iPhone 4 Vs. HTC EVO 4G: Which One Will You Buy?



  • Jobrogeo
    Jobrogeo Posts: 0
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    oh my goodness...i have never seen so many people take so much time trying to be better over another, now i don't even want to get either phones because it makes you evil, angry and hate...WOW seriously!

  • Meph
    Meph Posts: 0
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    Um no actually Samsung had touchscreen smartphones out like four years before the iphone was ever announced... better check your phone history again buddy. By the time iphone came it boasted only one feature different than previous phones, and it was highly touted in the media... What was it you ask? The pinch zoom in/zoomout feature. Yeah Apple is real innovative... they have yet to come out something first. And even when they match what is on the market they rush it and release a horribly under tested product.

    Good luck with your crap reception, dropped calls and limited data plans.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Thanks to all who've posted here - I've thoroughly enjoyed wasting a bunch of time reading through the back-and-forths. Well, not much going on in our department at work today, so more treading water than wasting time.

    Only thing I'd like to jab at, and this is manufacturer-agnostic... why on earth would anyone need 6+ hours of talk time? Maybe's just because I am antisocial and don't really wanna talk to anyone, but I can't imagine needing that much talk time between chargings on any phone. Maybe if I were a more popular fella with more friends, but geesh.

    Anyway, carry on, by all means.

  • destroyriaa
    destroyriaa Posts: 1
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    i'm going with the evo, for one simple reason OPEN SOURCE. i simply loathe apple's i-life, proprietary everything mindset. their foundation being built on unix systems is great, but i prefer open source any day. much more niche focus, hacks, etc.

  • fucking badass
    fucking badass Posts: 2
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    your a retard suwoo, he said it was better for like 10 reasons, pluss the iphone is just better becsause your an apple fan, they both have good reasons to buy them but in my opinion id rather had unlimited data instead of just 2 gigs for the same price it just seems liek the better buy unleess your an apple freak

  • fucking badass
    fucking badass Posts: 2
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    fucking apple fags i know apple is great and has a definite better os but the fact that att sux balls makes me not even want the iphone

  • Roger
    Roger Posts: 65
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    Word! Way to be. HOWEVER...BUT...UMMM...HOWEVER....UMMM... Bias article. This website is an iPhone owner circle jerk.

  • Amp37
    Amp37 Posts: 4
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    I agree plus 4g isn't hardly anywhere. Plus who the hell has 8 LAPTOPS

  • Amp37
    Amp37 Posts: 4
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    No need to say fags. Nothin wrong with bein gay. But your 1000% right apple is good with os and phone but AT&T sucks also. Just wanted to note jailbroke. Iphones are far better than normal ones. For those of u talking about googles open source approach

  • Amp37
    Amp37 Posts: 4
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    I agree I'm not an apple fan boy but for the money they make the best overall product. Also it's a mobile thing for alot of people they like having a mobile computer. Probably why ipad sold so well. (no offense to apples but ipad was dumb idea. And iPhone's multitasking and folders were Lready on jailbroken ones)

  • Amp37
    Amp37 Posts: 4
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    Uh not to be mean u made a tiny slip android is by google and windowsphone is microsoft

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Funny, iphone users..... do u think the iphone is expensive? I mean really, iPhone users seem to be the only people on the planet that do not c how arrogant they appear... think dumb asses, if the phone was really the best, everyone would simply buy one... but that isn't the case... do u think u signed on to some list no one else can find? Do u not c the prices r comparable..... come on people, android is everywhere - why is that? because u truly believe that we had to settle because u r soooooo much richer than us? People have one thing in common, the desire to hold onto ur money if possible, no one is going to pay the same price for something else if it trust inferior, but I guess ur exclusive access to the iPhone is equal to ur exclusive clarity.... u did it Apple drones... u found the best phone on the planet and u r the only ones capable of understanding that.... when will we catch up....??? The fact remains that most of the people I met switched to the iPhone because they were to special ed to figure anything out.... so maybe u asses r right the Iphone is simple and limited like it should b 4 limited people.... I get it now sell a MAC to people who r too stupid 2 know what to click on and what not to click on by limiting what u can click on.... and people please atop talking about jailbroke phones..... unless u want to hear about what a rooted Android can do..... BTW, I have an ipod and it was good.... 4 years ago... so don't mention the built in ipod... especially while I am creating playlists rearranging songs and deleting songs I don't want right from my phone without itunes.. while writing this and watching flash on my true multitasking phone...

