iPhone 4 Reception Problem: Multiple Class-Action Lawsuits Filed Against Apple

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageiPhone 4 Reception Problem: Multiple Class-Action Lawsuits Filed Against Apple

At least three class-action lawsuits have been filed against Apple over the iPhone 4 reception problem in the past couple of days. These lawsuits have been filed in the US District Courts in California, Maryland and Texas. The plaintiffs have accused Apple on ten counts that include charges like unfair...

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  • L8te9ight
    L8te9ight Posts: 18
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    Give me a F-N break. Plz. Take the phone back and get a refund if you are not satisfied. Simple as that!

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    That's the bottom line. Luckily I haven't purchased one yet but I still might, and try it,,if no good- hello refund hello android.

  • Buy junk
    Buy junk Posts: 1
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  • Joker69
    Joker69 Posts: 8
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    This is the best thing that could ever happen!! The Hitler they call "Steve Jobs" is finally going to eat his own words... And hopefully AT&T will suffer greatly from this to, because their network completely sucks!

    I hope both are scared for life for this BULLSHIT they call a monopoly. **** APPLE and the horse (AT&T) they rode in on....

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    yeah for me the lawsuit is good... let rock apple...they think all consumer are stupid & dumb like others...but to tell you not all are ignorant...F U C K you APPLE....gonna return my IPHONE 4 but i need all 100% refund plus the activation fee i paid...

  • L R S
    L R S Posts: 15
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    u want a break stay off the F N site

  • everyone
    everyone Posts: 2
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    And pay a 10% restocking fee? For a defect that was known by the company before they sold it to you? **** apple and **** YOU!

  • L8te9ight
    L8te9ight Posts: 18
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    I didn't ask for you opinion. It was a statement smartass.

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    Monopoly? You idiot, there are litterally thousands of models of phones for you to choose from and several wireless providers. You don't have to get an iPhone so you don't have to choose AT&T. So where is this monopoly you speak of? Or do you even have an F-ing clue what the word means?

  • L8te9ight
    L8te9ight Posts: 18
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    I agree about the 100% refund and activation. That should be what the lawsuit is about. Not because of a bunk phone release.

  • L R S
    L R S Posts: 15
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    go kill your self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Hell yeah these lawsuits are justified. That statement released today makes me want to punch Jobs in the face. They still haven't made any acknowledement about the problem being the connection between antennas. I don't care what they do with the bars visually. It isn't going to keep my calls from dropping. Now they will just point to AT&T.

    Instead of taking responsibility Apple will probably start saying that AT&T needs to increase their signal strenth by, oh I don't know, 24db. They already made a cosmetic change to the bars a while back to make it look like the iPhone was getting better reception than it was. Now it is biting them in the ass. Now they are going to change it back to benefit themselves once again.

    "We have discovered the cause of this dramatic drop in bars, and it is both simple and surprising."

    Surprising? What is sad is they don't even mention the real issue. They got one thing right. It is simple. Don't create a connection between the antennas. So I guess their solution is to make the drop appear less "dramatic". I guess they figure dropping from 2 or 3 to 0 isn't as bad as from 5 to 0. But guess what? My call will still drop.

    I hope these lawsuits force them to come clean. Or maybe they will just continue to be stubborn until this bankrupts them.

  • Joker69
    Joker69 Posts: 8
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    I'm five... and I have no clue what that word mean... Retard! So **** off...

  • apple fan
    apple fan Posts: 4
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  • Joker69
    Joker69 Posts: 8
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    Damn, I cannot even complete sentences either or use proper English... I need to move out of the "red-neck" part of the state and try to go to school all over again...

    Plus, several wireless providers, meaning the 4 BIG wireless providers or all the smaller ones that use the larger providers networks...

    I mean, what **** hole do you live in?

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    You need psychiatric guidance.

  • cave
    cave Posts: 15
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    Apple announced today that its been the greatest return defective product day of all time with 1.699995 of there new Iphone 4 the other 5 were too stupid to realize Apple sucks. Offical steve jobs **** sucker L8te9ight went on to say i luv steve jobs cum on my chin and if i hold his **** the right way no loss of reception to his mouth

  • Money Over Bitches
    Money Over Bitches Posts: 17
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    RIGHT. **** YOU L8te9ight!!!!!

  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    Well I just something else out, Apple has been fooling everyone about there signal strength. Here's the link. And even with 1 or 2 bars, service on my old 3g was good. Besides the dropped calls lol. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Apple-stunned-to-find-iPhones-apf-1175483258.html?x=0

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    LOL...agree to that....

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    What do u think guys? Let try return it all so that they will truly fix the problem not hide it in some ways...let make apple beg to buy their stop again...if we all do it we can make a voice over it....

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    the lawsuit is pretty much correct, they hid the problem from consumers, even they know something wrong with it....why the hell they made the bumper case for? to make more money out of their own mistakes, how bad is that?

  • L8te9ight
    L8te9ight Posts: 18
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    I never said I liked or disliked iphone 4 or any apple products for that matter. What I said was "IF YOU DONT LIKE THE PRODUCT TAKE IT BACK AND GET A REFUND!" Now the issue with not getting a 100% refund would be a justifiable reason to file suit over.

  • L8te9ght
    L8te9ght Posts: 1
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    Exactly, Prove your unhappy by returning the item. Not complaining about it. The lawsuit that was filed doesnt appear to show any merit other than "apple" may have lied. It's going to be hard for the courts to prove "apple" had previous knowledge of all the issues. In my opinion apple surely must have known there were issues with the signal etc. Speculation doesnt win lawsuits, merit and provable factual information does. HOW WILL THE COURT PROVE APPLE HAD PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THIS? <<< THEY CAN'T

  • Crapple
    Crapple Posts: 3
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    Wasn't this signal drop the same type of problem that plagued the 3g when it first came out? I guess the "APPLE" doesn't fall far from the tree. HaHa

  • Wappahaha
    Wappahaha Posts: 1
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    I don't understand. If u don't like apple or iPhone products y the **** r u here!!!

  • FUCK L8te9ight
    FUCK L8te9ight Posts: 1
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    U lil little steve job **** sucker L8te9ight. U can go have a latenight Steve Job and ATT all day long. This law suit is much needed I HOPE ATT goes out of business and APPLE GET there **** right a provid quality phone. We want the best, so we dont have to **** with the rest.

  • Symph
    Symph Posts: 14
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    Lol. You people with no lives. All this internet beef is hilarious. As long as Apple doesn't go outta business.:. I could care leas about the rest. At the end of the day win or lose how much is this gonna affect you peoples lives.

  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    Fucking lawyers trying to make a buck over bullshit. These class action lawyers need to find some honest work and not gum up the gears of society with their slimy scumbag nonsense.