iPhone 4 Vs. HTC EVO 4G: Which One Will You Buy?



  • lolumadbro
    lolumadbro Posts: 15
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    I'd bet a sizable amount that the problem you're experience exists solely between the keyboard and chair. Just sayin'.

  • lolumadbro
    lolumadbro Posts: 15
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    The iPhone will always be **** compared to any other VZ / Sprint Android phone because ATT is ****. You fan boys can't argue that. /end

  • Marcelo
    Marcelo Posts: 4
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    I've had 4 HTCs in the past and always resisted the iPhone trend, until I was given one by my phone co. HTC's built quality is CRAP compared to Apple's and I will never go back no mater how cool android is.

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    ima suwoo killa haha homo... im no giving stats, go look them up yourself, but facts are facts.... the new iphone is sexy, but as far as features and something "new" it sucks..... trust me i got 2 macbooks, 2 ipods, an ipod touch and every iphone... i love my apple.... but the new iphone is a let down, most def!

  • Jonas
    Jonas Posts: 25
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    I was so psyched on buying a Ip4 - but then it came out...

    Ok, these are the problems I have noticed so far:

    1. Falsh - Someone said flash is crap on cell phones... riiiight, guess that person hasn't checked it out for real.

    2. Doesn't operates below 0 degrees C!? WT... That is what it says on their homepage. Man, I live up north and would like to be able calling when I'm outside during the winter.

    3. Tne camera - I wish they would use a xenon-flash like some SE-phones. LED-flash, no thank you...

    4. Only Video calls over WiFi? OMG...

    That would be the major things...

    Morover, WOW a gyro... Nokia only had that 2 years ago...

    But one thing though... it is a very good looking phone :)

  • Armanius
    Armanius Posts: 42
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    dont forget that all smart phones with touch screen copied iPhone. its to early to get happy about HTC EVO. there were a lot of "iphone killers" but none of them succeeded and im sure Evo will be one of the failures!

    sorry for my bad English.

  • SteveJobs
    SteveJobs Posts: 14
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    I must say, I'm glad that it's not people like you that like the iPhone. Your intelligence level really shows a lot of points. I hope you enjoy your EVO for the next 30 days until HTC decides it time to feed you more in another device that makes you drool but can't have because you're only 33 days into your new Sprint contract. There are so many devices out there that try to mimmic the iPhone and never do. The iPhone has had 3, now going on 4 different devices and has lead the pack. Where just like Windows, Android has tens of devices that crash, overheat, lag, and overall provide a terrible end user experience. So Apple made $800 million on battery replacement? I'd like to know where you get your facts and also, how much money did BlackBerry owners, HTC owners and any other mobile device owners spend on BUYING extra batteries?! Ha, you are something else guy. And just an FYI, iPhone has cases and external batteries that more than double the battery life. Enjoy your EVO troll.

  • samsung jack10835
    samsung jack10835 Posts: 26
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    iphone4 forever evo not forever

  • SteveJobs
    SteveJobs Posts: 14
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    How about the casing and the genius engineering? The Video calls only over WiFi isn't limitations to the iPhone it's still being worked out with the "carriers." Anyone notice How Carriers was made plural during the Keynote? The screen is crazy, the size is better (who wants to hold a huge brick to their face??), and the iOS is the BEST. Not to forget the AppStore and all the greatness that supplies. Really, there will be not stopping iPhone until Apple does so itself. Flash is trash, multitasking is unnecessary most of the time, and as far as any other "touch screen" phones go, seriously, type as fast as you can on those things and let me know how that works... Cause it's REALLY bad. I'm not some FanBoy I review a lot of phones and to say that ANY mobile phone on the market right now is garbage would be nothing short of ignorance. As far as reliability, quality and consistency goes, Apple is the King of the mountain and will be for a while. It's like someone trying to beat SquareSoft(SquareEnix) at making a classic RPG, it's not going to happen /end rant.

  • Dobi
    Dobi Posts: 7
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    It's funny how these bloggers trying to push incredible down peoples' throat when all everyone is talking about is HTC EVO 4G vs iPhone.

