iPhone 4 Vs. HTC EVO 4G: Which One Will You Buy?



  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    thats up to you, but if flash was so important, then apple wouldnt be breaking selling records left and right every year.

  • JoBo
    JoBo Posts: 1
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    LOL- Fastest 3G network??? Don't you mean smallest 3G network????

  • 1crazyman
    1crazyman Posts: 4
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    I love the iphone for so many reason and at the end of the day its the best phone on the U.S. market to me. Someday somebody will make a phone that will put the iphone to same but until then we are suck with the many things i and alot of people dont like about apple the company but when your #1 you do things people dont like or respect.

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    I guess the Gyro in the iphone is too help keep you balanced after leaving the apple store when purchasing your new g4 phone you'll be spinning in circles..

    So what if I am in a wifi hot spot and I want to video chat with my buddy who has a g4 too who's not in a wifi spot. Can I still call him via video? wi would you want to...

    Let me have a gyro?

  • cockmaster
    cockmaster Posts: 1
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    you guys are SERIOUSLY RIDICULOUS...both networks do have their flaws and their strengths... as the same with the Iphone and the Evo. I personally have an Evo and I LOVE IT. The Keyboard on the Android platform is flat out horrible. i can type faster and more accurately on my mothers ipod touch than on my evo Dispite the larger screen. i will give it to apple on the keyboard on the iphone. Overall Both phones are great phones. The Real major issue with the iphone is that its locked down to AT&T. personally and im sure many many more peopel agree, The day Apple Finally decides to leave that shitty AT&T Network and go with another network that can truely unlock the potential of the iphone, many more people will go iphone including myself

  • Kush Smoka
    Kush Smoka Posts: 1
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    I've seen some people mention that if VZ or sprint got the iphone, there networks would be just as bad. FALSE, if VZ Sprint, or any other new carriers got iphone, it would IMPROVE the quality of ALL networks including ATT because the data load of iphone usage would be spread over multiple networks not just one.

    the other thing is, if Iphone went to other networks, ATT would be forced to go back to unlimited data usage unless ALL the carriers capped data usage.

  • 1crazyman
    1crazyman Posts: 4
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    I don't know anything about the phone your talking about but I had the HP 6315 iqpac around 2002 or 2003 and it was touch sreen before I got my iPhone 3gs

  • damani
    damani Posts: 4
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    hmm all this complaining, why don't you compare this to a jailbroken iphone. Since most jailbreak their phone. the iphone 4 jailbroken, will be able to make a hotspot, it will get free gps, megapixals dont matter it just makes the picture big when you look at it the lens make a great picture, the iphone email is better dont waste your time thinking other wise. your just mad because you can't or will ever own a iPhone so you want to make it seen like your phone is better when it's really not. get over it people who want the iphone will get the iphone, people who want to get the evo will get the evo. it's just personal opinion. which device fits the user better. ahhh problem solved!!!

  • hate apple
    hate apple Posts: 5
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    ya kid!! why don't you read the whole comment before opening your little mouth, pay the master the fee and be an idiot , ya get the phone that used to be unlimited data for $30 a month now 2G for $25 a month did you finish high school? if not let me help you out, ATT and apple is going to shove it till it bleed with this rate plan, i can't stand apple fan boys no longer. you are an idiot boy. but again daddy pays for the phone so you should be ok.

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Lol just get whatever phone makes you happy. I've seen both, they have their plus and minuses. I went with Evo because of ATT and their crap plan pisses me off, and flash support is a big deal for me. Browsing on an iphone has always feel gimped to me.

    I hate the battery life, but then again don't be an douche and leave things like wifi and bluetooth on when you aren't using it. Once HTC has Froyo update ready, the battery life will improve as well (keep in mind Evo is running 2.1). Also, while at work I keep it plugged into my laptop...Keeps it charged/recharged.

    Fact is they sold ~400k units in the first day, and after 2-3 shipments to their stores and bestbuy, radio shacks, etc in the past week, they are still sold out with waiting lists everywhere, one week later. Evo 4 definitely has a high demand.