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    No problems with the Evo here... now what r u going to say? Oh I know your going to say how easy it is to find stuff like say music attachments in an email but can't save them to the hard drive.... iPhone.... whatever. Hard to break a rock cause a rock does nothing.... had my Evo since June 4th unlike the reviewers and other schmucks out there that decided on how good a device was they never used after just a couple of days.... is no one going to point out how amazing this device is and is only version 1? U people r proud of the iPhone that barely beats (and it doesn't) a phone that is first gen... u guys r on what? Gen 4 and people for the first time ever r unclear which phone is better... that says a lot and that cannot be explained away...

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    By onslaught do u mean so popular it crushed the server.... the ones with gigs and gigs of RAM? Again Android is about freedom... we can actually switch from qik to fring without permission, if we want a different video app..... how quickly does jobs grant that permission....? go ahead ... put on your knee pads and send him a request via email.... watch ur data cap though....

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    U can leave out the sent from iPhone part... we see the typos just fine... Android has only been around for about 2 or so years... and has already caught up.... as far as the ipads r concerned... well, if I though it wasn't u same idiots buying those as well I would be impressed.

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Because it is a mobile device dumb ass... who the Hell wants to have to hook up to a computer and use itunes....

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Really no one? Maybe u can find an app to help u count.... plenty of people r in love with their evo.... me included...

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Mike u dumb ass they're calling u kid because the only people that find the iPhone neat are 12 years old... they simple assume we Android users r kids to. Mike let me help u buddy. IPhone guys listen up ur fart apps r cool mike is sorry this retard like myself use our phones for productivity.... can u say productivity kids.... I know Google it... or does Apple have a search engine... I don't know Google makes apps for iPhone but I haven't seen Apple apps for Google I don't think.... hmmm **** now what r these "Ichildren" gonna do....? Ok u kids know the word useful?

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Ur funny does that rant also come with intelligence? Or do we need to jail break ur ass with a foot to get something useful out of u?

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    No reason to feel lost. any phone that streams news, Facebook, weather, etc at the same time will die quickly... simply turn off what u do not need.... no phone collects that much data at the same time.... I get lots of hours use on my Evo.. 6 to 7 hours easily with extreme surfing, texting, and YouTube hq use.. plus lots of music use and podcasts....

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    No but a bark collar would work right about now.... the battery dies fast because the Evo is hard to put down LOL.... u tool.

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Yeah, thankfully Google make iPhone apps... real cool company.... even Verizon turned down iPhone....

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    The > is a greater sign for all u Apple fans out there... I know most of u iPhone users r still taking math classes in grade school... just trying to help...

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    For simple iPhone users with their heads so far up their asses they forget to hold onto their phones... not that they watch where they are driving either.... cause the heads r in their iPhone as well..

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    While u r busy correcting everyone's math then explain why everyone doesn't own an iPhone or mac... do u think we over looked some exclusive sign in sheet that u, the superior being was given access to? Are u really that cool.... huh guy? If iPhone was the beat we would all simply own it... we have access to money too.

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Yeah, we simple android owners envy your fart apps... jail break an android phone? R u new? Jail breaking is for restricted phones.... not free open to use Android phones.... so few people break into jail....? No, people tired of restrictions break out of jail... go surf with some great whites.....

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Shouldn't u be in bed? Let the adults talk.. and quit with the WiFi ****, Evo users are too busy with things like options and freedom.... of course we have multitasking, and are free from thoughts like "when will Verizon get the iPhone" which helps... come on people no one here has actually heard the phrase regarding the strongest part is only as strong as the weakest, blah, blah? The phones r data intensive and u have crappy ATT... fail fail fail.. iPhone done..... b gone and move forward... I have looked towards new technology my whole life and the iPhone 4 is the most boring announcement made this year.... video conferencing is the most exciting part of this iPhone and u stupid bastards know damn well u may use it like once in ur two year bloated contract...... and its not even a feature that is new in the last 12 months.... even phone before the Evo had this....

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Saying **** is not proper for little girls... or r u a boy....? Any way to to bed already...

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Don't bother with the kill part, you will already be an old man when Verizon turns down the limited iPhone a second time...

  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Cause android is been around for what a couple of years or so? And Android has caught up this fast....? IPhone days r numbered..... no tons of people going from iPhone to Android, know no one going to iPhone from Evo.... the whole world uses a Google product of some kind. But the "imorons" only have jobs as a resource for what they can and should know...