    This Applefanboy punk puts an incredible video instead of EVO 4G.


  • SlySuerman
    SlySuerman Posts: 1
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    evo vs. Iphone
    well lets see...
    Iphone hands down.
    i mean evo is nice but the carrier sucks so it has 4g but sprint has almost no towers so who cares. driod love the key board and memory card expansion same as evo but its a Verizon phone which has better coverage then sprint but still drops calls like a bi#ch.
    everyone bitches about tethering who gives a **** jailbreak. at&t did bad and good with offering lower prices on data for cheap asses that dont want to pay 30 bucks a month good idea bad that they wont offer the unlimited but i can still keep it and who real dowloads a lot not on wifi anyways its everywhere.

  • KLG
    KLG Posts: 2
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    Actually the LG Prada was the first phone with touchscreen recognition in the world. Apple just released theirs first.

  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    I noticed that as well.. lol

    I don't know why anyone really debates and argues which phone is better.. there is never going to be a straight answer. It just depends on the people.

    I'm sure someone in this world would prefer to have Nokia 2110 to any other phone just because they like that it gets the job done.

    Who makes better phones.. HTC or Apple? It's an endless battle that will never end just like the whole Mac vs PC.

    There will always be a battle. Just shut up and enjoy your phone.

    CLOCKWORK Posts: 5
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    carrierS because the iphone is sold in more countries (other countries = more carriers).

    the developers there were from 57 different countries so he had to address it plural

  • Dobi
    Dobi Posts: 7
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    iPhone4 (FAKE 4G) is a COPYCAT OF HTC EVO 4G(the original and only 4G network run phone)

    iPHone tried to steal the thunder by FAKELY naming it's iPhone under '4' trying to confuse consumers into thinking that it runs on 4G network. iPhone is not capable of running on 4G network, the faster network. Only HTC EVO 4G is capable of running on 4G network.

  • Dobi
    Dobi Posts: 7
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    iPhone4 (fake 4) was a FLOP.

    No sooner did iPhone4 unmasked, the EVO 4G superphone was soldout all over the country, even Sprint online.

    It looks like everyone was dissappointed with iPhone4, not much of an improvement. So, those who were holdingout buying EVO 4G to see what the latest iPhone had to offer were HUGELY DISSAPPOINTED..They rushed to buy HTC EVO 4G. But they were too late.

  • Dobi
    Dobi Posts: 7
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    With iPHone, you can't even video chat at all, Jobs couldn't even chat on WiFi. iPhone glitch Malfunction thwarted the demonstration. THen he blamed it on the WiFi, just like blaming everything on ATT, and Adobe

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    I've had a jailbroken 3GS for about a year now. Infinitely better than a jailed iPhone, but there's still so many things that piss me off about it after using my friend's HTC Incredible.

    Mostly, I hate AT&T, the lack of Google Apps integration, lack of free GPS, lack of Maps layers, lack of removable battery and lack of removable memory. That's not to say new android phones don't have their flaws, but there's just so many damn manufactures and people working together to advance android devices that they'll always be on the consumer-driven cutting edge.

    Don't get me wrong, I do like the jailbroken 3GS, but I'm definitely an iphone-to-android convert.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    STOP SPAMMING man. you are such an annoying ****.

    your opinions are based on pure bullshit. if u hate the phone so much then **** off from the forum.

    i feel iPhoneHacks (in comparison to other forums) has a decent percentage of people who come up with good comments. you seriously take a gun to that average and shoot it.

    "It looks like everyone was dissappointed with iPhone4, not much of an improvement. So, those who were holdingout buying EVO 4G to see what the latest iPhone had to offer were HUGELY DISSAPPOINTED..They rushed to buy HTC EVO 4G. But they were too late."

    are you fucking serious? you should become a sensational journalist. /rant
    Ok, the iPhone 4, in my opinion, quite a beautiful phone. Ive used the EVO, and its really not T H A T bad...but it honestly feels like a brick. its sickeningly large. Android, yeah its amazing in its own right. But honestly, i prefer iOS because it does what i need it to, yeah it has lame limitations but thats part of it. its about the choice a person would make.

