iPhone 4 Reception Problem: Multiple Class-Action Lawsuits Filed Against Apple



  • Cozze02
    Cozze02 Posts: 39
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    Why don't you just not come back on this site ever again, that would make me happier than anything you ****!

  • Herder
    Herder Posts: 2
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    I know a sheep when I see one and my friend you are by far one of the biggest I have seen.

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    do you think lawyers are dumb...tell me when APPLE made a case?only this time steve even presented that on the WWDC2010... dont be so dumb...

  • Hmmm i see
    Hmmm i see Posts: 13
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    how long til apple start blaming the networks?
    no way apple will own up to their own mistakes.

    like the Flash issue. Apple OSs cant run flash properly so they blame Adobe even tho flash works fine on all other OSs. had flash on an old windows mobile HTC s620 (terrible phone) still ran flash fine tho.

    i liked the iphone 3gs (when jailbroken) but i hate apple, they lie and treat thier customers like idiots.

    am sure Adolf Steve jobs thinks he's god and everyone is his pawns.

  • Grow up
    Grow up Posts: 4
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    You are one of the most ignorant people I have seen on this site. When I come across many outrageous and blatantly ignorant comments you are one of the main people who post them. You really need grow up. Why don't you let everyone hear your defense for Apple's actions? I'm sure we are all dying to hear it.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Wow thats a lot of flaming!

  • SSS
    SSS Posts: 7
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    Then how do you explain the bumper which is the first time Apple have officially released a case and that only covers the antenna?

  • Wake up
    Wake up Posts: 2
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    What are you talking about? Most people hear probably own an iPhone because they liked and wanted it. Even this website has somewhat conceded that Apple are wrong.

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    I do think that Apple believes their customers are somewhat ignorant, although that does not merit the bull **** that i have seen come from the company. I bought a new iPhone 4 and have not been able to reproduce this problem, although I do believe it may be a case by case basis. Like ur hands are more sweaty than mine which provides better conductivity. At the same time my old 3GS does have far worse reception on iOS 4 than ever before. I guess we will see what happens when the update comes out.

  • Kaint We all juss get along?
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    Okay l8ght9ight has had enuff. Please top the cyberbullying.

  • Akakig
    Akakig Posts: 16
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    i feel all iphones will be recalled and antennas will get coating...and all of you will be happy.
    So stop arguing and cursing , think this way, some of us are saving money for a long time to buy this phone and what we get is piece of faulty hardware. Not fair I think.
    But it is not a big deal, if apple decides not to be an ars and treats customers good and does exchanges all of you will be happy. As for me, I’m in Canada and I don’t even know when that phone will come here, and if it still fuc*s up reception I’ll just buy cover on ebay for $4 or coat with transparant nail polish :))))
    say what you want and let others say, don't fight, at the end we are all just the figgin' apple's consumers...

  • From Flaming to Funny
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    ... Or that your hands are fatter than mine, thereby, causing more insulation to hold the signal. LOL. Let's all keep this string going with other funny reasons why this could be a case by case issue!

  • nomos
    nomos Posts: 19
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    it's about time that apple gets sued for their fucking arrogance

  • endri
    endri Posts: 27
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    I agree with you guys!!! **** Apple and iPhone 4. I just got a bumper today and it still does the same f**king thing!!! Holding the phone with the bumper on I still lost 4 bars!!! The bumper was supposed to fix this but I just ended up spending some more money on a phone that doesn't get reception!!!! My battery is draining like crazy too!! 40% more battery life my di*k!!!

  • endri
    endri Posts: 27
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  • endri
    endri Posts: 27
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    I think we need him/her. Its kind of entertaining to make fun of lol

  • Arran
    Arran Posts: 19
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    I can't wait to see steve jobs eat his fucking words! Does he think were all dumb ass fucks? There is a pro lem with the bars reading right! What a bunch of ****! Why would the calls drop then? I have had many conversations with apple about this and they are all trained to dodge the problem! It's fucking bullshit! I hope they loose there ass!!!!! And I want an iPhone that works right

  • endri
    endri Posts: 27
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    I dont think there is going to be a recall!! I think they will just give iPhone 4 owners free bumpers!!! Who knows!! Even though I have a bumper and I still lose signal!!

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    What"s next? Mr. blow Jobs gonna tell us to wear fucking aluminum underwear and strap hi-def rabbit ear antenna on a hat? And what is this **** about an error in the signal strength bars? Bull ****!! Does that mean when I hold my phone and it goes all the way to zero bars and searching that it is just a display problem. I actually have negative 2 bars and almost searching. WTF?

  • Fuck you all
    Fuck you all Posts: 1
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    **** you all hating on L8te9ght. I'm posting this on my iPhone 4 that says I have no signal right now do exactly what he says and return the damn thing if you don't like it. It's only been a fucking week. Give apple a chance to fix things

  • Stop whining
    Stop whining Posts: 1
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    Hey ya that's great let's have the "F"ing lawyers file a suit so they can make money and mabey if we're lucky apple will not make a new model would'nt wouldn't great. No more new products. Stop whining I got my IPhone by 820am on release day and it's only left my hand when I've been asleep & it's the greatest phone / portible device ever. Yes I can duplicate the bar problem but as long as I have a bar or two it's fine. Yes I bought & use a bumper cover but that was more to cover the glass edges then for reception & of couse I'd like to get my extra $30 back but do I think that apple owes it to me? Not yet & 1.7 mil users agrea with me from the last numbers that I read. It your iPhone sucks that bad return it. I bet sprint will give you a great deal on an evo for $199. But I'll still have an iPhone and be very happy with it.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ..............................................

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    lol.. right on! **** you!!! pay my restocking fee for me ****!

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    go **** yourself chris

  • nice try
    nice try Posts: 3
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    I have a feeling this is L8te9ght under the disguise of a different name.

  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    lol it's attenuation not insulation. If ur hand is fatter than mine therefore your hand has more water in the fat than tendons and muscles so there will be higher attenuation of the signal. F U water the thing that makes life possible in this planet i can't use my iphone 4 because of u!!!!

  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    ppl need to stop bashing att for signal issues now and in the past. Where i live verizon blows and att gets better coverage so guess what i switched to att. Signal will be different for every city stop complaing NON ISSUE. Now the whole thing about bridging the antenna and the attenuation of the signal is an issue u can complain about that.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    Calm down kids it's a phone not a matter of life and death, and is there really any need for that sort of language ?

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    So is it ok to upgrade to ios4 on a 3gs???
    I'm reading some folks are getting the signal issues after that upgrade too?
    It's fkn hard to know the truth on here these days.

  • FoSho
    FoSho Posts: 1
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    They made a case for the iPad. I feel like everyone is right though.. they seem like they are just trying to make more money and cover their asses..

    I have an iPhone 4 but I haven't had any issues with my reception or anything.. I'v tried it but weird..