iPad 2 And iPhone 4S Can be Downgraded to iOS 5.0.1 From iOS 5.1 [Updatex3]



  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 13
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  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 13
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    Missed this I suppose...Update: We're assuming that you will need SHSH blobs saved using TinyUmbrella to downgrade to iOS 5.0.1.
  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 13
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    spoken like a true patriot!!
  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 13
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    OK, LETS MAKE THIS CLEAR FOR EVERYONE....NO 5.0.1 SHSH BLOBS, NO DOWNGRADE... 'PERIOD'Not if there's an ostrich standing on your driveway,an elephant is in your tree,Venus is in retrograde,and certainly not if you don't think any of this pertains to you!!!
  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    That sucks. My new iPhone 4S' speaker doesn't work when I make or receive a call, I have to use the headphones in order for the other person to hear me. I'm pretty sure it's a bug since I can still hear the sound from YouTube or Netflix app and I want to reinstall 5.0.1 but I'm not sure if it will go through. And I don't want to go take it to the Apple store because I don't want them to hand me back an iPhone on 5.1 since there is still no jailbrake available for it.
  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 13
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    NO, you need your blobs from your device otherwise anyone's blob would do. You're iPad2 blobs wont help with your iPhone 4S; you would have needed to have backed up your iPhone 4S while apple was still signing the code.
  • Plasterer41
    Plasterer41 Posts: 1
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    No. Your iphone shsh are nothing to do with your ipad!
  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    That sucks. My new iPhone 4S' speaker doesn't work when I make or receive a call, I have to use the headphones in order for the other person to hear me. I'm pretty sure it's a bug since I can still hear the sound from YouTube or Netflix app and I want to reinstall 5.0.1 but I'm not sure if it will go through. And I don't want to go take it to the Apple store because I don't want them to hand me back an iPhone on 5.1 since there is still no jailbrake available for it
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    U need to beat the big brother (apticket) before u can use shsh to downgrade, hence the loophole in apticket will come in handy.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Why r u here then?
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Were u saying "Can i drive a car if i have a bike license?"
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    U can use tinyumbrella to retrieve 5.0.1 shsh if u care.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Oh sorry it means u didn't save 5.0.1. Sorry u can't.
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    iPhonehacks, thanks for the news, but be careful not to use the term 'The new iPad' from now on, because if someone reads this article after a year or two, they won't know which iPad you are talking about. Use iPad third generation mate :)
  • whatevs
    whatevs Posts: 4
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    what about the shah blobs saved through cydia via the "make my life easier option"?
  • Damien
    Damien Posts: 28
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    You can get any blobs saved via Cydia through tiny umbrella one of the easiest ways to see if your device will be downgradeable is to open Cydia and see what shsh is says you have at the top of the main Cydia page.
  • Jack Black
    Jack Black Posts: 14
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    Q: So if ih8sn0w says all A5 devices, that means also the Apple TV 3. So we can downgrade to 5.0.1 ?? A: Wow that would be amazing but not likely possible because some core apps for atv 3 is not present in iOS 4.4.4 / 5.0.1
  • Laza
    Laza Posts: 1
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    I'm using ipad2 on iOS 5.0.1 and just saved my SHSH using tinyumbrella, even though u state it can't be done as Apple is not signing iOS 5.0.1So it seems it is possible to save ur SHSH for iOS 5.0.1 now. This needs to be clarified as it will confuse everyone.
  • asdfadsf
    asdfadsf Posts: 5
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    You can't, on any device, downgrade to 5.x, because 5.x checks not only a per-device SHSH, but also a per-restore apticket hash.What this means is:iPad 3, iPhone 4S, iPad 2 GSM/CDMA - cannot downgrade at all, even with saved SHSH (SHSH for iPad on 4.x exists, but baseband downgrade fails and prevents restore. No pwned DFU for iPad 2 so no way to install 4.x without baseband)iPad 2 Wifi, iPhone, iPod Touch - can downgrade to 4.x with saved SHSH (Need to use pwned DFU because baseband downgrade will fail and prevent restore), cannot downgrade to 5.0.1, even with SHSH (apticket). So basically, (until this is released) if you're on 5.1 and have a newer device, you're stuck on 5.1. If you're on 5.1 and have an older device, you can restore to 4.x, but not to 5.0.1 .IOW, this is a big deal, because until now if you upgraded from 5.0.1, there was no way back no matter what device you had.(I think if you have an old-bootrom iPhone 3GS, you can install whatever you like (because the jailbreak occurs before the SHSH/apticket check). Similarly I believe it should be possible to boot a downgraded-to-5.0.1 A4 or earlier device tethered. But I don't know if this is actually possible, or just theoretically possible).
  • asdfadsf
    asdfadsf Posts: 5
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    No.The 'verifying with Apple' step that hands out SHSH and apticket doesn't care what software was on your device before: it only checks what software is on it now. Currently Apple is not validating 5.0.1, so there is no way to install 5.0.1, and no way to restore a 5.0.1 device without installing 5.1 on it.Contrast with the XBox 360, where the device will boot anything with a correct per-firmware signature, but stores a list of obsolete firmwares and refuses to boot them; iProducts won't boot anything that doesn't have a per-device signature downloaded from Apple, and Apple won't give out signatures for anything but the current firmware.
  • asdfadsf
    asdfadsf Posts: 5
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    Completely impossible without the SHSH blob.If you've used Cydia, Cydia will have saved your SHSH blobs; TinyUmbrella can download them. If TinyUmbrella says they're not on Cydia, then you are out of luck.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Updated the FAQ section to address the point you've raised. Hope it clarifies.
  • asdfadsf
    asdfadsf Posts: 5
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    iFaith can save the SHSH blob off the device.No word if this blob will then work for installing 5.0.1 . A 4.x blob saved in this way does work for 4.x .The FAQ above says no, but this might be an omission.
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    i accidentally upgraded to ios 5.1 on my unjailbroken ipod touch 3g. can i downgrade it if i restore it the click restore to factory settings? i bought it as 5.0.1
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    i meant set up as new ipod
  • haha
    haha Posts: 33
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    if u have ur SHSH from 5.0.1 then u can, open up TU and do it that way, if not, im afraid ur stuck with a dodgy iphone, try turning off 3g and data plan, some times restset all settings and reset network settings worked, i had same problem..
  • Francesco
    Francesco Posts: 21
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    I had a jail broken 4s on 5.0.1 and cydia said it saved my shsh blobs.but when I looked with t/u it says I don't have them for 5.0.1...could t/u be wrong or is it more likely cydia didn't save them as it said
  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    I tried everything you said to do and still no fix to my problem @ Haha
  • passerby
    passerby Posts: 16
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    Maybe you can try this package in Cydia called iSHSit ('im serious). It will allow you to pull any blobs from Cydia via that application.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    INHO, their's NOTHING special worth waisting precious bandwidth, time and effort for this update, less'on u have an iPad that is....