  • ATThater
    ATThater Posts: 1
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    I hate the argument that everyone makes concerning jailbreaking. I believe a device that is purchased by a private party should be fully customizable out of the box. It's great that jailbreaking is an option but I seem to remember just two months ago, tons of people around the world having useless phones because of apples attempts to stop the jailbreaking community. I personally had to wait 2 - 3 months for the spirit jailbreak to come out after I purchased a 3gs with 3.1.3 already on it. Jailbreaking is a great idea and I love the fact that it is available, but when I think about the fact that in most cases WE are completely dependent on it to fully enjoy the "best phone on the market" I get a little sick to my stomach.

    Also, consider this, ATT has a failing network. Apple exclusivity must be nice for ATT, but now they have gotten to the point where making a simple phone call is becoming almost impossible. Supporting both the iPhone and iPad is becoming a huge burden for them. So much a burdern that they are forced to introduce 3G data caps. I'm sorry, but I go way over 2 gig in data usage every month so this just isn't going to work for me anymore.

    To cap this topic off, jailbreakers are all saying that facetime will work over 3G if you get My3G. True, but do you really want to be on the ATT network when EVERY iPhone user does this? I tremble at the thought of how ATT is going to handle this increased network load. Oh, I forgot, they won't handle it. Not until late 2012 when they are supposed to START their network upgrades.

    In the end, I still think iPhone is a great purchase and iPhone 4 is looking very tempting. But, and this is a huge but, what good is a bad ass iPhone 4 when you are stuck on what I believe is the worst cellular network? I will be purchasing an Evo, not because I see a major upgrade in it from the iPhone (although it kind of is compared to the 3gs), but because I'm sick and tired of ATT screwing me.

  • Khattak
    Khattak Posts: 1
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    will go for iphone4. HD2 sucks.

  • Ryland
    Ryland Posts: 2
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    The biggest note i see in this debate is clearly carriers, and being able to video chat over them. Att has only a 3g network yes however its the fastest, yes i know that ppl have "dropped" calls, but you must be in an area with several hundred thousand to millions of ppl trying to access the network at any one time that could mess up any carrier including VZ or Sprint, but wait sprint doesnt have that many customers haha. ok back on topic, the 3g speeds and ability of the ATT service are faster and can access data as well as make a phone call trump VZ and some bs thing called 4g. By the end of the year ATT should have its 3g++ network which would allow for faster than 4g downloads and stabilize the network in high population areas. Can anyone say what Sprint or VZ is doing for its coverage or speed area? ohh thats right basically nothing. If those companies were to get an iphone they would be crushed under network stress and the likes, but they cant offer the phone because of the networks they use sooo never mind about that. Lets talk about the video conference. mr. SJ said that no video over 3g in 2010, so in 2011 when the new 3g++ for ATT is going to be ready we will prolly get video chat. However, how often are you going to use that function? i see it as a 20% of phone calls maybe because it is not a function that is needed for most calls. Ok so as an iphone user i have to video chat over a wifi darn i guess if i really really needed video chat i could go to starbucks lol. What will sprint give me? oh wait i moved six feet to my right and lost service hold on....oh ok got it back. give me a break. I know ive brought all this up with no real facts but playing around with my gfs incrediable (which your right is not the EVO4, but same processor camera and everything else just on VZ network) my 3gs is more consistant and quicker at finding things. oh but i forgot i dont have navigation, but i have the best GPS home program, and i can read directions! damn it i thought i was supposed to b a monkey not a thinking and learned human....I could continue this like how the screen sensitivy sucks and its user friendly oh wait i think android forgot what that means lol.....With everything that Apple and ATT have going for it the other carriers are always trying to catch up no matter what. I dont care if HTC or Motorlla get new techs in their phones first you know Apple and Steve Jobs wont make mistakes or buggy products. They are solid and will beat anything on the market.

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Thanks for highlight it, fixed it.

