  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of my original AT&T contract that states no such throttling clause on my unlimited plan. I will contact an Lawyer 2nd month in a row I'm being throttled... The iPhone is worthless now. Blame Apple for allowing these companies to limit your iPhone.
  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of my original AT&T contract that states no such throttling clause on my unlimited plan. I will contact a Lawyer 2nd month in a row I'm being throttled... The iPhone is worthless now. Blame Apple for allowing these companies to limit your iPhone.
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    Maybe you all need to move out of that monopoly controlled country and move to a real first world country.Just saying...
  • Risko
    Risko Posts: 9
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    You got it wrong. Unlimited data doesn't mean unlimited speeds. Unlimited data means that the amount of data you transfer is not limited by numbers but they have every right to throttle your speed if you are abusing the service. There are other people who want to use data y'know?
  • Kito
    Kito Posts: 8
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  • Taoufik
    Taoufik Posts: 1
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    I'm considering to drop data plan alltoghter and get a dummy phone,
  • Taoufik A
    Taoufik A Posts: 1
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    I'm considering to drop data plan alltoghter and get a dumm dumm phone,
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Verizon , Tmobile , AT&T , it doesn't matter. They all throttle because the lack of bandwidth It's terrible towers that can't handle the consumption. If you recall , L. A. had a major data issue few years back. So bad you would drop a call inside a car or building. They had to make a special repeater or something of the sort to straighten it out. Of course it's not perfect or by far fixed but it is a sign of heavy usage by population. Your agreement is subject to change without notice. That includes shutting you down. It's in there. Instead of crying about unlimited data why don't you help a little and reduce your consumption and "save some water for the fish". I had mentioned this before, all you unlimited users WILL be switched or you'll go to another carrier to be put on a tiered plan already in place. Either way you will lose in the end because you don't have a gazillion dollars or a leg to stand on. You want the service you will be controlled. Welcome to capitalism.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    It doesn't happen on mobile phones, but it does happen on data cards and certain ISP connections as well.
  • Camera Boy
    Camera Boy Posts: 30
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    Hmm, in Japan we only have one plan for iPhone users, the unlimited! No matter how much we use, it's always the same, and sometimes I'm really doing a few gigabites for a month!
  • funny
    funny Posts: 3
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    I dont know why anybody is complain. AT&T is like any other business, they are in it to make money. They will milk a fat cow until there is no milk left and then after that sale it to meat factory. That's a fact of live. If you don't like the service for any reason, in American, you have the right to cancel your contract, of course with a cancellation fee. In many country, people pay over 1000usd for iPhone. In America and other places, you hae buy out and contract option. Contract is subsidize for a reason; why you think it is mich cheaper thru a contract. All I am saying is you get what you pay for. You have a choice so stop bitching and go to another carrier you think is better. No one has a gun to your head forcing you to accept anything AT&T decides to do. Don't ever forget that you always have choice. As for everyone talking about sueing AT&T. For what? I am pretty sure nowhere in the contract it says that it can not throttle or not increase price. Normally, all contract usually have statement which basically gives them the right to change terms of contract as they see fit.So, if you don't like AT&T, stop bitching and make your choice; your have options you know.
  • Switch Sprint
    Switch Sprint Posts: 1
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    In 4 months my AT&T contract is over and I'll be switching to Sprint. Where I live and work they have great coverage so bye bye AT&T!
  • Jones Astrong
    Jones Astrong Posts: 3
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    In 4 months my AT&T contract is over and I'll be switching to Sprint. Where I live and work they have great coverage so bye bye AT&T!
  • Jones Astrong
    Jones Astrong Posts: 3
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    @ kiwiholden - if kiwi means that NZ is a real first world country, consider that my backyard here in the US is probsbly twice the size of NZ! :) the US is a madsive place with huge concentratiions of people and it takes a lot of money and infarstructure to connect everyone! That said, In 4 months my AT&T contract is over and I'll be switching to Sprint. Where I live and work they have great coverage so bye bye AT&T!
  • Jones Astrong
    Jones Astrong Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    @ kiwiholden - if kiwi means that NZ is a real first world country, consider that my backyard here in the US is probsbly twice the size of NZ! :) the US is a madsive place with huge concentratiions of people and it takes a lot of money and infarstructure to connect everyone! That said, In 4 months my AT&T contract is over and I'll be switching to Sprint.
  • Squiggs
    Squiggs Posts: 6
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    What if I get the 3gb data only plan for the ps vita will this effect me because I was planing to get AT&T for it so I can watch netflix any where and use the Internet like crazy because my iPhone is slow on tmobile 3G does not work. I am not going to waste 30 a month extra on top of my normal phone bill if the quality of service is really bad
  • kraken
    kraken Posts: 36
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    "Always Throttling and Thieving"Lets get this to stick. Companies "love" this kind of PR.
  • kraken
    kraken Posts: 36
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    Not so simple. That would involve leaving our family, friends, jobs, land, property, etc. behind to be an illegal immigrant somewhere. Besides the EU is the USA's ****. What little spine they developed was in the last few months or so.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Yeah on data cards its terrible, specially TATA Photon!