iPad 2 And iPhone 4S Can be Downgraded to iOS 5.0.1 From iOS 5.1 [Updatex3]



  • Shinnywolf
    Shinnywolf Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    Is there anyone out there who can answer my previous question about blobs?By the time I get a response 5.1 jailbreak will be released lol
  • aa224
    aa224 Posts: 0
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    If you are on a 4S with 5.1 there are no work-arounds. You are stuck on 5.1 and cannot JB at the moment. Not with someone else's blobs or your blobs or any way at all.
    JIDE Z WIK Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    Well how can i downgrade it i can't bear life without jailbreak
  • Blackie
    Blackie Posts: 1
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    Ok I am die hard android guy. It's so easy to root and tether wifi. This is my girls new iPhone 4s 5.1. She wants to tether and root like I do. I've been reading way too much crap about apple to stomach another minute but is it yet possible to jailbreak this phone so she can tether? Android is so easy this is rediculous... Just want a quick link do I don't have to ever touch this phone again. Yes I'm savvy with roms and rooting. Kernels and whatnot..,
  • Marco
    Marco Posts: 34
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    Can I downgrade a 4s with an jailbroken iphone 4 SHSH i have?
  • Marco
    Marco Posts: 34
    via Wordpress
    Can I downgrade a new iphone 4S on 5.1 to 5.0.1 using the SHSH Blobs from a jailbroken iphone 4?
  • amit Purohit
    amit Purohit Posts: 0
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    i dont know how but i did i'downgraded my i phone 4s v 5.1.1 to v 5.0.1by just deleting the host file which u can easily find in windows/system 32/drivers/etc/hostif and if find host.isc then dont delete this one before u delete these file pleae ucheck all hidden files and extension from folder option download the firmware and through i tunes by restoring just downgrade ur systemthats it and it will work before u go through this check every thing then do it thanx
    MATRIX Posts: 2
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    hi,Redsn0w 0.9.11b1 is released now and can be DIRECT DOWNLOAD HERE http://iphone2fan.blogspot.fr/this can downgrade A5 device (iphone 4S and IPAD 3)
  • mohamed
    mohamed Posts: 6
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  • Shinnywolf
    Shinnywolf Posts: 3
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    Sounds promising amitBit confused bout the file your deleting, your explanation is not clearI'm deleting host.isc?When you say check hidden files before deleting does this mean there are more than 1 copy of this file?Does this stop the error message after downgrading sayin apple no longer sign this firmware?Sorry if I'm sounding a bit thick here but a detailed step by step guide to what you did would be appreciated
  • noj
    noj Posts: 1
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    I don't think so. I got Ipod 4g at 5.1.1 and was able to downgrade to 5.0.1 using redsnow, ifaith, tiny, and itune. Only idevice that I can't figure is my iphone 4s.