    Personally I think you iphone fanbois should be happy, products like EVO 4G will force Apple to continue to progress instead of resting on their laurels. But then again, ATT sucks, I sold my iphone after the frequent dropped calls, don't have nearly as much problems on my Evo. Its like owning the swiss army knife of smart phones.

  • nebihassan@hotmail.co.uk
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    i would like to know how is iphone os 4g RAM is

  • Ramineo
    Ramineo Posts: 1
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    does anyone knows how much iphone os 4g would be on pay as go 16gb

  • buglas
    buglas Posts: 1
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    I am currently trying to decide between iphone4 and EVO. Which phone should I get?

    As a note, I currently have an ancient flip-phone with Sprint service. I have never owned a smartphone.

    Taken as a whole, professional and user-based reviews of both devices seem to offer very high praise. For the way in which I anticipate using the device (texting, email, web surfing, maybe a few photos and, of course, making phone calls), I firmly believe that either device would fully meet my expectations.

    My brother-law-law is a huge apple fan. If they put an apple logo on a turd, he would buy it. Of course, he loves his iphone and has given me countless demos on all of the cool features. iphone4 sounds like it will be great, as well. My only experience as an owner of anything apple is my ipod, which I love dearly.

    A few days ago, I had the chance to play with an EVO in the SPrint store and was suitably impressed. Seemed to do everything I would want and seemed to do it well. There was a 4G connection in this particular store and the phone was very fast.

    As I see it, each has a major drawback:

    EVO: there seem to be a lot of comments/complaints about battery life.

    iphone: you are stuck with AT&T (and before anyone jumps on me, I am not saying that AT&T sucks everywhere. I am saying that, in my personal experience, I have encountered very few iphone users who have anything positive to say about their ATT experience whereas Sprint service seems to be reasonably good in my area).

    In the end, I am leaning toward EVO simply because I think the battery issue will be easier to work around than any ATT performance issues.


  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    Im sorry to say after being with the Iphone since the beginning I am leaving it for the HTC EVO. Not so much for the phone but I can no longer be raked over the coals by AT&T, I am a huge fan of apple and all their innovations, some of their snobbiness I could do without. I will always use apple products with confidence but I am done with this phone company.. SWITCH TO ANOTHER CARRIER APPLE!!

    Thank you.

  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    I'll still take iPhone over any Android crap any day :) Apple has always satisfied me. All my friends have HTC android phones and quite frankly they just aren't iPhone. Don't know how to explain it really but they feel inferior. And quite honestly, i don't give a crap about the "facts" when they don't seem to sway me at all. Apple is cutting edge in style and efficiency and always will be.

  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    Not to mention that if you Jailbreak your Iphone and use My3g you will exceed your data cap. Because in order to do face-time you need the new phone which equals new contract which equals no more unlimited 3g and your hosed! Plain and simple. I am not arguing which phone is better its simply that ATT sucks and I have had it with them Iphone or not!

  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    ATT new network by the end of the year? Hello, Im Earth have we met?

  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    Trust me the Iphone battery is no better than EVO... I have and tested both against each other.. ATT does suck thats why after almost three years I had to say goodbye to my Iphone:(

  • Apple "fanboy"
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    I think its funny how even though you think that all of us apple "fanboys" are major idiots, you're bothering to attempt to argue a point. I'm sorry but you're not going to sway me at all. APPLE is who I'll trust when it comes to pretty much anything involving technology. You won't sway me with anything you say but you still bother. You're making an argument that doesn't matter. Iphone is better for most people I think. That won't change honestly. The iPad will be in the news as will the iPhone 4, and all the rest of the iPads and iPhones. HTC is just an iphone wanna be and always will be. To each his own but I'm going with iPhone 4, 5, 6, etc. every single time.