  • Jesse
    Jesse Posts: 38
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    All I have to say is many phones have come and gone claiming to be iPhone killers. I'm still waiting for those to actually kill the iPhone, but it seems to me that won't happen any time soon. KEEP TRYING IPHONE KILLERS

  • MK
    MK Posts: 64
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    We have a corporate account with both, Sprint and ATT. I personally have an iPhone 3GS at the moment and was actually considering getting EVO until I saw it on Iterop conference.
    EVO is much bulkier and havier than iPhone, which was a huge turn off for me since I do a lot of international traveling for work. I was told by the Sprint rep that EVO has even worse battery life than my current iPhone, which has been one of my beef points with iPhone.
    Another major reason not to get EVO is that it has no international coverage as don't most of the Sprint phones. So just imagine, you are taking a vacation or going for a work related trip outside of North America and your EVO is as good as trash, unlike iPhone.

  • dark
    dark Posts: 15
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    I had the iphone 3G and now the 3GS. My nephew has the EVO and we are in a 4G area. I have to say that from what I've heard of the iphone 4G, the EVO is much better. That thing is nice. He already has a custom rom on the phone which make flash video sites work perfectly now. Video conferencing works to and from any phone that supports it, were as the iphone app will limit you to only iphone users. Its possible Qik for iphone or some other app will let iphone users get around this but who knows. I have to say I have enjoyed both my iphones but I may be one of many to jump ship to a different handset. Apples refusal to support flash is a big issue for a lot of people.

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    I don't own an EVO, I don't plan on buying an EVO... and I'm not a kid. I'm an electrical engineer and I like my gadgets and it's impossible to not read this and not see the article purposely left out key features that the EVO has over the iPhone. I'm befuddled on how you can say that having a standardized HDMI output isn't a selling point over a proprietary locked down customized apple cable.... or how you can say that it's "reaching"...

    Also.. I specifically said that the iPhone 4 has a higher resolution screen... not sure where you're going with that. All I was trying to get at was the ONLY things that this new iteration of the iPhone does that no other phone currently does.. or has... is the screen resolution and including a gyro. I'm not really sure how you can deny that.

    I guess you could say that Apple finally (I think) is allowing you to actually group your program shortcuts into relevant categories (... folders)... something that I could do on my ancient SE P900 from around 7 years ago.

    I'm not trying to say that the iPhone is a bad phone. They're great technology. I'm trying to point out that quite a few people (including you, apparently) are so blinded by the Apple logo that you ignore the fact that there's equally good hardware and software available elsewhere that can do just as much... if not more.... that the iPhone platform...and it did it first.

    I had video conferencing over 3G with my front facing camera on my SE P1i over 3 years ago. ... and I'm sure it wasn't the first that could do it, either. Why is the iphone limited to doing it over wifi?

    As anyone over at MADE magazine would say... "if you can't open it... you don't own it"... so unless you jailbreak so you can install the software that Apple doesn't force at you in the market you and aren't afraid to open it up to change your own battery... it's not really yours.

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    They posted an OTA update within a day or two of that coming to light that fixed the problem.... which pretty much lined up with the actual public release date of the phone....

    Do you want to bring up how Jobs fell flat on his face with his wifi video conferencing demo?
    Sometimes things happen... at least they took action and fixed it quickly.

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    What's with all of you Apple fanboys calling everyone "kid"?

    And that "mike" isn't the same mike as me that posted up above.

    Anyways... up above I wasn't trying to say that the EVO is necessarily better. I was pointing out that a number of things were left out of this comparison that could easily sway an "ease of use" person once they realize they can change their battery at will and use the HDMI cable they already have.

    People should be fully informed before making decisions.

    Oh and... yea, I have a friend who's been hardcore into Apple since the first iPhone came out and he said as much as he likes his iphone and the improvements that 4.0 appears to be bringing... he's switching to Sprint for the EVO as soon as his contract is up in February... how's that for a stat?

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    why are people talking about sprints 4g network? like its something special? 40 dollars a month for 3-6 mb download speeds in minimal areas. When att is upgrading their network 14.4 hspa+ 3.5g network will be better than that crap we'll still only be paying 30 bucks.