  • mike4430
    mike4430 Posts: 1
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    Ill take the HTC evo over the iphone any day.. here is why. Iphone 4 looks nice but no huge change from the 3gs. why go pay for the new one when its almost the exact same thing as the 3gs and the iphone 3g. Nothing big ever changes with the iphone. yea the screen resolution is better so what the EVO has a 4.3 inch screen which shits on the iphones 3.5 inch screen.. steve jobs needs to change up the iphone a bit cause i dont see why you would upgrade from a 3gs to iphone 4 all because of resolution. i dont hate on the iphone i think its an amazing phone ive had it since the 2g came out but to be honest im picking the htc evo over it.

  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Thanks. A bit brash and immature but you make very good points. I am struggling to decide between these two. I have a day off tomorrow and I'm either going to go ahead and switch to sprint and buy the evo, or preorder the iphone. leaning heavily towards the evo. It has a weird screen issue, send it in and get it fixed for free. It has low battery life, turn off services you don't need, buy an extra battery and change it if you're on the go using it all day. Camera lens gets scratched? Buy a full body Zagg invisibleShield (I'm sure theres one out specially made for this phone by now.)

  • Eli
    Eli Posts: 6
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    you all can say this and that about the iphone and the evo but the truth of the matter is, this will never end. I am not an Iphone but when you have to give recognition to those that deserve it I will. And I must say that the Iphone 4 looks pretty promising, lets leave it at that. If it were not because os the AndroidOS you, Iphone fans, would never have gotten this new Iphone, so we have to give credit to HTC and Google for the Android OS. I will not go on and babble about how good or not the Evo is, because I am not a big fan of the phone either. But if I must say, Apple is making a huge mistake restricting the Iphone to AT&T. Yes in your area it might work well, but that slogan "the fastest 3g network" is just a bluff. In my area, AT&t has the most dropped calls, the worst sound quality and the highest rates. So no matter how good the Iphone4 can be, I am not getting one for myself. Sprints 4G works in about 35% of the area here so, that is not such a huge advantage. Plus the contract signing on both companies just keep me away from them. I have not tried out the Iphone4 nor the Evo first hand, but I have tried out various Android devices and the Iphone 3g and 3gs, and I will put my hands in fire for android. The earlier versions of the iphone do not stack up to the android system in no category, no matter what you iphone fans say. With the variety of android devices out in the wild with all the different carriers, the iphone brings in no competition. Period. I must say thank you to Apple and the iphone for they cause the emergence of the Android OS. Oh and the G1, did become the Iphone killer if you must know.

  • Eli
    Eli Posts: 6
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    you will make the wisest decision getting the Evo. With the new 2.2 update, that thing is gonna be the bomb. Plus, At&t coverage sucks compared to Sprints, so that would be the biggest issue. Not to mention the unlimited data plan from sprint is far better than that of At&t's plans. So I really do believe that this should be a no brainer. I the Iphone were to be available through Sprint, then good luck deciding on which one, but since that is not the case.

  • W.West
    W.West Posts: 1
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    Honestly I'm not much of an iPhone fan, but this has been the least biased(still biased some obviously) review of these 2, what I'm sure will be equally amazing phones, I have read yet.

  • Mig
    Mig Posts: 1
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    love the iphone hate at&t though ! they rape people with there data plan . Wish apple would go to verizon , F@#! At&t !!!

  • lovestephon23@yahoo.com
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    man my evo is great and i been on sprint since 1998 so i be dumb to switch 2 at&t to spend more money **** apple i was a windows mobile guy but now im lovin g my android phone hahahahaha come over to sprint

  • raj
    raj Posts: 23
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    I still prefer Iphone becoz apple is apple cannot be compared to any other phone

  • franklin
    franklin Posts: 1
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    ha nice argument, have fun paying for that at&t service, I already tethered my evo to my laptop and its amazing, no data cap and a flat fee for service. Also my phone actually works as a phone no matter how I hold it. how good is a phone that can't even make calls without dropping them? does a better screen resolution make you feel better about how the evo's service shits on the iphone? oh, and the evo is actually on a 4g network...

  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    At this point, I'm completely lost as to which phone to get. FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS HAD BOTH PHONES, which do you recommend?